Night Wyvern

Duna the Explorer of Indol's page

Organized Play Member. 185 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Nice job with the idea, I'd play it. I am usually just a character I've Dm'd once and I killed most of my players(the only one I didn't kill fled). Bad choice for me. But I have a suggestion: Try to say many different things to them, important info without giving it to them. Try to make them think of asking someone something or going somewhere to find this info(in your case maybe a temple to learn more). Roleplaying is awesome, it shouldn't just be fighting. Well, good luck:)

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I by accident reincarnated my team member into a pixie. He was a two weapon fighter so now there was a male pixie doing two battle axes and two hand axes in one turn. It was crazy...