(Testing out the forum avatar feature. This is Isaic16, just so you know)
Another issue, not with just this process, but just about any measuring process we've used, including the rule of 42 (skill dice), is, simply that all of these parts interact with each other a lot. The best example: Imagine if Lini started with d8 Str and Melee+2 (maybe dropping Con or Dex and Knowledge), and one Weapon. Considering her biggest weakness right now is mediocre combat capability, imagine just how much stronger she would be. Now, not only can she still pick up seemingly almost everything, but she's be, if not a combat powerhouse, a very capable combatant. Arguably, she's already the strongest character in the game, but without changing anything that I feel would raise an alarm for us on the forums, she suddenly became far more powerful.
We have rules of thumb, and they are very useful (rule of 42, Siygess's 24 point system, and your rule of 22). However, until we can put all of this together in a way where we can sum up the total card, we'd still potentially be missing synergies. (Can you imagine how much weaker Ezren would be with only 3 spells instead of 8 e.g.)
Actually, I think that's the next step, and probably goes into my comment about multiplicative values. We need to measure synergies, and make sure that they are being calculated appropriately.
I'm not even sure I'm making sense anymore. This post got kind-of rambling at the end. Anyway, hope my random thoughts made some level of sense!
Maybe I'll try to brainstorm a new formula to test, but I have a ton on my plate as it is. Maybe in a month or two...