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Thank you. And finally during the battle it turns out that there is drudic markings on the large club, it is a (+3) weapon, and what looked like a tiny longsword was actually a (tiny) sun blade (dmg=1d6+2/+4) which you realize can be wielded like a (tiny) short-sword by the Rogue (ng) without the -4 non-proficiency.

Large Club: Attack +7 (BAB +3, Str +3, +3, inappropiate size -2).
dmg = 1d8+7 (two-handed)

Tiny Sunblade: Attack +3 (BAB +2, Str +1,+2, inappropiate size -2).
dmg = 1d6+3/+5

After the battles and getting free, and that they wish to keep and use these items, is there any particular feat that would address the -2 inappropriate size issue, as magic is very rare? And perhaps move the necessary 2-handedness of the large club back to one handed? Or would they just have to live with it.

Thank you for the excellent breakdown. You're right, I did mean to pick a tiny fey instead of the small sized pixies. The large greatclub and tiny daggers were realistically put in just to be out of range. The character breakdown is fine and starts the baseline for the discussion. No surprises with the off-size weapon damage.

This does help focus on an area that I'm more iffy about. I guess its in the weapon classification and proficiency areas.

The wizard is only proficient with (from these choices) the dagger, and only gets a -2 from the size shift. The club stacks the -2 with the -4 non-proficiency. I think I get it. With the tiny greatsword I was tempted to apply just a -4 because of the two size shifts and no other, to be treated as a dagger. How did you get -6?

I'm not as sure how you got the weapon attack modifiers for the fighter; if you could break that down please. I understand the damage modifiers okay.

Likewise for the small cleric, I'd of thought a -4 mod for the large dagger, with -6 (-2 + -4 for size and proficiency) on the tiny great sword or longsword. Again, a case could be made for a -2 on the tiny longsword if treated as a dagger (think about those letter-openers that are shaped like swords).

And the small rogue. Two shifts on the large dagger (-4).. I'm not getting your attack bonuses. Tiny weapons too here please.

A quick scenario that asks a question..

Cask O' Brandy
"Help us" cried Brother Tucker as he approached your group of adventurers, "We've got to get our erm.. cargo to next town over for the festival, but are worried about ahh.. bandits!" You all shout, "Of course!"

Group of 3rd level PCs, Human Fighter, Gnome Cleric, 1/2 Elf Wizard, and a Hobbit Thief, with a standard fantasy class stat mix.

You all are walking next to a cart hauling a large cask of brandy pulled by a mule with a teamster. SUPRISE! From behind a large boulder a huge net is flung.. ouch, a great toss, the whole group is caught. With a whoop an Ogre jumps down and stuffs you all in a large sack and proceeds to smack you against the boulder until there's no more movement.

The four of you wake up, bruised but okay, in a dark locked cupboard to the sound of snoring. Through a crack you can see the ogre with it's feet up on the cask, and its head thrown back snoring loudly with assorted gnawed bones around him. You see your gear on a nitch over his head. After the thief jimmies the crude lock open, you make it into the room, where you see the Ogre's belt and gear against the wall. The large weapons include a Great Club (for smushing big stuff), a Club (for smushing little stuff), and two daggers (for eating smushed stuff). You also see against the wall in the corner, the remains of two swatted pixies, one with a tiny Greatsword, the other with a tiny Longsword, each also has a tiny dagger.

Listen check reveals scratching sounds coming closer... hope you've got your weapons picked out.. two dire weasels shoot into the room attracted by the sounds of the breakout.

Optimal picks can be determined out of the Core Rulebook, with what is possible, attack mods and damage done per weapon per PC, without further clarification by the DM. Right? So what so you get?

Paul Watson wrote:
Scarpster wrote:

Similar question about Halfelves and Favored Classes with regard to Skills. At the time when making the Halfelf character you get to choose two Favored Classes, say Wizard & Rogue.

At this time, before picking which one to get first level skills in (4 or 8 plus bonus) the Class skills are acknowledged for the character.. so that if he chooses 1st Lvl Wizard, he can choose Perception, and get the Class Skill Bonus, Correct?

No. He has no levels in any class that grants him Perception as a class skill. When he does take a level in Rogue, he will be able to select a skill point or hit point and get all his class skills as normal, but until then he's just a normal wizard.

If not, then there is no benefit to having two Favored Classes at start-up for the Halfelf, until he chooses to take a level in another Class?

And if he did go 1st Wizard, 2nd Rogue.. then at the second level could he allocate a rank in a wizard class skill that would be bonus'd (but was not a Rogue bonus skill) because he's already a Wizard, and now he gets both?

Similar question about Halfelves and Favored Classes with regard to Skills. At the time when making the Halfelf character you get to choose two Favored Classes, say Wizard & Rogue.

At this time, before picking which one to get first level skills in (4 or 8 plus bonus) the Class skills are acknowledged for the character.. so that if he chooses 1st Lvl Wizard, he can choose Perception, and get the Class Skill Bonus, Correct?

EDIT -> If not, then there is no benefit to having two Favored Classes at start-up for the Halfelf, until he chooses to take a level in another Class?

And if he did go 1st Wizard, 2nd Rogue.. then at the second level could he allocate a rank in a skill that was bonus'd in as his Wizard but was not a Rogue bonus skill but he's already a Wizard?