Uzbin Parault

Murgen's page

Organized Play Member. 54 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Can someone point me to the section in the rules that discusses how to save vs. Domain powers. I am having trouble finding anything about that.

I have a question about the rage ability. Can a creature sneak attack while in a rage?

Can a creature use CMB while raging (to trip in particular)?

Can a creature use combat expertise while raging?

I have a question about the spell "Beast Shape I". Do you acquire the natural armor of the creature polymorphed into? So, for example, if you cast Beast Shape I and changed into a small crocodile would your natural armor be +4 for the crocodile and then +1 bonus for the spell for a total of +5 to your ac from natural armor?

And what if you had a mage armor spell on you before you polymorphed? Would that bonus also still be active after you polymorphed into the above mentioned crocodile for a total of +9 to your ac?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Organized Play Characters

Dark Archive Dennarr

Male Half Elf Sorcerer 11 (0 posts)

The Exchange Vozroz

Alchemist (0 posts)

Dark Archive Dardellian

Human Magus (0 posts)

Dark Archive Ulkesh

Male (0 posts)

Dark Archive Yoshii

Druid (0 posts)

Dark Archive Mud the unfortunate
(0 posts)

Dark Archive Mertonel
(0 posts)

Dark Archive RC-1207

Gunslinger (3 posts)
Dark Archive Verhan

Sohei (0 posts)

Dark Archive RC-1262

Grippli warpriest (0 posts)

Dark Archive core war cleric

Dwarf Cleric (0 posts)

Dark Archive nameg0eshere

Ifrit Oracle (0 posts)

Dark Archive Rasknitt
(0 posts)

Dark Archive Gm blahb 2
(0 posts)

Dark Archive Argyll
(0 posts)

Dark Archive Sabderaan
(0 posts)

Dark Archive Zaidenus
(0 posts)

Dataphiles Jack, President of Hyperion
(0 posts)

Dataphiles HK 47
(0 posts)

Sorcerer Sorcerer Deck - null

Sczarni Thrakash
(1 post)


Groetus (Symbol)
Dark Archive GM ARGH!
(0 posts)
Clockwork Spy
Dark Archive The Train
(1 post)