Fenster the Blight

Mulligansley's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts (90 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.


Male Tiefling Fighter/7
Skizor wrote:
justadude wrote:
BAB - essentially the same as your lvl?
If you have a full BAB progression class, such as a fighter, or a monk, or a rogue, or a paladin or another martial based class. Others are 3/4 your level, or 1/2 your level.

Rogues are 3/4 BAB as well.

Male Tiefling Fighter/7

We "muggles" will be just fine. :)

Male Tiefling Fighter/7

I'd REALLY like to not have to use my one of few feats early on with that, but I will if I have to.

Male Tiefling Fighter/7

So.. a good feat people may want to look at getting: Rugged Northerner. I know am at level 1 and I don't get many feats.

Prerequisites: Con 13, Survival 1 rank.

Benefit: You treat extreme cold conditions (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 442) as severe cold, and severe cold as cold weather conditions. You are not impacted at all by normal cold weather conditions. In addition, you do not become fatigued by frostbite or hypothermia.

Male Tiefling Fighter/7

Also, Christy says she's going to play a Winter Witch.

Male Tiefling Fighter/7

So I tried to create an alias with what info I have atm, but it seems like only my PFS character is present, I couldn't where to add, and the Profile section seems like a better fit. This is unless of course the profile section is that for the same PFS character alias.

Male Tiefling Fighter/7
