Pyron Firehide |

I am working on building an oradin (oracle/paladin) in a homebrew campaign starting in a couple of weeks. I am looking for specific advice and suggestions to my character build's situation, which is not the normal situation. All players were offered to build a level one character with 2000 gold plus the normal starting gold plus the option of getting an extra 900 gold from the rich parents trait or a level two character with normal starting gold plus the option of getting an extra 900 gold from the rich parents trait. I rolled three sets of 4d6 taking the best of the three dice and got the following rolls: 17, 16, 16, 15, 13, 11. I figure that is fantastic. This helps me do a lot with my character.
I also have access to the following books: Core, APG, ARG, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Campaign, Ultimate Equipment, Ultimate Magic, Bestiary 1-3, Adventurer's Armory, and Animal Archive. The following is a part of the game: unrestricted traits and drawback, emerging guns, no coin weight, use archetypes, use drawbacks (only one), use traits and character flaws, max HP at first level, and roll HPs after that.
After doing a lot of research, this is what I came up with:
Level 1 Human Paladin
Human alternate racial traits: focused study and heart of the wilderness
Paladin archetype: divine hunter
Ability Scores:
Str: 17 (+2) = 19
Dex: 15
Con: 16 (+5 to stabilize from Heart of Wilderness)
Int: 13
Wis: 11
Cha: 16
Power Attack
Skills Focus (from focused study): Knowledge (religion)
Armor Expert
Magical Knack (Paladin (Divine Hunter))
House servant (DM chose this)
Ranks in the following skills:
Diplomacy, knowledge (religion), and perception
Armor +1 agile breastplate with armor spikes and armored kilt (1620 gp)
MW composite longbow +0 (400 gp)
greatsword (50 gp)
combat scabbard (heavy blade) (1 gp)
MW backpack (50 gp)
some basic stuff
18 gp left
Here are my thoughts and questions:
I am thinking about getting eldritch heritage (arcane) at level three with divine bond in addition to the divine bond from divine hunter archetype. Should I have the sorcerer divine bond also be put on my composite longbow or on something else?
Is the greatsword (s), armor spikes (p), and combat scabbard (b) a good set? I think it keeps my weight down and easy to use without having to drop weapons. Should I purchase a MW greatsword instead of a MW composite longbow?
Should my level one feat be Power Attack?
Should I go eldritch heritage feat at level three?
Should I go Paladin, Paladin, Oracle x3, Paladin?
Basically, how can I optimize it anymore?
What suggestions do you have that could help me make a better build?
Where should I be focusing on the future of this build?