
NEONCON's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 8 posts (130 including aliases). 6 reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


Lantern Lodge

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Lantern Lodge

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Lantern Lodge

Registration for Neoncon 2009 is open!

We know everyone is watching their wallets these days, so we have worked with the Palace Station Hotel & Casino to put together some truly incredible package deals. Stay anywhere from 2-8 days at our special pricing. And, you have the option to include your meals and drinks for the duration of your visit.

How good are the deals? For starters, how about two room nights and your badge for $149 out the door ... no additional taxes or hotel fees? There are a limited number of these packages and the early bird pricing ends on July 30th, 2009.

Need a little more incentive? Through July 15th, 2009, Neoncon you can take an additional 10% off of their purchase, including additional membership badges. Just enter Promo Code "JIMP09" when you check out.

REGISTER NOW: http://www.neoncon.com/register

In addition to a full slate o Pathfinder Society events, we have a wide variety of other games planned as well. For the entire list, check here:


GamesU - The Games Unconference
For the most part, the GamesU agenda will be set by you! While we are working on bringing in established game industry professionals for a few key sessions, an Unconference is driven by peer presentations.

Do you run a small gaming press? Are you a podcast host and/or producer? Are you an artist breaking into gaming and/or comics? GamesU presents an opportunity for you to take center stage to both teach and learn from your peers.


See you in November!

Doug Daulton
Executive Director
Neoncon 2009

Lantern Lodge

I would have been 4E only. However, the news of the Pathfinder RPG will cause me to keep my 3.5E books and, as someone else said, I'll buy Paizo no matter what.

Lantern Lodge

Jason & Company,

Congrats on "fixing" 3.5E. While I am looking forward to the more cinematic play style of 4E, I really enjoy the 3.5 rule set (for the most part) and the Pathfinder setting (wholeheartedely).

At first glance, it looks like you've begun addressing most of the major problems with 3.5 as it stands. I like the way Races are shaping up. And, the reworked Rogue is sheer genius. I'll have to think about the base HP issue, but I think you are on the right track.

So far, I have only a couple of minor quibbles.

1) Feat Listings - This is not a publishing, not a mechanic issue. Please list the variant or advanced feats as follows:

Sunder, Improved
Sunder, Super-Duper

rather than ...

Improved Sunder
Super-Duper Sunder

It makes referencing this information easier if it is all together.

Actually, that is my only quibble for the moment. I'll give it a more thorough read and comment more down the road.


Lantern Lodge

Congratulations Christine!

Lantern Lodge

Mine was an 805gp utility item.

Lantern Lodge

I have submitted. Good luck to everyone!