Tin Golem

MyLilDashie's page

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So, I've recently begun to play Kirthfinder, with the Summoner class from Pathfinder. I have a few questions, which I'm hoping you guys can answer:

1: Can I use Evolution Surge Greater to grant my Large Eidolon the size Huge? I know that it says something about upgrading evolutions, but that wording is just funny-looking, and hurts my brain.
2: Would Empower Spell work on Evolution Surge to make the point pool bigger?
3: Is there any way, through Metamagic or other method, to increase the Evolution points granted by Evolution Surge?
4: If I use the Creature Specific metamagic, what happens? Do I select Eidolon?
(Excuse me if I'm not getting specific enough, I'm usually the Fighter/Ranger/Barbarian/insertmartialclasshere of the group, so spells, spell lists, and the associated items are weird for me.)