Negao's page

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Good evening.

Where can i find vermin shape III ?
The Rot Warden shows it in his LVL 12 Wild shape ability. archetypes/rot-warden-druid-archetype/

But its not on the website.

Not even in the Ultimate Wilderness book.

James Jacobs wrote:
Negao wrote:

Hi there.

Can an Ocean's Echo Oracle, using a Banner of the Ancient Kings, with enough use magic device bonus get the benefit of the last paragraph of (BotAK)?

Even though the (BotAK) says "A bard who carries..." it buffs only the Bardic Performance Inspire Courage, wich the Ocean's Echo Oracle does have with her class feature Inspiring Song(EX).

Using UMD would provide her the ability to get Bardic Performance Inspire Courage as a 'true' Bard ? And that would sinergize with her own Inspire Courage from the Ocean's Echo Oracle ?

Thanks in advance.

Your GM will need to decide this. I don't answer rules questions here, and I'm not comfortable answering questions for players like this since that implies that my answers supersede those of a player's GM.

I understand, i will talk with my GM, but where else i can find rule clarification about this question ?

Hi there.

Can an Ocean's Echo Oracle, using a Banner of the Ancient Kings, with enough use magic device bonus get the benefit of the last paragraph of (BotAK)?

Even though the (BotAK) says "A bard who carries..." it buffs only the Bardic Performance Inspire Courage, wich the Ocean's Echo Oracle does have with her class feature Inspiring Song(EX).

Using UMD would provide her the ability to get Bardic Performance Inspire Courage as a 'true' Bard ? And that would sinergize with her own Inspire Courage from the Ocean's Echo Oracle ?

Thanks in advance.