Nadeah's page

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I stand corrected, that's what you get for trying to help out after coming home from a night of partying :/. But this whole thing still gives me a non alcohol related headache.

"Combat maneuvers are attack rolls, so you must roll for concealment and take any other penalties that would normally apply to an attack roll" gives me the impression that the -5 should apply. If not, what about iterative attacks? Could a lvl 20 barbarian hit twice with his greataxe, and then proceed to trip at his full BAB on his 3rd and 4th attack (which usually miss anyway)?

I'm still somewhat new to the rules, but as far as I understand it, a combat maneuver simply always rolls CMB against CMD, no matter what.

"When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus"

And creatures with abilities like grab or trip can simply make a check as a free action if the attack that is tied to the grab/trip ability hits, without having to give up attacks, actions or provoking attacks of opportunity.

So as I see it, the centipede attacks at -1 with his tail and if he hits, he rolls the usual d20+12 (his CMB) against the character's CMD. Squeezing doesn't seem to affect maneuvers, or at least I can't find anything that states otherwise