Wild Elf

Myth'rawn's page

77 posts. Alias of mittean.

Full Name













Common, unknown language

About Myth'rawn


add favored class and bonuses.

Hero points 7 Luck points 7
XP 6,000/10,000
Barbarian (invulnerable rager & drunken brute) 2/ ninja 2
LG Medium humanoid
Init+3; Senses Perception +8

Defense 13, flat-footed, 10 touch 13 (+3 Dex)
- Defense using shield of swings 17, touch 17
- Defense using fighting defensively 15, touch 15
DR 8/adamantine (7 magic armor, 1/- barbarian)
Maxdex +3, ACP -3, ASF 25%
Vigor 40/40 Wounds 32/32
- damage: 7
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +0
Defensive Abilities

Spd 20 ft/x4 (30 ft./x4 when carrying a light load)
• MW Earthbreaker +8 (2d6+4, 20/x3)
- fighting defensively MW Earthbreaker +4 (2d6+4, 20/x3)
- power attack +7 (2d6+6, 20/x3)
• Shuriken +6 (1d2+3, 20/x2) 10 ft. Range (20 ammo)

Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 10

Base Atk +3, CMB +6, CMD 19

Feats Great fortitude, Toughness, Power attack, Skill focus (acrobatics), Shield of swings (reduce damage by 1/2 and increase defense and CMD by +4 shield bonus), Weapon focus (Earthbreaker)

Skills Acrobatics +13, Bluff +4, Climb +7, Diplomacy +5, Disable device +7, Disguise +4, Escape artist +7, Handle animal +4, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Linguistics +8, Perception +8, Ride +4, Sense motive +4, Sleight of hand +8, Stealth +8, Survival +4, Swim +5, Use magic device +4

Combat Gear +1 Agile Breastplate (Carried, 25 lbs.), MW Earthbreaker (Carried, 14 lbs.), Shuriken (20) (Carried, 10 lbs.)

Gear PP: GP: SP: CP:
• Clothes (worn, 5 lbs.)
• Backpack, masterwork (Carried, 4 lbs., 50.2/60 lbs.) -> Thunderstones (4) (4 lbs.), Alchemist's fire (5) (5 lbs.), Tanglefoot bag (3) (12 lbs.), Smokestick (5) (2.5 lbs.), Sunrod (5) (5 lbs.), Everburning torch (1) (1 lb.), Antitoxin (5) (.5 lbs.), Holy water (3) (3 lbs.), Bedroll (1) (5 lbs.), Blanket, winter (1) (3 lbs.), Waterskin (1) (4 lbs.), Spider's silk rope, 50' (1) (4 lbs.), Flash powder (.1 lbs.),
• Tent, small (1) (Carried, 20 lbs.)
• Belt pouch, large (Carried, .5 lbs., 0/2 lbs. capacity)

Carrying capacity 76/153/230
Encumbrance 127.6 lbs. (56.5 lbs. w/o backpack & tent)

Class Abilities
• RAGE: 9 (4 + 2 + 3) rounds per day. FA. +4 STR & CON, +2 will, -2 defense, +8 WP's.
• WEAPON TRAINING: (Picks & Hammers, Crossbows, Basic, Ninja)
• RAGING DRUNK: Drink an alcoholic beverage as a MA, extend rage by 1 round.
- SWIFT FOOT: +5 ft. Move while raging.
• KI POOL: 2
- ACROBATICS MASTER: +20 acrobatics check for 1 round; 1 Ki.

Racial abilities
• Low-light vision
• +2 Caster level to overcome SR.

Languages: Common, Azlanti, Elven, Goblin

• Honored fist of the society (upon approval) (+1 Ki point)
• Berserker of the society (+3 rounds of rage)

Warrior background

Myth'rawn is six feet tall, with a strong frame and lithe body. He has pale gray skin, and light blond hair in dreadlocks. His eyes are the color of steel blue sky. He has two thin band tattoos around his left forearm, about half and inch apart.
On his shoulders is a field of tiny stars over a leafless tree reaching skyward. The tree has a strong central trunk, and is directly below the greatest star on his back.

Myth'rawn grew up as the son of an outcast elf from the Mordent spire. Traveling throughout Varisia, the Hold of Belkzen and Irrisen, and even spending some time fighting in the world wound. He was often said to be at war with himself much more than with the demons of the world wound.
He lived in Whitethrone for a bit in his youth, hiding in the howlings. He has a hatred of wolves, and a distrust of white hair.

Updated July 11th 6 am
Active since Saturday June 2nd
In game posts: 42
Out of game posts: 20
Posts on page 1: 9
Posts on page 2: 19
Days played: 40
Average posts per day: 1.05
Average ooc posts per day: .5
Number of rolls: 17 (13+3+20+12+3+5+14+3+15+2+17+20+17+20+1+12+10) = 187
Average rolls: 11
Natural 20's: 3
Natural 1's: 1
Criticals: 0
Fumbles: 0
Highest damage done: 0
Highest damage taken: 7 (Avery)