
Mysterious Nymph's page

6 posts. Alias of Galahad0430.


You head West for the temple, as the directions say, it tales you about four hours to get there. You easily find the thicket the nymph described and within you see the remains of a low stone wall and archway. As you approach, the Nymph reappears.

You must take care, the druid has left animal defenders that act both as guards and foci for the curse he laid here. They must all be defeated in order to lift the curse and get rid of the fog."

The nymph gives you directions to the Temple of the Elk, it is less than four hours away.

"Please, I do not know how much longer I can survive this fog!"

"Please, I implore you, end this dreadful fog, cleanse the Temple of the Elk. If not for my flowers and birds, then for yourselves to be able to get to the Stag Lord. He is after all, the one using this fog to shroud his realm from all others."

I don't know much about this Stag Lord, and I knew nothing of the Druid you say was his father.

"until you arrive there, I cannot see it. Once there I may have information for you."

"An ancient temple, the temple of the Stag God? Yes, yes, that must be it! The place of power where the druid created this fog. Perhaps we'll be able to cleanse it from there. The temple hides in a thicket not far from here. You'll need to go there and purge it of whatever evil is there, summoned by the druid's sinister ritual. You are my only hope..."