
Nasir al-Mardani's page

No posts. Organized Play character for AdAstraGames.

Full Name

Nasir al-Mardani




Sorcerer 8




Medium - 5'8", 240 lbs




Neutral Good

Strength 8
Dexterity 10
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 26

About Nasir al-Mardani

Build Info:
Stats: STR 8[-2], DEX 10[0], CON 14[5], INT 10[0], WIS 10[0], CHA 18+2+2[17]

Eastern Mysteries: Once per day add +2 trait bonus to the DC of one spell that allows a saving throw.
Magical Lineage [Magic Missile]: -1 spell level when applying Metamagic to a Magic Missile spell.
1st: Toughness, +1 HP per level, first 3 levels front-loaded.
1st: Toppling Spell (Force spells do a trip attempt at a CMB equal to caster level + CHA bonus.)
3rd: Spontaneous Metafocus [Magic Missile]: Magic Missile with Metamagic does not take extra time to cast.
5th: Dazing Spell (Spells deliver a Daze effect at a Will DC equal to spell level + CHA mod, effect lasts 1 round per spell level)
7th: Quicken Spell (Spells delivered as a Swift Action) (Bloodline)
7th: Spell Focus (Evocation) +1 save DCs on Evocation Spell.
Favored Class: Sorcerer
1st: +1 Hit Point (6+3+2+1=12 HP)
2nd: +1 Hit Point (4+2+1 = 19 HP)
3rd: +1 Hit Point (4+2+1 = 26 HP)
4th: 1 additional 1st level spell. (4+2+1 = 33 HP)
5th: 1 additional 1st level spell. (4+2+1 = 40 HP)
6th: 1 additional 2nd level spell. (4+2+1 = 47 HP)
7th: 1 additional 2nd level spell. (4+2+1 = 54 HP)
8th: 1 additional 3rd level spell. (4+2+1+8 = 69 HP)

PFS Info - 22 XP, 28/39 PA:

Crypt of the Everflame - 3 XP, 4 PA
Mists of Mwangi - 1 XP, 2 PA
Quest for Perfection - Part I: The Edge of Heaven - 1 XP, 2 PA
Quest for Perfection - Part II: On Hostile Waters - 1 XP, 2 PA
Quest for Perfection - Part III: The Defense of the Nesting Swallow - 1 XP, 2 PA)
Among The Dead - 1 XP, 2 PA
Black Waters - 1 XP, 2 PA
God's Market Gamble - 1 XP, 2 PA
Icebound Outpost - 1 XP, 2 PA
From Shore to Sea - 3 XP, 4 PA
Dawn of the Red Sun - 1 XP, 1 PA
Rebel's Ransom: 1 XP, 2 PA
The Sanos Abduction: 1 XP, 2 PA
The Golemworks Incident: 1 XP, 2 PA
The Lyrics of Extinction: 1 XP, 1 PA

Kassen's Blessing (Boon from Crypt of the Everflame): You carry a small charm from the spirit of Kassen. You may reroll a single attack roll, saving throw or skill check after the roll is made, but before the results are revealed. You must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse. Once this ability is used, cross it off the Chronicle []

Axe Beak Companion (Boon from Quest for Perfection): You may have an Axe beak as a loyal mount or animal companion.

Even-Handed Investigator: By capturing a dangerous renegade guard, you demonstrated bravery and foresight and an uncommon respect for the process of the law. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with guards and city officials within Absalon.

4 PA spent on the Master of Trade boon. 1 purchase per chronicle at 10% discount.

* Used after Golemworks Incident for enchantment of headband from +2 to +4 (net 1,200 saved)
* Used after Lyrics of Extinction for Ring of Spell Knowledge
* Used after Fabric of Reality for +1 Spell Storing Bracers of Armor

Stat Block:

Nasir al-Mardani, NG Sorcerer, Starsoul Bloodline.
AC: 10+0+0=10, HP: 69, Init +0, Resist Fire 5, Resist Cold 5.
BAB +3
Melee: +3, 1d6-1 20/x2 (Using rod of Reach Weapon as Light Mace)
Ranged: +3, 1d8, 19-20/x2 (Light Crossbow)
CMB: +0, CMD: 12
CMB: (Magic Missile): +16
Saves: Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: +6
Senses: Perception +0, Low Light Vision

Skills, 24 of 24 ranks spent:

Spellcraft: +15 (7 ranks, 3 class, 0 INT, +5 Item)
Appraise: +7 (2 rank, 3 class, 0 INT, +2 MW Tools)
Knowledge (arcana): +5 (2 rank, 3 class, 0 INT)
Knowledge (nature): +5 (2 rank, 3 class, 0 INT)
Bluff: +18 (7 ranks, 3 class, 8 CHA)
Intimidate: +11 (1 ranks, 3 class, 7 CHA)
Use Magic Device: +14 (3 ranks, 3 class, 8 CHA)
Perception: +0

Spellcasting, Traits, Bloodline Abilities & Spells:

+2 to Save DC of spell of choice, once per day. [] (Eastern Mysteries)
+1 to Save DC, Grease Spell, requires use of Alchemical Grease. [][]
+1 to Save DC on all Evocation spells.

Whenever you cast an Evocation spell, targets that fails a saving throw are dazzled by tiny sparkling starlights for 1 round per level of the spell.

Minute Meteors (Sp): At 1st level, you can summon a rain of tiny meteorites as a standard action to fall in a 5-foot column, 30 feet high, with a range of 30 feet. The meteors inflict 1d4 points of fire damage + 1 per 2 sorcerer levels (1d4+3). A Reflex save DC 10+1/2 Caster Level+CHA mod (20) negates this damage. [][][][][][][][][][][] uses per day.

Lesser Rod of Reach Spell [][][]
Lesser Rod of Extend Spell [][][]
Lesser Rod of Extend Spell [][][]
Alchemist's Fire: [][][] When using alchemist's fire as a material component for Burning Sphere, any target that fails its save is on fire, taking an additional 1d6 fire damage per round.

Lesser Rod of Elemental Spell (Acid) [][][]

0: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Daze, Scoop
1: [][][][][][][][]: Toppling Magic Missile; Grease, Reflex DC 18; Unseen Servant (BL); Floating Disk; Vanish; Silent Image, Will DC 18, Shocking Grasp
2: [][][][][][][][]: Burning Sphere, Reflex DC 20; Glitterdust Will DC 19; See Invisible, Web, Reflex DC 20, Pilfering Hand: +16 CMD to grab someone's item-in-hand, Spectral Hand, Blink,
3: [][][][][][][]: Fireball, Reflex DC 21; Dazing Magic Missile, Will DC 19, Communal Resist Energy, Vampiric Touch
4: [][][][][][]: Quickened Magic Missile, Dazing Toppling Magic Missile, Dazing Shocking Grasp, Shocking Image.

Equipment, 150 Initial
Crypt of the Everflame = 1,250 GP
Mists of Mwangi = 480 GP
Icebound Outpost (Tier 1-2) = 524 GP
Quest for Perfection - Part I: The Edge of Heaven = 500 GP
Quest for Perfection - Part II: On Hostile Waters = 501 GP
Quest for Perfection - Part III: Defense of the Nesting Swallow = 1841
Among the Dead (Tier 3-4) = 1,255 GP
Black Waters (Tier 4-5) = 1,217 GP
God's Market Gamble (Tier 4-5) = 1,875 GP
From Shore to Sea (Level 5-7) = 8,712 GP
Dawn of the Red Sun (Level 4-6) = 2,252 GP
The Rebel's Ransom (Level 5-6) = 2,543 GP
The Sanos Abduction: (Level 8-9) = 5,434 GP
The Golemworks Incident: (Level 6-7) = 3,215 GP
The Lyrics of Extinction (Level 10-11) = 6,610 GP
Total: 34,925, 10 GP unspent:

Equipment Consumed:
1 scroll of comprehend languages (-25)
8 vials of alchemist's grease (-40)
3 vial of alchemist's fire (-60)
1 light mace sold (-2)
1 crossbow sold (-18)
Masterwork Backpack, STR 9 for Encumbrance, (-25 GP)

Lesser Metamagic Rod of Reach Spell (3,000 GP) (-- lbs)
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Acid Elemental Spell (3,000 GP) (-- lbs)
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell (3,000 GP) (-- lbs)
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell (3,000 GP) (-- lbs)
Headband of Charisma +4 (14,800 GP)* (1 lbs)
Ring of Spell Knowledge III (12,150 GP)* (-- lbs)
* Currently has Cure Moderate Wounds on it
Armillary Amulet (+5 to Spellcraft) (2,500 GP) (0 lbs)
Handy Haversack (1,800 GP) (5 lbs)
50 feet of silk rope (10 GP), (-- lbs)
Adventuring Clothes (0 GP)
1 set of masterwork scales (55 GP, +2 Appraise MW tools)
2 flasks of Alchemical Grease (10 GP) (-- lbs)
3 flasks of Alchemist's Fire (60 GP) (-- lbs)
1 set of winter clothing (8 GP) (-- lbs)

* Items with this were purchased with the Master of Trade 10% Discount.

10 GP unspent

24 lbs encumbrance before move slows to 20'.


Nasir al-Mardani is a short, stockily built man with an olive complexion, slightly oversized eyes and dark hair, worn under a hat of the latest style and fashion. When not kitted out for adventuring, he dresses in the blues and golds of a member of the Most Serene Brotherhood of Astrologers.


Nasir came to adventuring later in life than most. His family were astrologers and fortune tellers serving the merchant princes of Qadira. The difference between "merchant prince" and "crime lord" is something of a fuzzy one in Qadira. He, himself, had not had the knack - or so he'd thought. His luck fell harder than most. He was doing astrological portents for a minor crime lord/minor noble in Qadira, mostly by way of his Bluff skill...and messed one up.

Having a price on one's head sharpens ones mind tremendously. The family gift for mystical arts awoke, and with a vengeance - he proved especially ept with throwing magic missiles about. Through his new-found talents, he managed to get on a boat to Absalom by dint of a carefully used Grease spell on the quay, and knocking foes over with magic missiles under the cover of night.

One of his shipmates, a Pathfinder returning from a mission, recommended him to the primary chapterhouse in Absalom for further training. He's awaiting his first mission with some trepidation.

Advancement Plan:

8th: FavClass: 3rd level spell (Force Punch), (61+7+1=69 HP+1d10+8 Temp HP), +1 CHA, Black Tentacles, Quickened Magic Missile, Equipment: +4 CHA Circlet (CHA 26), CMB: 8+8=+16
9th: FavClass: 3rd level spell (Fly), (69+7+1=77 HP+1d10+9 Temp HP), Heighten Spell, Cone of Cold, Fireball, Invisibility, Call Lightning (BL), doesn't breathe, Aurora Borealis power. CMB: 9+8=+17
10th: FavClass: 4th level spell, (77+7+1=85 HP+1d10+10 Temp HP), 5th level spell. Equipment: +3 CHA Circlet, CMB: 10+9=+19
11th: FavClass: 4th level spell, (85+7+1=93 HP+1d10+10 Temp HP), Empower Spell, 5th level spell, 4th level spell, 3rd level spell, Overland Flight (BL), CMB: 11+9=+20
12th: FavClass: 5th level spell, (93+7+1=101 HP+1d10+10 Temp HP),+1 CHA, 6th level spell, Equipment: Manual of Charisma, CHA 28. CMB: 12+10=+22