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1 post. Organized Play character for MundinIronHand.

I am stuck on what feat to take.
5th level dwarf fighter, 2 weapon warrior archtype. This is for a Paizo AP, Ultimate combat is off limits as is 3rd party material. other members are cleric, sorcerer, bard, paladin, and sometimes a rogue.

So far I have:
weapon focus & weapon spec Dwarven Waraxe
Power Attack
Double Slice
2 weapon fighting.

My plan is to eventually duel wield Dwarven Waraxes. Right now I have a dwarven Waraxe and a hand axe.

Future feats are improved and greater 2wf, 2 weapon rend, greater weapon focus, greater weapon spec, furious focus, Improved critical, critical focus, staggering critical.

Should I take furious focus or critical focus now?

Combat reflexes?

What about toughness?

Iron will and improved iron will?

Is disruptive and spellbreaker worth it?

Step up feat chain?

Spell breaker feta chain?

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

Is there an official ruling on this ability?

"This evolution may be taken once for every five levels the summoner possesses"

does that mean 1, 10, 15, 20?

or 5, 10, 15, 20

or 1, 5, 10, 15, 20?

My Dm says nopt till 5th, i say its open at first, but want to know if there has ever been a ruling?

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Can an oracle with the Stone mystery use the clobbering strike revelation with Mighty pebble or Touch of Acid revelations?

What about spells like Magic stone and Chaos Hammer?

Seems a increadibly poor revelation seeing as there are about 1 spell/level that would even allow this. Given the small amount of spells klnown by the oracle, it's tough to spend a spell slots just to make this revelation useful.

perhaps it's a balance issue and thats why the choices are so limited.

I am doing an conversion from AD&D and need to replace the spell SINK, and i'm not even sure what it did or what level it is. Anyone know the answer?

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I'm gonna try and convert labyrinth of Madness to pathfinder, I always wanted to DM this and see how long the players lived. never had a 2nd edition group get far enough. I'm using Serpentfolk as yuan ti, and Either a storm giant as the titan, with suitable upgrades. As for traps, I'm going to err on the side of kill all the players and up damage and and set some decent DC's. black pudding will be gray oozes. The water elemental will be an elder elemental, and for now i'll leave the 5 golems as flesh golems. The vague images form the mirrors will be dread wraiths, advanced otyugh instead of a neo otyugh. The russet mold will yellow musk creepers, perhaps advanced. Winged snakes will just be advanced snakes. the mottled worm will be a purple worm. Beholders will be converted from 3.5. The lamia will be as the bestiary except with some spell caster levels. The hydra will be a pyrohydra. I'll probably double the number of shambling mounds. The giant scorpions will be giant emperor scorpions. The sundew giant will be a treant. the wights will be cairn wights. skeleton warrior will be skeleton champions. Im-ravin will be a serpentfolk lich.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

Any word yet on an "official response"?????

Currently my level 2 alchemist in kingmaker uses extracts and mutagens as a standard action just like his bombs. Hasn't seemed to be any issue with this but I'm still wondering. As is it takes me at least 2 rounds to feel comfortable entering melee. I'd hate to finish buffing then spend a full round of just moving close enough to fight something on round 4.

I'm looking to make a summoner and have questions on his feats.

For 1st level I was looking into spell focus (conjuration) so i could take augment summoning later on.

Does augment summoning work on the edilon?

If so does it stack with Summoner's Call?

Does Summoner's call actually give you an extra summoning of the edilon or just a bonus for the 1st 10 minutes?

Any other good suggestions for a half-ling summoner who likes to be sneaky while his edilon keeps foes busy?

6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required.

Plain and simple, I've read other threads on this and still no clear answer, at this point we know what the book says, we know there are multiple interpretations, and an official answer would be nice.

I'm not really looking for opinions, just wondering if anyone has seen a clear cut statement from one of the developers on this issue. I've looked though the forums and haven't seen one but I'm hoping someone out there has and can point me to it.

I really don't want to rehash any arguments over is it a potion or a spell and does it take a move action to draw, those threads are out there and no one can agree. Just looking for a clarification so I can play my class without wondering if I'm mistaken in my interpretation. I'm not gonna even say which way I lean because it doesn't matter.

Running ROTRL for 3 players. 1 veteran that is more RP than min/max and 1 veteran that's more min/max than RP but not obsessively so, and 1 player completely new to tabletop RPG's. They have a gnome sorcerer, a kobold fighter/rogue, and a Human shield fighter. They are still 1st level but very close to second level. They have no healing and a local cleric npc has joined with them. I'd love to run this without having to play an NPC but they need some healing and I can't find another player to join the group.

Ideas i've considered.

1) let them try it and if they die, lesson learned.
(I introduced the NPC right before they were going to TPK 20 minutes into the 1st game)

2) have one of them play a second character that is a healer
(not fair to the others if only one, and all of them would require beefing up the adventure. The newest player would be very lost running 2 characters)

3) Somehow convince my wife to play (ain't never gonna happen)

4) Allow gish characters (might unbalance things, and not really sure how gish works)

5) Suck it up and run the cleric for them. (seems the best bet)

Anything i'm missing that might help..

Do alchemist and Master Chymst levels stack for meeting level requirements for discoveries? I know it mention advancing as far as what level extracts and such but was curious if a full progression master chymst can ever take discovery requiring 12th level and above.

I'm curious what all you wonderfully deranged folk have in mind for your Master Chymst's mutated form.

My female elf Alchemist is in a party with 4 other elves and a 1/2 elf. I'm thi nking her mutated form will be extremely hideous and grotesque other words a Female Dwarf!!!!!

And the first thing she'll say once taking over is "Now let me show you how handle this" right before crushing whatever poor soul decided to hit the Alchemist on the head.

Just had it brough to my attention that it would be easy enough to use a 1 handed weapon 1 size category larger. I'm still learning here people.

Running kingmaker as a player, Level 2 female elf alchemist. Looking for ideas for cohort once I reach 7th level. Ive hit a creative brickwall with this one, and could use some ideas.

Our group is constructed as follows:

Sanya, Female elf Alchemist 2 LN: worships Abadar, wields a great sword, first discovery was feral mutagen. More of a melee focused fighter, using shield and strength mutagen to give me some durability and bite in combat. Have skills in craft weaponsmith and craft alchemy, plan on using poison, also have a decent perception, survival, and appraise skills. Background: She grew up with her twin sister and mother in a small hut out in the wilds. Her mother was a witch and her sister took up that path with teachings from their mother. Sanya learned all about herbs and potions from her mother and though she had arcane talent, chose a different path than her sister and mother. Their mother was killed a months back by some young human adventurers, sons and daughters of nobles. They thought she was evil because she was a WITCH. When the twin sisters tried to seek justice, the town official, who was bribed by the noble families, refused to punish those responsible. Later that night, the twins crept into the officials house and used a vial of potent poison their mother had made to poison him in his sleep. Then they fled town and went to live with their cousin, Soanso, an apprentice wizard in Brevoy.

Esmerelda, female Witch 2 CN: Twin of Sanya
Soanso, Male Elf Wizard1/Ranger1 : Cousin of the twins
Beetle, Male Elf Bard 2:
Barker, Male 1/2 Elf Fighter2 : Will be taking levels of barbarian, his mother was elf, his father was 1/2 orc, using stats for 1/2 elf though
Shanequa, Female 1/2 Elf paladin: will be taking levels of rogue

I have toyed around with the idea of a Monk and a cleric of Abadar.
As you can see we are all Elf or 1/2 Elf. The twins and Barker have some issues with humans, I'm not against non elven cohorts or party members. In fact I love playing dwarfs, and rarely play an Elf.

I was thinking a cohort who could craft Armor would be nice, since I can make weapons and potions. The wizard can make scrolls and one of the others is going to take Craft Wonderous item feat.

I'd like the cohort to have some depth, and be useful, but also maybe add some comic relief. I'm open to any of the base classes or the ones from the APG.

The pathfinder core rulebook states on page 549 that you can spend 4 hours a day during meals, morning preparation and watch to net 2 hours worth of work on making potions.

My DM is arguing with me on this point, saying that it would take too much time to get all set up and then break everything back down. I see it as mixing herbs, and spell components in a bowl and storing them while traveling. Then at lunch, heating up water and adding the mix. During watch adding final ingredients and the magical component, which for my alchemist would be an extract ( could either just use the slot or i could make it and mix it together) Either way, this seems like very little set up and the rule makes sense to me.

I was curious on how other view this

I have some veteran players who want a swashbuckler in the pathfinder game we are about to play. I've looked over the original class and the conversions on here, and while there are many good conversions, they all feel lacking. I could make a fighter/rogue, barbarian/rogue, fighter/bard or just straight dex fighter and accomplish the same general thing. I'd like to create a Swashbuckler (and perhaps a new name) that feels like it's own class, and offers something that you can't get by combining other classes.

I'll post the 1st version as soon as it's done, and look forward to feedback.

My inital thoughts are:

HD: d10

Good Save: Ref
Poor save: fort
(not sure about will)

Drop grace entirely, thats what a full ref is for.
Stunts: Similar to talents, playing off acrobatics, stealth, and charm to accomplish the otherwise improbable/impossible.

Light armor, no shields, simple weapons, and all light , martial weapons.

Skills: 4(+int mod)x4

Stat priority will be

Dex, Cha, Int, Con, Str, Wis

Weapon finesse will be a class feature, and will have an ac bonus similar to monk or ninja.

Class Skills: Acrobatics, Diplomacy, bluff, sense motive, perception, intimidate, escape artist, stealth, perform, knowledge local, knowledge nobility, climb, swim.

I realize this is far from complete but, it's a work in progress.

Has anyone run this using the new pathfinder rules? I'm considering converting it, and was curious what the feeling was from those who have run it?

Does it need a lot of converting or just certain encounters?

Thanks for any insight

I will be running a group of 4-5 through a pathfinder AP. Kingmaker is not an option because i will be a player in a kingmaker campaign. I have not Dm'ed for 2 years and thus have not run a pathfinder game. I have 2-3 veteran players and 2 new to DnD. All are new to pathfinder.

Basically i'm looking for some advice on which AP to run them through. Even if I wasn't playing through kingmaker, that seems like a tough one to start some new people on. I like the look of Serpent Skull AP but that will not be out till July. I could run some filer until then, chance to get their feet wet, but still need some advice on what to run.

Please Help, and thanks.

Can an alchemist drink a grand mutagen and then cast Transformation on himself.

The bonus from a mutagen for str dex and con is alchemical, and the bonus form Transformation is enhancement. The armor bonus is natural in bonus and i would think not stack.

I see no lines under mutagen that restrict you from using an extract, probably still need a high enough intelligence score.

Transformation restricts spell casting, does it also restrict an alchemist from throwing a bomb or using an extract? If so, could an infused extract be used?

thanks for your thoughts.

I;m curious if any miniatures are in the works for the 6 new classes in the APG.

I'd love to get an alchemist mini, especially a gnome one. If anyone has seen something that would fit well, let me know, thanks.

I'm curious how other groups handled this lich. Our group ran right past him, literally. The ranger, warlock, and swashbuckler while buffed with haste, ran right past him with not but a wave, leaving a bewildered lich behind. We then used message to tell the clerics and duskblade to buff and run , to meet us. They had to take some aoo form some summons but all in all, the lich was a non factor.

I've been playing around with inquisitor ideas and wanted to see what other
people thaught would be a good bow for an inquisitor.

I have been reading up on the inquisitor and i keep hearing that teamwork feats are making people play melee heavy inquisitors. This just doesnt make sense to me. I understand that outflank and precise strike are very nice melee feats but there are plenty that work for ranged. Duck and cover would be useful if your shooting your bow while standing next to the party cleric, bard, ranger (archer type, mage or sorcerer and an enemy hurls a fireball at you. Allied spellcaster helps over come spell resistance and is directed at being out of melee. coordinated defense works for ranged or melee. lookout works for ranged and melee as does shield wall ( i'd wear a buckler) . shielded caster is nice for eaither ranged or melee build too.

I guess my point is teamwork feats only favor melee if you choose the ones meant for melee. If your gonna stay at range and use bow and spells, there are enough feats to augment that. Let's not forget that monsters wont wait at range and when one does charge you, it's handy to be able to have a feats that let's you take full advantage of flanking or adjacent allies.

What's wrong with being decent at melee and ranged? I think it would be nice to be able to shoot physicaly strong enemies form a distance and to be able to walk up to a caster and beat the crap out of him with a large sword.

I'm creating a 1/2 Orc inquisitor for a pathfinder age of worms game. Nothing is set in stone and I'm looking for some additional ideas. When my friends saw the painted 1/2 Orc mini i did, they immediately thought of Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Name: Dogg (really stumped on a good name)

Level: 1
Race: 1/2 orc
Class: Inquisitor
Deity: Xan Yae (Was thinking he could have been raised by the monks from the twilight monastery. A 1/2 orc would be a unique balance that could serve them well)
Domain:________ ( I am not sure what domains would be acceptable, perhaps something with balance, night, darkness)


I'm thinking of focusing on LongBow and having a falchion as my melee weapon.
Trait: Adopted (extra human feat)
1st lvl: Point Blank Shot
Adopted feat:Rapid Shot

I plan on taking precise shot and multishot. Not sure about what other feats i should take.

Skills: 6+1 for favored class.

Knowledge Arcane: 1 +3=4
Knowledge nature: 1 +3=4
Knowledge Planes: 1 +3=4
Knowledge Religion: 1 +3=4
Knowledge Dungeonering: 1 +3=4
Intimidate: 1 +3 +2(racial -2 ability =4
Sense Motive: 1 +3 +2 ability = 7

the way i read the bane ability, it would be important to have knowledge skills to identify what type of creature your fighting. Intimidate is basically built in to the class as does sense motive. I'd like to get some points in perception, stealth, disguise.