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Sorry for indeed the trap a felt into as a French guy !
As you corrected Elfteiroh, I meant the book stores.
Thanks Cori Marie for the explanation, I did not had this in mind, but it is obvious when one thinks a little bit about it, these Foundry ressources require the digital content locally.

Anyhow, I still think there is something sad at paying the PDF the same price when one already payed the book than for the one who didn't buy anything.

But even if one publisher would like to do otherwise, I cannot see any secure way for him to identify people who bought the book in a book store to give discount on PDF, and avoid fraud.
So I imagine it is even inevitable, no matter the will of the publisher.

Once again, no real grumbling from me, I am glad to give money to this hobby and to all the authors and designers.

I get it, realy I am not discussing the price of each product, I hope that all the people who worked for this amazing material are well payed. And of course they decide the way they want to make profit afterward, to pay everyone and to be able to continue further.

I am just sad no to have the access to the PDF when I already bought the book, and do not understand why I need to buy the PDF when I just want access to Foundry content only.
I feel like I already paid for the content of the PDF (PDF had to be designed in order to print the book), I already paid for the creative activity, the content. If there was a PDF-discount for the one who bought the book I would also get it : you paid for the content, but not yet for the numeric format.
But that's not the logic, if I want the PDF, in a way I pay not only for the format, but once again for the content.

So be it ! Their product, their rules, their strategy. Just sad that today there is no taking into account the purchase of a book in a library to ease the access of the numeric format. I also hope it won't kill the libraries.

It remains a fantastic content for hours and hours of fun. Much more than a lot a video games one easily pays 60$.

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I bought the book in a library a few days ago, and now I feel a little bit tricked ... 100€ for this beautiful book, but if I want to purchase the content for Foundry, I need to first buy the PDF : why ??

I would be glad to pay the 70$ for such polished content, but certainly not 120$ ... Seems absurd.

If there is another way I didn't see, please tell me !