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Organized Play Member. 27 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Paizo is taking my money away.
I cant catch up with the releases but I want so much to play this AP.
My wife will start to complain about: "why there's so many boxes? Why they doesn't stop coming?"

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Or let these guys do it for you.

Is there a S&S version ?

WHen the ultraPRo protector pack (1200) will lunch ?
Will They really inside the box? Because this S&S Box is smaller then the RoRL and in RoRL they didnt fit.

Hello Guys,

I wanna do a quick survey: what is your play style against the time played?

Example: "I play twice a month with with 4 friends and we spend 2 hours per session".

I just wanna ask that because this may not be my game. After RoRL and this begging of S&S, I'm wondering about how I play. I moved places recently to another city, and I did that in the begging of my adult life. So I don't get to know many folks who plays RPG. My friend circle is around my work friends.

Where I live, there is no PAIZO Venture or Shops specialized in RPG content. I tried to form a new group to play PFCG but after 2 encounters the group vanished, because a lot of things: distance, ppl get the game wrong and didn't liked, lack of interest, etc..

My final though was "I can play this alone" and so I have been done. I've work, and I'm doing my second graduation in the night time. So the only time that I can play is in the weekends. No problem so far.

But the amount of time needed to setup the game alone only left me one choice: to play with a small party (1,2 or 3 characters). Although, I can only play 1 or 2 scenarios per week.

It left me with a hard feeling: "I'm not enjoying the game" Because after I choose my part, I cant change that and try new characters..If I do that, the next adventure box will come and I'll late. I tried that in RoRL and even now I'm starting the adventure box 5.

And then it came S&S and If the delayed deliver of addon characters deck I was force to abdicate the war priest or any other new character that I could possible play with. Because if I change the characters I'll be late again for the next adventure box.

Final toughs: this game is not for everyone, even if you like it, you must have a huge amount of time to play it.

Orbis Orboros wrote:

The support characters really love these spells. When I'm playing Lem in RotR, I believe Incindiary Cloud* is my favorite card in the game (let's forget resto for a bit). Whether he's using them or just recieving them, they make his combat checks reliable instead of lame and they're simply a great support spell for him to run.

Overall, all considered (including my playstyle), I think Incindiary Cloud is my favorite Arcane spell after Haste (Haste is just too useful).

*Too much undead in RotR for poor Poison cloud. The ones in later AP's damage characters and should be used sparingly or in combos (Ring of Protection, Power Feats that reduce elemental damage, etc). Incindiary has neither of these downsides, and can help with the several combats that require fire, too.

Good point.

With Lem this spell sounds really good.
I wanna try it.

Thanks guys, this card went from "useless" to "an must"

I dont need to rush.. I have plenty of time with only 2 characters and 30 turns.
If I use my blessings to explore, It will be bad because I'm losing HP, and I can't heal very well.

If what Hawkmoon said is true, then this cards have a new life for me. It's a great bonus when using it with Seoni and another damage spell.

Andrew K wrote:

Ok there it is, you say in 2-3 turns everyone has their best weapon. I don't think you're recharging properly. Recharge puts the card at the very bottom of your deck, so it's gonna be a while till you get it again. Recharge is always the bottom of your deck unless a power tells you otherwise.

Same with recharging your spells "endlessly". Spells are a fairly small portion of his deck, so if you're recharging them you're going to be waiting a bit for them again, as with the weapons you recharge for the power.

You are right.

I've misunderstood the rules.

Man... I can do combos...I can keeping recharging spells endless with Seltyiel, and I can recharge call weapon and give it (the weapon) to other character ate the next turn, and recharge the spell and do it again, in 2~3 turns everyone has the best weapon of the deck in their hands.
I can do that with the horn too but for the other character which uses that (I dont remember her name).

I agree with you guys, I was talking only about combat, since it has less combats I use my blessings more often. The other checks are harder. Maybe I must start to keep my blessings for then.

In general the combat seems easier, but the other checks are more balanced, forcing you to develop your character in a different way then RoRL.

Btw, I haven't played S&S Lems yet, but he seems a pretty solid character for this new box.

Hmm... Now I see... I only play solo with 2 characters so these cards cant get all their potential used.

I've a question about this type of cards.

What is the main use of them ?
They will give you bonus only for 1 round, which is one exploration if you do not use blessings of other cards.
It's a lot better to have some other damage focused spells.

Thanks Raynair.

S&S seems a lot easier then RotRL.
At the first cenario I'm scoring an avarage damage of 22.
Because of this magics that I can choose anything from my deck, I always have the best combo in hand.

Hello guys,

About Seltyiel’s spell recharge power. Can I Choose what spell I want to recharge ?

About Call Weapon, the same question, can I choose what I want ?

Other itens too, like the horn which allows you to get a fire weapon, can I choose which fire weapon I'll get ?

Because it seems too overwhelming if it allows me to do that. ues

There is a complete edition with images and beautiful art works, somewhere in this post you can find it.

She's the best one for Solo.
He over pass the barriers and can evade almost any monster, this is a very usefull feat for solo.
And se has a bonus if she is solo in a location, which helps even further.

Don't know if I can do that.
Because of the copy right.
But you can search in internet for it.

Thanks for the explanation.

When I am exploring one location with 2 characters at it, and I found a barrier, the character who found the barrier must take the check to defeat it ? Or the other one could help him, and take the check ? And if the barrier has 2 checks, what should I do ?

I'm playing solo with some characters, but it's a hard game. If you have a bad lucky with die than you may perish. I'm on AP3 with Merisiel, I cant play as much as I wanted so this is my most advanced character.

Thanks Hawk and Dave.
I guess I must replay the scenario because I had mistaken the rules for Iesha, in this case Merisiel still alives =) ! Awsome !
What a happy day.

Thanks guys !

How can you fight the vilan with 2 characters ?
Lini for the first check and Amri for the second ? If it was Lini who encountered it, Lini should beat the 2 checks, if Lini couldn't the vilan will escape.

The_Napier wrote:

No, they're not lost. You end the scenario (technically by taking turns in which you don't do anything until the blessings deck runs out), then reset your deck as normal before the next game, which, in this case, would be another attempt at the same scenario.

Is this farming ? If no, Oh my gosh ! I would have stopped early in many play-through and would not have died.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:

My friend and I were running through a scenario over the weekend. We found that through bad rolls (especially when trying to close two locations) that we were going to run out of cards, we simply stopped exploring and restarted the game.

Sometimes it just doesn't pay to continue a game if you know you're going to die due to lack of cards vs banes you're going to face.

(We did beat it the second go ... better rolls and henchmen/villain nearer the top of the locations.)

In this case, what do you do with your deck ?

Because in my point of view I must redo it the same as I started the scenario. All the boons that I got will be lost if I just give up.
In this case I could not give up, since I got decent stuff before dying.

ryric wrote:

Why did you fight Iesha instead of just evading her? Remember Merisiel can just choose to evade any encounter, so there's no point in fighting things you can't beat unless they cannot be evaded.

Read the card, it says "encounter it". I was reading the forum about this question: when the card explicit says "summon and encounter it", you can not evade. If it only say "summon blablabla", in this case you can evade.

btw thanks for the review.
I was just too confident that I could beat the vilan, and I didnt gave up.
Sad thing to do. In real life it's the same, if you are too confident you will probably fail in something.

Thanks for your effort.
When should I play this Adventure ?
Because I dont wanna be too weak to face it.

I never ever have beat the game.
It's so hard ! I play alone most of the times.
My first experience was with Lini and Amri.
Both died... Amri in the basic scenario and Lini went until the end of the burning offerings.

Ok, I started a solid team, Valeros, Ezren and Kyra. They are going well through the game. They just finished the adventure 2.

I tried a solo run, with Merisiel. I was enjoying it so much. Got great cards by lucky. But the Skin Saw Murderer Scenario is insane ! I almost died to Iesh FoxGlove boss, because of the charism check 13 ! So high ! Merisiel only rolls a d6 for it.. with bless I got a bad roll (2+1). I lost my Magic Armor to survive her.

And them I faced the boss. I could not close one location due the arcane 8 check. Merisiel rolls a d4, and with bless it was not enough.

So, the boss obliterated me, due bad rolls again, with (2 haunts) and a 1 in d4 the boss difficult was 17 combat and them 19.
I lost my entire hand. And he escaped. Note, I had 2 open locations due the arcane 8 check to close the other one.

I was almost dying, but I had one heavy cross bow, a bless, and a medallion to reduce 4 points of damage. I could try one more time to face this evil vilan. And so I tried.

I went with everything I got, D10+d12+2d6+3 = 2+2+1+1+3 =8 !
AGAIN !!! BAD ROLLS !!! With the melladion protection, it was not enough, I had to reset my hand again... so I died.

What is wrong with this game ?! XD
A charism 13 check is awfull. And them the high checks of skin saw murderer together with the haunts...

I'm a little depressed, since I dont wanna start over again. I want to go to the new adventures... I'm thinking about cheating a little bit and forgot this lost, but my mind could not accept it.

When it will be in stock again?