Congratulations to Hilary and Erica! Two well-deserved Campaign Coins by constantly active and caring volunteers!
It's wonderful seeing you both hosting and helping at game days and conventions!
Glen Parnell wrote: Thankz!
Don't you mean 11-00 for the PFS up there? Don't we already have a 10-00?
Well, as far as I can gather: if they're releasing PF2 at GenCon there wouldn't be a season 11.
But yes, I'm also curious if they intend to run Hao Jin Cataclysm again.
Also with the SkalCon-ing.
Or the skittermanders thing!
(heard there may be room? Got a skittermander Solarian mostly made...)
My character is built. Just need to get its info updated on here. Didn't have time today, should have time tomorrow. Will dot in with the account, though.
So, 3 Technomancers and Alera/"Aerdriana" and I are TBD. Guess we're bringing the meat!
(I will probably build something new, and shy away from my Envoy, as I GM'd this a bit at GenCon, and would rather leave the big parts of the roleplay to someone "fresh" to the scenario)
Based on the scenario I would... can't believe I'm actually going to put this into writing!.. I would... I would like to play my dw-... dw-... ah, f***! I wanna play my g**s-d****d Dwarf!
That puts me at Level 4. With a, uh.. Dwarf...
Neal B wrote: Well, depending on what we're looking at for Tier, I have the following options available (listed in order of preference):
High Tier
Arxus, Level 5 pitborn Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae (Anti-Demon Oath)
Fuath Troichean, Level 4 Dwarf (eww) that's convinced he's a cleric of Sarenrae
Praesid of Nex, Level 4 human Armored Battlemage (magus archetype)
Low Tier
Amhranai Chluascian, Level 2 Elven Treesinger (druid archetype) with Treant Sapling companion
Brihz Wuhrn, Level 2 ratfolk vigilante (don't tell anyone, but he's also "Ratman"!)
Ugly Kidd, Level 2 half-orc brawler (he gives the best hugs!)
Slippy Frog, Level 2 grippli gunslinger (pistolero)
Saanp Vyakti, Level 2 nagaji oracle (cold-blooded curse, time mystery)
Out of Sub-Tier
Level 3, unmade credit baby.
Yeah, when I read through this at GenCon last year, I realized that speed is the way to go. Because if you have a ridiculously high speed, even failed checks can still get you a good distance. And with a mediocre pilot...UNSTOPPABLE!!!
Yeah... didn't feel like listing them out on my interest post. I got options, so I'm fine being the last in a group to commit to a character. I can fill whatever hole.
Well, depending on what we're looking at for Tier, I have the following options available (listed in order of preference):
High Tier
Arxus, Level 5 pitborn Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae (Anti-Demon Oath)
Fuath Troichean, Level 4 Dwarf (eww) that's convinced he's a cleric of Sarenrae
Praesid of Nex, Level 4 human Armored Battlemage (magus archetype)
Low Tier
Amhranai Chluascian, Level 2 Elven Treesinger (druid archetype) with Treant Sapling companion
Brihz Wuhrn, Level 2 ratfolk vigilante (don't tell anyone, but he's also "Ratman"!)
Ugly Kidd, Level 2 half-orc brawler (he gives the best hugs!)
Slippy Frog, Level 2 grippli gunslinger (pistolero)
Saanp Vyakti, Level 2 nagaji oracle (cold-blooded curse, time mystery)
Out of Sub-Tier
Level 3, unmade credit baby.
Well, looking at the table composition (2 technomancers and a solarion), I can either bring my Envoy (level 1), Mechanic (level 3), or I could build up something fresh? Mystic or Operative, maybe?
GM Woran wrote: The safe word is "zartha". Sounds too much like "Zarta," and that gets yelled out too often to be a safe word!
But agreed: safe words and consent are mandatory.
GM Woran wrote: Good thing we are going to play Starfinder then. Also, ouch!
I'm interested. I have stuff, at levels...
All this rope talk!
Do I need a safe word?
Also, I take it this is NOT an 'evergreen' adventure, despite the low level?
I know the "getting credit" portion says: once for GM, once for Player. But people will ask if there was supposed to be an exception... cue preemptive annoyance
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pithica42 wrote: I just read the chronicle sheet. Question: Does the Playing/GMing "An Entire Adventure Path Volume" mean all 6 parts of an AP, or just 1 part?
And if we're GMing either a scenario or the AP in 'Campaign Mode' does the GM sign it, or do we need to find a VO or something to sign on top of that (for the GM)? The line about the Event Coordinator is the part that's confusing. I think GM's can be their own Event Coordinators, but I'm not sure.
If GM's are allowed to sign their own boxes (for scenarios/APs they run), should they note the chronicle sheets that apply on this chronicle sheet?
Volume would be each book of an AP, not the entire AP. I believe it would need to be something "played for credit." So the person checking off the box on the chronicle here, would be the same one signing your chronicle for the AP. (Shouldn't matter if it is "campaign mode" as long as it is played "for credit" with the applicable rules for campaign mode)
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*Casts: "Summon Thursty"* to inquire about release of Society rules/chronicles and printable pregens...
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Thurston Hillman wrote: That being said, this is something that I'll add to my growing "to do" list. :) I know you're a busy man, Thursty! I was looking to see if it was covered somewhere that I missed.
You're doing a great job, keep up the fight to save the renkrodas!
So, no Promotional Boon to slot for using the Starfinder Dice Tray?
On another note, I'm just going to not-read Glastador's novel he just posted, and assume those posts won't have too much impact on the rest of the scenario. :P
I can understand an unlikely, or even unwilling, hero. Ghost Rider, Deadpool, etc. You don't always have to be nice to do good things.
However, Arxus may be able to appreciate good deeds done, while still making judgement based on temperament and discipline. He may not appreciate what he views as unnecessary confrontation between allies, but note that he still said nothing about it.
If you're talking about the discussion thread laughter. It was a joke with no intention of malice.
BARBARBARBAR wrote: Just going to leave this here... He shall officially be documented in future chronicles as:
Venture-Captain Shevar "John Compton face" Besnik
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Dierdre "Smiles" Findic wrote: We cannot get rid of Venture Captain Balentir!!
Everybody knows he is the spitting image of the esteemed Mr John Compton! Just add his glasses and doo rag, and you will see what I mean!
And it goes without saying he is dreamy!
Perhaps you're thinking of Venture Captain Shevar Besnik?
So... They just 5-foot step into the opponent's square? Provoking only from that opponent? Then stay in that square? Or are they forced back?
Just never really looked too closely at those 0-ft reach rules...
That's me! I'd be up to take the table!
Eliandra Giltessan wrote: Will we GMs who just got SFS added to our schedules today get access to the rules? I'm a subscriber, so hopefully my copy will ship soon and I'll get a pdf, but there's no guarantee of that. Same boat here.
I am sure it has to do with getting us NDAs for the preview versions of the rules.
But it's already a week and a half out for prepping all the scenarios, it'd be nice to have as much of that time to learn the new rules-system too.
If need be, I can. I've hard Arxus in PbP for a few months now, I'd like to play him around town a bit. But he's still an option.
Tier 3-4? I have an Armored Battlemage at Level 3. Otherwise most of my options are sitting at level 2.
Player Name: Neal B
Character Name: Arxus
PFS Number of Character: 89589-4
Normal|Slow Normal
In-tier?: level 4 so "yes"
Day Job roll: None
Anything else you want on the chronicle: N/A
Thanks for running the game! And thanks to the other players for a fun adventure!
Leg o' Lamb wrote: Serisan wrote: Are you dis close to disclosing? How fast can you make the Kessel Run? But the Kessel Run is measured in distance, not time...
Except alcohol. It is not tax deductible.
Pretty sure that the "uncompleted reporting" is for sessions at a location that has not "completed reporting" yet.
So if you ran at a venue that uses the same code each week, that venue has not completed reporting. Once that venue marks complete and gets a new code, those shod move to your "completed reporting."
But that's just my understanding of it.
I also got that email. But it has been almost three weeks since badges started dropping, figured I would check.
And definitely can't afford the badge myself. Just trying to get my ducks in a row.
I still have not had a badge dropped into my account. Who should I reach out to?
High-tier: level 4 Paladin of Iomedae, or level 5 Cleric of Urgathoa.
Low-tier: a lot of level 1's
Treesinger, Paladin of Shelyn, Arcanist, Cavalier, Oracle, Gunslinger.
Preference towards the Treesinger or Gunslinger.
Looks like my Paladin should still be level 4. But we already have one of those.
So, I'll be bringing my level 2 Brawler. I'll upload his stats and post in the game thread when I get home.
So I for sure have two characters in range: 2 Brawler and a 2 Armored Battlemage (magus archetype)
My cleric and paladin are either level 4 or just hit level 5. I'll have to check when I get home.
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As a player I've enjoyed countless puns and bad jokes of my own.
My favorite probably being an older scenario, run by Tom at YMB. While we explored we found some confounded laborers (kidnapped slaves or the like) and I informed them that we had cleared the way out, and they were free to head home.
"You want us to walk a thousand miles home?!"
"Yes, and when you get halfway home, I want you to loudly proclaim the story of your travels. You can call yourselves the Proclaimers!" (It took long enough for most people to get it that it almost wasn't funny by the time it was understood. But I grinned like a fool!)
Or the time Keith was GMing an interesting scenario. Final battle we are getting stomped. Cleric of Nethys Planeshifts the Big Bad to the Maelstrom.
"It has the thing we're trying to recover? Didn't it?"
"Umm..." *We search the whole place* No thing.
So! Some scrolls of Teleport, some prep of Planeshifts, and we all go to the Maelstrom, scry, teleport, finish the fight and return to Golarion in time for supper!
On the GM side of things: I always enjoy prepping a scenario that brings entertainment to others, and being dumbfounded at a group's solution to a problem that I was never expecting. (The chronicles are nice too, sometimes)
The most recent being running a group of 'misfits' through the Destiny of the Sands trilogy. Now, I say misfits because they insisted on playing up in each of the three parts, but their strongest martial characters were a level 3 cleric with 8 strength, and a level 1 druid's animal companion (part 3 the druid was a bloodrager pregen, so that worked out).
Combats were slow, arduous, with a lot of... ***creative*** tactics. But the group really got into the story, embellished the roleplaying, and discovered some interesting things about Osirion. (Also, I may have been a little giddy running this as an Osirion/Scarab Sage enthusiast)
(Geez! Why do I write so much?!)
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Serisan wrote: 6 player table of Sewer Dragons of Absalom with 3 players using kobold pregens from True Dragons of Absalom. Our GM (Jolene) was amazed at how fast things went off the rails, particularly when I thanked Drandle Dreng during the briefing for providing Pathfinder assistance to enslave my tribe (I was the sorceror pregen). The rest of the players (by and large) embraced the madness that ensued and it was a blast. Jolene ran the scenario like an absolute champ that night.
Also, my "prepared speech" (wherein I pulled out what I described as an obviously magical scroll) for the chieftain went over very well. "You are stupid. FIREBALL."
So, happy happy for: GM, players, and the right combination of goofy scenario boon and old scenario.
And my trap-master kobold making use of 'reptile' synonyms/puns. And reminding everyone that those wonderful traps we kept falling into were his own doing.
We really broke that timeline.
Best use I've ever made of a boon!
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Gah, where to start! YMB is where I played my first PFS game (run by ^^^Ryan, no less). I was on the waitlist until maybe two hours before the game, and that's when I realized how far YMB was from me. It may have been one of the the furthest stores from me, but it was the best, and the one I would always prioritize.
Early on I learned how much the YMB staff and owners really cared about the gamers and the games. I remember asking one of them after a particularly long running scenario, what time they closed. The answer was, "meh, when everyone's done playing I'll close things up."
They really did put our gaming first, making sure everyone had a good time. I remember overhearing a MtG player that lost his deck in a draft tournament, and they offered to give him the materials necessary to draft a new deck, no charge. They just wanted him to have fun.
And getting to run a table at a multi-table special NOT at a convention?! They gave us the whole store! It wasn't some ballroom or banquet hall, it was Your Mom's Basement! (And I always loved catching people by surprise with the name, even if I was just thinking of it like the proper noun)
And who can forget derailing games (all in good fun) with the wonderful PFS community we have there! Particularly a table of Kobolds on a mission to negotiate with a tribe of Kobolds... that they all happen to be a part of.
... and the reptile puns. (Thanks for playing along, Jolene!)
I loved talking to Derek, Corey, Dan, Rachel and all the others that worked there. And the times they would check in about things I didn't even remember telling them about, it really added to the welcoming vibe of the store.
Hell, it was more than a store, it was a home. And it was always filled with family and friends, and good food!
John Compton wrote: We'll be addressing Chronicle sheet downloads in tomorrow's blog. You should have no problem running the adventure for organized play credit. Thanks for the update, John!
Any update on character or Chronicle sheet downloads?
It be nice to have a fresh character sheet for each play through run.
And maybe get GM credit for games run and possibly hook people into PFS play...
Berk the Black has not participated in any online campaigns.