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Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Haven't read all of the posts, but I've got a question: Swashbuckler is attacked by a foe who has multiple attacks, but doesn't have reach. Swashbuckler invokes "Recovery" before the first attack and uses it to step back out of reach. Do the second and later attacks fizzle because the Swash is out of reach?

Ooops! I got in game and leveled up this week. I think I'll cancel my game and just meet, eat, and maybe see if I can get in on someone else's game Thurs. night...

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Thanks, Christina, but I've got to level up one of my characters for a Fri. AM game. I think I'm going to to cobble together a game on Thurs. night. I'll run Echoes of the Overwatched. If anyone's interested, look for me in the lobby of the Marriott about 6:00 on Thurs. night. I'll run subtier 1-2.

Christina - I'd love to get in on that game. Will it be PFS and, if so, what tier?

I've got a second level zen archer that I need to level up for the Con. I'll be in Thursday afternoon. Any PFS pre-con games going down? I don't mind playing up. She's good at keeping her head down and dealing some extra missile damage...

I've got a second level zen archer that I need to level up for the Con. I'll be in Thursday afternoon. Any PFS pre-con games going down? I don't mind playing up. She's good at keeping her head down and dealing some extra missile damage...

Happler wrote:
Malleus Maleficarum wrote:

This is from the open srd.

Surge (Su): As a standard action, you can cause a mighty wave to appear that pushes or pulls a single creature. Make a combat maneuver check against the target, using your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier as your CMB. If successful, you may pull or push the creature as if using the bull rush or drag combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

All I want to know is that if I move a foe through one of my threatened squares do I receive an attack of oppurtunity? I think that I would, but I'm unsure since it's on my turn that they're moving. Just wanted to clarify. thanks!

My best guess is that it does not. It states that it moves them as if you used the Bull rush or Drag combat maneuvers, and both of these state that they do not generate attacks of opportunities unless you have the greater versions of the feats.

But what is the range of surge in the first place? Do I have to be standing right by the target?

Yeah, about that "Osama bin Laden repenting wouldn't be fair" thing... you should maybe careful about wanting God to be fair. If He/She/It was fair, we'd all be in deep doo-doo. I mean, I don't know anybody who even lives up to their own ethical standards, much less God's.