Munin's page

17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

First, writing as a relative noobie to the setting itself, I'm under the assumption that the Kingmaker AP actually takes place within the Inner Sea region. If it doesn't, well, I guess this post is moot.

If it does, I'm wondering what the value of the setting book is when weighed against the $50 price tag. I know the APs are self-contained, but if there is enough value to warrant the purchase, I'll consider it.

On a side note, I also wonder about the balance of player goodies vs GM tools. I don't know how many so-called campaign settings I've skimmed through that are little more than a collection of PrCs, feats and various player props. Well, enough to turn me off of anything D20 for the last several years I suppose.

Me: Consumer of Paizo gaming goodness with a limited budget and busy schedule, ie...neither the time nor the funds to justify a subscription.

The tough choice: Pdf or Hardcopy?
Which to choose....which to choose?

Answer: I have to pay full price for both?!? Wrong answer. I choose one or the other. Less money for you.

Solution: When I purchase a print copy of one of your products, you email me a coupon for the pdf copy of said product. Now I can purchase the electronic version at a significant discount.

Why? Because you love and cherish your valued yet economically strapped customers. And because otherwise, I will not purchase the electronic version at all. Extra money for you, added convenience and joy for me. The world is a better place for all. Gnomes and small furry creatures everywhere rejoice.

Now, don't you feel better? I do.

I'm thinking about running an adventure path.
Which of the adventure paths provides

a) the least amount of dungeon-crawling &
b) the most intrigue/social encounters?

Has Paizo continued their love affair with the massive dungeon crawl*, as they did with the Dungeon era APs, or have they seen the light and discarded that cumbersome relic of gaming days of yore?

*no offense meant for lovers of the 'MDC'


My player finally uncovered Rowyn, and after defeating her, decided to make her walk the plank. The thought here was that since she caused so much grief to the crew, the crew needed to see justice done.

Now I'm left with the question of what to do with her now.

My options are:

1) Let it go. She's been defeated twice now, enough is enough.

2) Enough is never enough! Let's bring her back for more!

If I go with option 2, I have several possible re-insertion points. I could have her come back as Vanthus' partner later, either during the attack on Farshore or at Divided's Ire. Or, I could have the player discover her in hell in the same state that Vanthus is eventually discovered in. Or, you guys could think of something totally different.

So, give me your opinion!


I never received issue 147 of Dungeon. I recently moved, but I changed my address under 'My Subscriptions' and it is correct. I've also been checking at my previous address and it apparently hasn't arrived there, either.

Please let me know what to do in order to receive a replacement issue for #147.

Thanks in advance,

I'm preparing to run 'Bullywug Gambit', and a reference has struck my curiosity.

In Kraken's Cove, the Trophy Cave K8, there is a reference to a badly eroded nameplate of a ship. The only legible letters are "T...M...AUT".

I haven't found anything else on it, and I haven't seen anything in the later adventure.

What gives?

This thread is for anyone who has converted AoW from standard d&d.
Arcana Evolved, Grim Tales, D20 Past, True20, or something else entirely.

If you've done it, I want to know about it. How did your players enjoy it? How much extra prep time was envolved? etc....


How long does it normally take for customer service to respond when you email them?
Just wondering, 'cause I've been waiting a couple of days, and I haven't even gotten one of those 'We received your email, but we don't have time for you yet' responses.