
Mulligan77's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Lissa Guillet wrote:
Slaunyeh wrote:

Same here. It wouldn't be as much of an issue if you could just opt to use the regular web-site, but I think you're being forced onto the mobile site.

Yeah. I'm not sure why IE on windows phones is having that problem. IE has a history of not doing things exactly like it's supposed to but it usually kind of works. I'll take a look at this and the iPad 3 problem once I get some more time to work on the PRD and get some things setup to test the problems. Thanks for letting us know.

Lol I say again if MS doesn't have their hands in it making money with it they don't care if it works lime it should. Make me almost ashamed that I have a windows phone and use a windows OS. Either way it is great that you reply and acknowledge it =D ty.

I accessed this on my phone earlier and while it is a very nice and friendly interface my phone could not click on the links in it. I have a Windows 7 phone and as most people here know MS hates anything cool they didn't make/have some part of. I may have also been using it wrong, just thought I would let you know.