
MundinIronHand's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 347 posts (822 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 25 aliases.

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I was the swashbuckler on the grassy knoll......

Playing the swashbuckler was a great deal of fun. Full of flavor, skills that seemed to fit the character concept well, and usefulness in combat.

I rolled well, and with a rapier and gaining improved critical, it allowed me to do some nice damage. My initiative was the highest in the group due to keeping at least 1 panache point, which allowed me to get into combat quickly.

Derring-do was fun to use and gave the confidence to try and move through an enemies square to set up a nice flank. Ended up not needing it as I rolled high enough anyway but it is a great way to get to try something risky once in a while.

Due to the newness of the class I forgot to try and intimidate any enemy I struck, but I'm sure it would have been useful if it stuck.

I was able to regain 3 panache points, 2 from crits and 1 from killing blow. This helped as I only had 2 to start with.

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Weren Wu Jen wrote:

1) I agree that the Swashbuckler should be able to use a Buckler along with other class abilities (I don't even have a problem with TWF).

2) I don't think that you should be forced into a Weapon Finesse situation. Drop Swashbuckler Finesse at 2nd and just give them a bonus feat at 1st. Perhaps from a short list like this: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus.

3) I dislike the "Light or one-handed piercing weapon" restrictions for a class based on using swords. I can use a light spear or a pick and still be fine, even though it completely goes against the spirit of the class, but I can't use a cutlass?

My suggestion is to re-work it along the following lines: "Any light or one-handed sword-like weapon". Perhaps include, "from the Heavy or Light Blades Weapon Groups" (with book and page numbers from the CRB and UE).

Currently, you can have a Swashbuckler with a trident, but not a longsword.

Just my 2cp worth.

Using a pick, spear, trident, etc. is not against the spirit of the class. You need to imagine what a swashbuckler of EVERY society in golorian would look like. A dwarf might use a pick, a water race might use a trident, or some uncivilized society could have a short spear wielding swashbuckler. A swashbuckler is not a sword only class except in the mind of SOME players. The rest of us the OPTION to not be tied down into a sword. It lets us flex our creative muscles and come up with something new and fun. (fun does not always equal optimal)

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Swashbuckler does NOT have to be a pirate. A swashbuckler CAN be a pirate. many people will play a charismatic and agile fighter and not want him to be seen as criminal.

Many games don't have firearms, so it is best left as an archetype. I've seen and read of swashbucklers that did not use guns at all.

Free weapon finesse is not game breaking as a level 1 dip because you can already do it! Take 1 level of fighter, free weapon finesse with full BAB progression and fort bonus.

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Just wanted to say thanks for some actual playtest feedback.

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Also, would stand still be useful to keep enemies from getting away?

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It seems most people here agree dark-vision does not negate HIPS, which means my next sorcerer might be shadow bloodline, though the party will acuse me of not participating, I can claim to be watching their backs.

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kroarty wrote:
Yes. Only exception is that Polymorph subschool spells will always supercede, not stack. So you can stack giant form on top of transformation, but not on top of alter self.

SO theoretically, Grand mutagen, giant form, transformation, with permamnent haste potion = Gnomish alchemist whose kicks but for a decent number of rounds.