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Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.
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Magic of incarnium has broken more than a few of my games
Fistacleas Johnson....halfling wizard
and his twin who was named
Killacus Jones...the monk who never actually killed any one
i am now
where are all of you finding this stuf about 4th edition cuz i cant find a damn thing outside of forums and a lot of what i find there seems to think i already know what theyre talking about
binder/cleric/truenamer could be fun i think
putting skeletons in a suit of animated armor took the cleric 3 turning attempts before he relised it
things i like about binders is that they become immune to fear, negative levels, and energy drain.
Malus darkblade from warhammer
who ever did the artwork in the eberron book
any players on travis afb?