
Nathan Addison's page

Organized Play Member. 28 posts (34 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Silver Crusade

When it comes to the basic level 1 version of Sleep, what kind of Perception DC do unconscious creatures need to wake up in the middle of a battle? Is it automatic?

Silver Crusade

Howdy pathfinders!

Alright, easy question (I hope). If my PC gets turned into stone (say by a Basilisk) during the course of a scenario what are my options to remove the effect? Let's assume that I do not have any spell casters in the group. More importantly, is there a way to remove the effect by burning some Prestige Points?

Thanks guys!


Silver Crusade

Howdy Pathfinders!

Alright, after looking through the rule books and searching the web I'm stumped. My character has a Large Bastard Sword that deals 2d8 damage. Thanks to various spells I can increase this damage.

So, what does the damage of a 2d8 weapon look like as it increases size?

THanks guys!

Silver Crusade

Howdy guys!

A bit of a n00b question but where, o where on this green earth do I go to report my group's sessions?


Silver Crusade

How guys!

Quick questions, First Steps series is meant to be played with new characters, yes? What if I have a character that is still level 1 but say has 2XP already- can I still play him in one of the scenarios? Say, In Service to Lore?


Silver Crusade

Howdy Guys!

Alright, tonight is the big night for my group. We're getting into PFS and starting with the module MotFF. I've read the thing inside and out and feel incredibly confident in running the adventure. However, I'm struggling with understanding exactly how to fill out the character's Chronicle sheets at the end of the scenario.

I know that the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play says on page 29 that modules are awarded XP, PP, GP slightly different but I'm not quite grasping the math here. Do I just award the surviving PCs the GP listed on the Chronicle Sheet or do I instead plug it into the GP Gained section of the document and follow the rules for selling items as normal?

I know this might seem like a mediocre problem but I've been so busy with everything else that I haven't had much time to devote my mental faculties to understanding the math behind this.

Silver Crusade

Howdy guys!

As the title implies, I need some help. First off I should say that GMing advice isn't what I'm looking for (I've got over 15 years of experience running games) but what I am struggling with is understanding the structuring of PFS scenarios/modules.

My group and I are headed to OwlCon 2014 to participate in the PFS games there. I've been cautioned to run a scenario for the group before the con so that my guys don't get steamrolled by the way PFS games are organized. I decided to run the Master of the Fallen Fortress module for this test game (we're playing next Tuesday night). I've read the thing front to back and I think this will be a great first time PFS adventure for my group. However, I don't understand at what point in the adventure am I supposed to call it quits? *SPOILERS* Obviously, I figured it would be after they've defeated the big bad guy but do I allow them time to go back and search any unexplored rooms for treasure or am I suppose to close the scene with their epic victory?

Are there set conditions in other scenarios that define the end? Is it just this module that leaves it up to the GM's interpretation? I want to give my players a good example of organized play that they will see at the convention. So can y'all help a guy out?

Thanks guys!

Silver Crusade

Howdy guys!

Sorry, my google fu is seriously lacking tonight so I'm going to have to ask this question here-

If I have a PFS character that cross classes into Gunslinger do I gain a firearm?

Silver Crusade

Howdy, guys!

Quick question: Can a player make a level 1 Hellknight Fighter? If so, are there any special rules (feats, traits, items to consider) that particularly apply to hellknights?


Silver Crusade

Howdy guys!

I've got a bit of a problem: I'm stuck.

For my third character, my "just-in-case-all-my-other-characters-die-horribly" character, for the weekend of OwlCon 2014 I've decided to do something crazy like make a tengu druid. However, I can't decide what faction to put him in.

Now, this might not seem a significant problem to you but let me tell you- this has got me scratching my head. Why? Because Druids have been my absolutely least favorite base class for the last 15 something years. I just really can stand their motivation of kissing trees and hugging snails. Worst still their abilities (especially the wild shape and so annoying Mr. Fluffy Fluff animal companion) have always been so appalling and pathetic (in my super biased humble opinion). Well, that was until I saw what Pathfinder did with them. Now, they might actually be something to them.

I'm planning on going Storm Druid with a focus on Air and supernatural combat( think air bending from the animated series Avatar). I'm also not that familiar with the intricacies of the factions of PFS (yes, I've read their descriptions detailed on this website) but more importantly I am completely clueless as to why a Druid would even join an organization like the pathfinder Society.

So, where or where does a guy like me start picking a faction? Are their any druidic orders in the campaign setting that would directly benefit an adventuring druid of the Society? Do I have to kiss trees and hug snails as a Druid?

Oh... and seriously, loathe the concept of Wild Shape and everything that is an Animal Companion/Familiar. If I ever ended up with something like a horse for an Animal Companion I'd walk him straight across the street to the glue factory.


Silver Crusade

Howdy, guys!

My group and I are new to Pathfinder Society and have been having fun getting ready for our first convention (Owlcon 2014). In our group we like to role play almost as much as power game with our characters. Over the past month we've been busy working on our characters and have had a lot of fun doing so. However, something has been escaping my grasp and I was hoping you fine people would help me out.

Here's the long and short of it- I want to play a Human (Shoanti) who was taken as a slave, escaped, and grew up in the region of Sargava, the Lost Colony.

Now, hear me out; I don't want to just say it (because that's lame and anybody could do that and it doesn't necessarily make it true); I want the rules and character options that I choose define and vindicate it. Everything from traits to language choices, ect.

How can I, while working within the bounds of PFS rules, make my hopeful character a reality? What kind of options could I pick to make this legit? For the record I don't want anything from my Shoanti heritage other than my blood, my name, my dialect, and my attitude. Maybe later on in my character's career/life I'll burn a feat on the Addition Traits option and take some Shoanti traits to represent my character rediscovering his lost heritage. Who knows?

I know this is a little unorthodox, thanks for all your help.


Silver Crusade

Howdy guys!

I'm having a hard time finding a useful guide to creating an odd character build. Maybe someone on hear can give me some advice to help fill in the blanks? Here's what I'm looking at-

I've decided to play a hulking barbarian with the Catch Off Guard feat. The guy will not carry a weapon and only use whatever is lying around or on his person. To make things even more fun I've decided that said hulking barbarian will have an odd compulsion and refuse to kill/slay/pulverize with the same object twice.

Now, that's point B. How can I create a character to get from point A to point B using Pathfinder rules (legit rules). What feats, traits, whatever can you recommend to me? Oh and I will be hitting orcs in the face with a bear trap.

Silver Crusade

Is there a Native American equivalent for the humans of Golarion? If not, then what's the closest thing around? I can't seem to locate anything definite via google. Thoughts?

Silver Crusade

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Howdy guys!

*Never been on the forums before and I'm not sure where exactly to post this so if this is in the wrong section feel free to move it*

My local group and I are looking to connect with the Pathfinder Society. Primarily, I'm interested in locating a "local" event/group so that I can be a PC for once. lol

I've been DM/GMing for almost 14 years now and have never really had the opportunity to be a PC. Last month we decided to finally make the switch from 3.5 to Pathfinder. It's amazing; wish we had made the switch when Pathfinder was first released! I've come to like the system so much that now more than ever I want to try it out from the other end of the table.

So, where can I begin? Is there somewhere online that posts news about upcoming events, conventions, or the like? We live in Brenham, TX. Which is midpoint between Houston, Bryan/College Station, and Austin. So any info would be greatly appreciated.

Now then.... I need to go finish making my character. lol
