Lady Martella Lotheed

Naresea's page

12 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

I think it's currently very difficult to find the Foundry VTT (and probably other VTTs) content on the site.

If I didn't know it exists from Reddit and googled for it I would not have found it at all.

Maybe there could be a dedicated category in the webshop, like "Pathfinder -> Virtual Tabletop -> Foundry VTT" where we can browse all content available for a given VTT?

I think there also were modules for other VTT software, but I couldn't remember which ones and I didn't find them anymore.


I would really like to buy some PDFs of Pathfinder books, especially adventure paths.

Unfortunately I can't buy them from the Paizo store, since I don't have a credit card / debit card.

Are there any other online shops that sell such PDFs and maybe accept PayPal, bank transfers, Amazon Pay, Google Pay or something like that?

I tried but they don't seem to have Pathfinder products.

Credit Card is no option for me, since my bank charges me 8$ a month for at least a year to get one. And almost 100$ just to be able to pay for some books would be too expensive for my taste.