
MythicCorgi's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Could someone leave a current link to that song because it seems to have been deleted from youtube.

Does anyone know where I can get the statistics for spiritualist? Someone at my weekly game showed me the class and I was interested, but I never had the chance to make a spiritualist.

Iced2k wrote:

How do people feel about a Cross class Gunslinger/Sorcerer.

The Mysterious Stranger archetype could work really well with Sorcerer, and firearms would even out the difference between the Sorcerer's low BAB and it's chances of hitting targets at range.

Sorcerer levels would also help boost the gunslinger from a Tier 4 class and give it some more operability both in combat and out.

The only issue would be that you'd lose alot of the higher level deeds.

Has anyone experimented with this? Or can see some obvious reasons why it wouldn't work.

Gunslinger 12/Fighter 1/ Sorcerer 7 could work quite nicely?

If you had the storm born bloodline you could also make your bullets do an additional d6 from your bloodline

You can use a ring of protection.

Another good weapon is a large bastard sword, 2d8 damage, but you need ether a feat (Exotic Weapon Proficincy Bastard sword) or get adopted tengu.