1) Worked around ranch, becoming accustomed to working with animals, CHA, Handle Animal skill, trained by Thuliss.
2) Spends a lot of time with sister Taya, including going into town for various errands, and develops protective instinct -- especially sensitive to bachelors with dishonorable intent. WIS, Detect Evil, takes advice from Petunia Wottinbrook.
3) Sensitive to perceived insults (more to Taya than himself), gets in fights. STR, Dagger proficiency. No mentor.
4) Events that occur
Second Two Year Training
Third Two Year Training
Combat Stats
AC 9 (-1 Dex), touch 9, flat-footed 9
Total hp 3
Current hp 3
Fort -1, Ref -1, Will 0
Nagy's Background
As a younger child, Nagy was always very outgoing and carefree. He was well-liked by most adults and many children. Ever since the forest incident, though, Nagy has become more serious. He feels he should have been able to somehow help Taya from getting lost and frightened, but he was off with the other children. With his early growth and strength, he sees himself as a protector of his sisters, Rosylle and Taya, even though Taya is several years older. With respect to Taya, this is manifest in accompanying her to town whenever his duties with the horses permit, keeping a close eye on the men passing through, often watching them as they drink at the Stag. He also takes quick offense at any perceived slight to either sister, and ends up in many a fight with other children. While he loses as often as he wins, he has become no less assertive.
After the episode in the barn, Nagy is even more antagonistic with Jerrid and his cohorts. This occasionally escalates to violence, but more often -- as Jerrid is none too sure about the wisdom of attacking Nagy directly -- pranks, such as when some of Jerrid's friends stole Nagy's clothes while he was swimming. He was too humiliated to explain to anyone what had happened when he got home.
Later, several of his friends disappeared in the woods. Nagy and Taya were part of the search party, but Nagy got separated and lost until Running Fox found him, cold and hungry, a week later. Nagy was especially distressed that Taya had been in trouble at the same time and he had not been around.
Nagy is tall for his age, with a shock of red hair that must have skipped at least one generation. He is already showing signs of being broad of shoulder as he grows. He usually wears simple work clothes.