Nessa Ellenesse's page

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It won't download

If you want to update the Ultimate Magus for pathfinder give it full casting for both classes at all 10 levels. it's the only way to make it comepetive with PIAZO's new and improved Mystic Thurge. The most likely reason Ultimate Magus missed out 3 levels of being able to up both classes is there are only two other classes that blend two different spell casting classes one of them is Mystic Thurge which does so but offerenc no class features what so ever. With path finder offerinc Archanist and a Mystic Thurge with class feature I feel an ultimate Magus updated for Pathfinder would be owed full spell casting for both classes at all 10 levels

I was searching for information on redeeming dragons and found this old thread.

There are some things in 3.5 to look to where you might find some helpful information though not answers

Monster Manutal 2 there is a race of crystal dragons steal white dragon eggs to reaise them to be good

Dracominicaon spells it out. Wymlings regard nondragons foster parents as captors at worst, well meaning fools at best. No nondragon can sucessfully raise a dragon of opposing alignment on either the good/evii or law/ chaos axis. It's not that it can't be done, it is very doubtful that a nondragon could do so.

Abraham spalding wrote:

Many metaphysical types regularly suggest that using magic on a forming child is a very bad idea for many of the same reasons that we are so careful about what drugs are given to pregnant women.

As a GM you are entering very difficult territory -- I would suggest a talk with the player involved with some material about actual pregnancies and what the player wants to be able to do.

While pregnancy as a whole has some "generalities" every pregnancy is different (even with the same woman), due to so many factors I'm not even going to try and list them.

I think that having a solid idea of what to expect during the different stages of pregnancy would be vital and then leave what happens from an adventuring stand point up in the air until you get to points that it needs to be covered.

Except death of the mother

Well that sucks. Not everyone wants to be a single class caster and with their changing concentration from a skill check to a caster level check it really hurts multiclassed characters. Furthermore it is bring one of the worst aspects of 4th edition into pathfindee. If they didn't want multiclassed characters they should have left mystic thurge out.

Trying to force characters onto particular play styles and penalizing them for wanting to do something out of the box is not fun. And the purpose of playing a game is to have fun

Ok do they really think the item is cursed or are they just trolling the guy. What evidence do they have. What is the reading behind their judgement. Have they tried identify? If they are unwilling to have analyze denomer cast on it, they may have an ultior motive for wanting to get the item away from him. It could be an item someone else wants or they want to sell it for gold. It would not be the first time something like that happened.

So I am playing a wizard. I manage to get my hands on a scroll of wish. Several game sessions later the ranger needs a ton of gold for a magic item he wants made. He and the monk are taking about how to come up with the gp. The ranger says something to the effect of the wizard has this scroll of wish why don't we sell it. That should give us enough money. The monk (who wasn't a member of the party when she got the scroll) comes to her knowing she only has a few gold pieces and demands his share of the scroll's market value and if she can't pay off him and the rest of the party, sgmhe has to sell the scroll and forfeit all the gold. The ranger backed him up to.Player greed sometimes knows no end. Thankfully the rouge and the cleric backed her up.

This spell conjures a lot of food, can you take it with you when the spell ends or even just outside the mansion during the spell's duration

I just noticed the misspelling. I have auto spell and spellcheck and if you're not careful stuff like that can happen. Now where is that edit button.

Is there a class that boosts both arcane and divine spell casting other than mystic thurge?

When 3.5 was converted to pathfinder, why were certain mass spell, like darkvison mass, resist and resist engery mass changed to comunual spells? Comunual spells are not worth casting ever. You use a higher level spell slot to split the same duration among multiple people.compared to mass spells they are worthless.

For mystic thurge I would recommend the following feats, boon companion and praticed spellcaster for both base classes. I wanted to do this for my character, but my DM won't allow 3rd party feats. He also pulled a bait and switch. Before the campaign started I asked him if I could bring in some 3.5 content.He said yes. After the game got going he refused every request I made for any 3.5 content.