Anevia Tirablade

N30N's page

108 posts. Alias of Spazmodeus.


N30N "Neon" Bioroid Novice


Bennies: 1/3 Wounds:1 Pace:6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6 Firewall:4 Strain :6 Street Cred: 2 Ag:d12 Sm:d8 Sp: d6 St:d4 Vi:d6

About N30N

N30N "Neon"


Agility d12 2 points + 2 die (augments)
Smarts d8 1 point
Spirit d6 1 point
Strength d4
Vigor d6 1 point
(5 points spent)

Derived Attributes
Charisma :0
Parry: 2 +3 = 5
Toughness:2 +3 + 1 = 6
Firewall :4
Strain :6
Street Cred : 2

XP: 3

Current Load-out

Armor ( +2 )
ED Underarmor
UP combat thredz

UP combat knife
UP Columbus Twin-Barrel (8/12)
2 12 round magazines

Skills 20 points (free d6 in one)

Athletics d4 1

Fighting d6 2
Blades 1
Martial Arts 1

Intimidation d4 1 , 1 advance
Mental 1

Notice d6 2
visual 1
Searching 1

Shooting d12 1 ,free d6 bioroid racial, 1 advance
rifle 1
pistol 1
heavy weapons

Stealth d4 1
Sneaking 1

Knowledge d6 1 , 1 advance
Demolitions 1
Battle 1

Piloting d8 2 1 advance
Golemmech 1

Streetwise d4
Corporate Zone

Survival d4

Mob Soldier
1 extra benny per session - only spent on intimidation rolls

Advances +10XP
Increase Knowledge, intimidation
Increase shooting , pilot

+5 XP
Increase shooting d10 -> d12

+1 toughness
+5000 credits

Chromed +15000 credits augments only

Secret(Major) unmarked bioroid Racial
Enemy (Minor)
Debt (Major) 25000 credits +1000 to cost of living
Giri (Minor)

Augments - streetware 5000x strain
Emp Shielding, advanced 10000 +4 Armor vs EMP
Enhanced Articulation , Advanced, 15000 +2 Ag die
Smartgun System,5000 shooting wild die is a d8 (extras gain d4)


emergency support patch x 4 1200
military antidote patch x2 1000
combat webbing 450
toolkit, climbing , basic 250
ravenlocke security truncheon 900 damge:str+d4 weight:2 +1 Parry, shock, requires battery
UP combat knife 300 damage:STR+d6+1 weight:1
UP Columbus Twin-Barrel 2500 Range 10/20/40 Damage: 2d6+1 Weight:3 Shots:12 , Semi-auto, Double Tap
light ammo 100 700
BKI BK-616 3200 Range: 24/48/96 damage: 2d8 Rof:4 Weight:3 Shots:60 AP4, Auto, 3RB
medium ammo 250 50
Under grenade launcher 800 Range: damage: Rof: weight: Shots:2
APC-40 ANTIPERSONNEL CLUSTER: 6x200 = 1200 damage: 2d6+2 Burst: LBT
HE-40 HIGH EXPLOSIVE: 10x100 = 1000 damage:4d8 Burst:MBT
HIGH EXPLOSIVE INCENDIARY GRENADES: 10x100 = 1000 damage:3d8 Burst:MBT Catch on Fire 5+
SM-40 SMOKE: 10x75 = 750 Burst:LBT -6 obscurment penalty

BK golemmech combat survival suit 6500 Armor:+4 Weight:15 Covers entire body
ED Underarmor 1500 Armor +1 covers torso , arms, legs, stack with armor
UP combat thredz 2000 Armor +1, covers torso, arms, legs

remaining credits: 10100
1000 from Eleanor

-4750 for grenade launcher and grenades.


Manzo Tucci - Fenzini Cartel fixer, gives N30N directions and jobs to do.
Smith - Hacker/Zeek, sometimes resident of Mars. Can be a source of info. N30N has Giri (minor) obligation to him for helping her get off Mars.

Enemy(minor) : dub-sister, name unkown -> Holly


Created as part of an experimental program of obediant soldiers, N-30N was dubbed from an accomplished
veteran, with many distinguished awards and commendations.

Of course, N-30N didn't know that. She just knew that for some reason she could think outside the
prescribed engrams of her dub conditioning. Her identical sisters in the program served unthinkingly,
their programming worked flawlessly.

That was until thier first taste of action. Many if not most froze in terror, unable to process the chaotic
action, most shot dead in the first few minutes, exposed, vulnerable. N-30N, however, with her more
flexible thought processes was able to take advantage of the skills and attitudes of her 'parent', and
survived, accomplishing the mission as she might have.

Her keepers, recognizing a success in the ruin of the program in N-30N, attempted to integrate the bioroid into
the regular stable of operatives. However, N-30N was aware enough to recogize her own nature, especially
among normal humans.

A moment's inattention allowed N-30N a chance to gain access to her restricted files. There she learned she'd been
'incepted' only 7 years previously, dubbed from the mind of a decorated soldier: Bridget Tatty. A brief addendum to the
file revealed that her dub-parent had retired to Denver some 15 years ago. Perhaps she was still alive.

This germ of an idea grew within N-30N's electric brain. Stationed on Mars, fighting in Golden City, she befriended a zeek
hacker named Smith. With his help, she arranged to fake her death: a golemmech malfunction. The ruse worked, while the
others in her squad watched as her golemmech burned brightly, supposedly incinerating itself and N-30N within, she was
sneaking down a service trench to where Smith waited.

As she moved down the trench, N-30N saw the tell-tale of a red-dot sight on the wall beside her. Flinging herself against the opposite
wall, she drew her sidearm and scanned for the sniper...and saw a figure, up above on a catwalk, a figure that looked
remarkably like her. Blinking in amazement, she realized that this was one of her original dub-mates. Another had
survived...but how had she found her? Her musing was abruptly ended as the other bioroid sighted on her with the red-dot
centered over N-30N's heart.

N-30N was certain her life was over , when the remains of the golemmech finally went up with a tremendoud boom, startling her
would-be assassin. Diving for cover, the shot missed widely and N-30N sprinted down the trench to her rendevous.

Sitting in the stolen groundcar, N-30N wondered which of her sisters had just tried to kill her... and more importantly , how had
she survived. But matters of immediate concern forced that matter from her mind as Smith had arranged for fake travel documents
to allow her to transit back to Earth.

From the starport in Chicago, N-30N made her way to Denver , capital of the NAC. Quickly making contact with an acquanitance of Smith,
N-30N quickly lost herself in the criminal underworld of Denver, the perfect hiding place for someone who's very existence was

In her own time, she searched the Net for the whereabouts of her dub-parent, finally finding a brief obituary dated 2 years previous.

Making her way to a quiet cemetary at the base of one of the nearby mountains, N-30N found herself looking down at the gravestone of
Bridget Tatty, war-hero, mother, died at age 56.

She remained there for sometime, until she heard an uncertain voice from behind her, "Bridge? " Turning, N-30N saw a middle aged man
standing there, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. His face was a combination of recognition and confusion.

N-30N frowned, then realization swept over her, "No....I'm not her..." she stammered, before sprinting out of the cemetary, hopping onto
a passing public transit, leaving the man looking between the grave of Bridget Tatty and the dead-ringer who had just ran away.

Sitting on the bus, N-30N berated herself for her flight of fancy, the man, possibly Bridget Tatty's widower, might come looking for her.
She calmed herself, realizing that he'd never find her in the circle she moved these days.

Time passed, and she was occasionally required to kill for the gangsters she worked for, but usually she was there for protection.
She'd taken on considerable debt to the organization, to improve her augments, which was putting some pressure on her finances. That she was
in a position to worry about finances was still a source of wonder for the bioroid.

Nexxon file:

The documents, wrapped around the chip marked N32N, look technical as all get out. There are a lot of high-level terms you don't know off the top of your head, and you can't exactly dive onto Meshpedia from Phoenix. But there are a couple of less-technical e-mails included in the files for archival purposes. The name of the sender catches your eye...
Mr. Plant, et. al (CC'ing most of the senior researchers for their situational awareness),
Pleased to say that we've had total success over in R&D. The cloned material from N30N and N29K has been holding up quite well. A lot of great achievements have been borne from complete accidents--this looks to be one of them.
The dual-synth dub that N30N bears is no good for our original purposes here. Original memories from the donor, neural pathways, emotional attachments--this method lets you keep them all. The upshot is that the procedure can be used to dub new bioroids losslessly. There's no chance of a brain aneurysm during transfer, and no memory loss. The first commercial execution of dual-synth dubbing has been completed, and we're pleased to say that Mr. Po has paid handsomely for the procedure. His NDA is attached.
However, I would like to turn your attention to another potential use of this technique. Since it's utterly lossless, at our current theoretical understanding of Type-Zeta brainwaves, we would be able to replicate the emergent phenomenon. In layman's terms: I believe we can use this technique to print zeeks. My budget proposal for acquiring subjects and experimentation is attached for your review...
The rest of the message goes into technical terms again, but there are rendered pictures as well. As near as you can tell, Royce goes on to describe the exact method by which he'd experiment on zeeks--mostly teenagers. There are procedures for restraining, sedation, surgeries, autopsies, and preservation of the brain and spinal column. The final procedure is marked "Replication of the Zeta Brainwave - MASS PRODUCTION".