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I know Glass Boat from Mummy's Mask adventure 6 has been errataed, but whether before or after the errata, I'm not sure I understand:
1) when is it that you get to draw a random item; and
2) if you get to draw an item if you don't succeed at all at your check to defeat.
(This has nothing to do with the case of multiple checks, which is covered by the errata and I totally understand.)
Here's the text before and after the errata: Glass Boat - pre-errata wrote: When you encounter a bane, if you do not defeat it by at least 3, draw a random item that has the Alchemical or Liquid trait from the box. Glass Boat - errataed wrote: If the result of each check to defeat a bane you encounter does not exceed the difficulty by at least 3, after the encounter, draw a random item that has the Alchemical or Liquid trait from the box. My understanding is that if a bane has a check to defeat of 15, and I roll 15, 16, 17 or 18, then I would get to draw a random Alchemical/Liquid item from the box. Is that correct?
Then, assuming it is correct, what if I totally fail with a roll of 6, do I also get to draw a random Alchemical/Liquid item from the box? Usually, these sorts of sentencing are when something detrimental happens when you fail to defeat the bane by a certain amount. Now with the Glass Boat being beneficial, I find it odd (and doubt that it is intentionnal) that you could willingly fail a check and then be rewarded with an item...
(Hence, perhaps this is because English is not my first language, but my initial readings of Glass Boat pre-errata was that the "do not defeat it" part was mandatory in order to get the item)
I'm catching up a group with a solo S&S Merisiel and noticed this yesterday:
Attack on Rickety's Squibs wrote: When you encounter a monster with the Merfolk trait, draw a random ally from the box and set it aside. If you defeat the monster, put the ally in your hand; if undefeated, banish the ally I evaded the Sea Devil...
...and wondered if I should leave the ally displayed on my table indefinitely... My wife would surely not appreciate to always have a parrot on our dinning table, but if it's the designers' intent... ;)
I know it's not a big thing but shouldn't the Scenario card be faqed to say if you do not defeat it instead of undefeated?
In the Demondome scenario (4-2), how many Battlebliss locations are you supposed to build at the beginning?
Only 1 per character, or 1 per character + the one listed at the back of the scenario card?
I was playing it solo yesterday and I build only one Battlebliss location. I've played it, and it felt way too easy even with the scenario's "surprise" (not giving spoilers here). Then I wondered if I was supposed to build an "original" Battlebliss location (as usual, using the locations listed at the back of the scenario card), then build additionnal "copies" of Battlebliss equal to the number of characters, as per the "During this scenario"'s text.
My reasonning is that if the intent was to have strictly one Battlebliss location per character, the back of the scenario card should have listed "1-6 - None" for the required locations, and then the front of the scenario card would have told us to built X "copies" of Battlebliss. We would also be neerer the usual number of locations per scenario.
For reference, here's Demondome's text:
Demondome wrote: Using the deck list from Battlebliss, build a number of Battlebliss locations equal to the number of characters. When 1 of these location decks is empty, close that location; all characters there move, then it ceases to exist. Do not flip the Battlebliss card over. And it's been errated to:
Demondome wrote: Using the deck list from Battlebliss, build a number of Battlebliss locations equal to the number of characters. When any of these location decks is empty, that location automatically closes; all characters there move, then it ceases to exist. Do not flip the Battlebliss card over.
I'm starting AD4 and I'm looking at the errated cards. I feel there's a mistake in the correction made to the villain Heart of the Fane.
Original Heart of the Fane's last power wrote: If undefeated, and if the location Grinder is open, the villain does not escape; instead, shuffle this card into the Grinder's location deck, and all characters there are moved to a random other location then it's been corrected to change "is open" by "has not been banished and is not temporarily closed":
FAQ about Heart of the Fane wrote: Q:Heart of the Fane says "If undefeated, and if the location Grinder is open, the villain does not escape." What if the Grinder is temporarily closed?
A:Normally, temporarily closing a location doesn't do anything other than prevent the villain from escaping to that location, but we do want this power to apply when the Grinder is temporarily closed.
Resolution: On the villain Heart of the Fane, change "if the location Grinder is open" to "if the location Grinder has not been banished and is not temporarily closed".
As I understand it, the correction made to Heart of the Fane should have been: "change "if the location Grinder is open" to "has not been banished" period.
Adding "and is not temporarily closed" to the correction completly defeats the purpose of having "this power to apply when the Grinder is temporarily closed" and is exactly te same thing as saying that the location is open, but it just uses more words...
I've read the whole thing 5 times just to make sure I was not pointing out a mistake in a correction of an error... I hope I'm right....
Banner of Valor says that you display it next to a location [...] then you pick it back up when the location is closed (or something like that, I don't have the card in front of me).
Question: Do you still get to pick it up if you fail the scenario because there's no more blessing to advance in the blessing deck, even though you did not close the location where the banner was displayed?
I know that a similar question has been asked about Padrig and the answer was: "If a card doesn't say when it is un-displayed, un-display it at the end of the scenario". But I find there's a difference with Banner of Valor since it tells you when to un-display it (when the location is closed), but you fail to meet that requirement...
I know it would be a hard blow for a party to lose the Banner of Valor if it was still displayed when a scenario is failed, but maybe it would make you think twice before systematically displaying the Banner when there is not much time left...
I've just played my first game with a Mythic Path. Since I'm playing a solo Harsk, I was tempted by the 1 card "cure" ability of the Hierophant. But after one game, I think I misread/misplayed that Hierophant Path...
Mythic Hierophant wrote: Add your number of mythic charges to your Wisdom or Chrisma check. Then you may expend 1 or more charges. If you do, when you assemble your dice, for each charge expended, replace 1 of your highest non-d20 dice with a d20, and after the check, a character at your location may shuffle 1 card from her discard pile into her deck. At first, I tought that Mythic Paths allowed you some bonuses to certain skill checks (Wisdom and Charisma in the case of Hierophant) based on your number of charges and that - as a separate thing - you could spend a charge to replace a die with a d20 on whatever check you had to do... Re-reading the card, I feel like the word "Then" implies that the power to replace a die with a d20 only applies when you are doing a type of check mentionned on your Mythic Path card. For instance, if you have the Mythic Hierophant, you could only have a d20 on a Wisdom or Charisma check and not on a Dexterity Ranged Combat check. In the same way, you would only get the "1 card cure benefit" after a Wisdom or Charisma check. Am I right? If so, I will most definitely change my Mythic Path choice (even though rules say I can't, I will ;) Otherwise, Harsk will have a hard time to make good use of his Mythic commitement)
Second question for the Hierophant Path: when it says "a character at your location may shuffle 1 card from her discard pile into her deck" is it a random card from the discard pile (as the usual cure abilities do) or does the character gets to choose which card he gets to shuffle into his deck?
AP1 Barrier "Bilious Bottle" reads:
"Display this barrier faceup next to your location. The first time each turn that a character explores this location, each character at that location rolls 1d4:
1. You are dealt 1d4+1 Poison damage.
2. You are dealt 1d4+1 Fire damage.
3. Bury the top card of your deck.
4. Discard a card and banish this barrier."
I have 4 questions:
A) If I encounter the barrier on a second exploration during my turn, should the players at that location roll 1d4 immediately or do I only apply the first part "Display this barrier faceup next to your location." and wait to roll 1d4 on subsequent turns?
B) Does it make a difference if the first time I encounter the barrier it's the first exploration of my turn? (not sure if the power applies since you had already "explored" the location in order to meet the barrier)
C) Let's say the barrier is already faceup at the beginning of my turn and we are three characters at that location. For my first exploration, do I encounter Bilious Bottle or do I encounter the next facedown card?
D) In any event, at some point each characters rolls 1d4. I roll "2", player 2 rolls "1" and player 3 rolls "4". What's the outcome? Does the "You are dealt" specifically refers to me and then I'm deal 1d4+1 Fire damage and 1d4+1 Poison damage or does each player apply the results of their roll to their character? Do I get to banish the barrier even though I'm not the player who rolled 4? Who discards a card for banishing this barrier?
(Is it just me or is this barrier very complicated on top of being one of the most difficult card I've encountered during AP1?)
Can you use the Manual of War to use a power on your role card even if you haven't yet earned your role card? In other words, can you use the Manual of War in Adv.1 to use a power on your role card?
Temptation of Arms has you drawing 3 Weapons and then allowing you to choose 1 and add it to your hand.
Then it says: "If you added 1 to your hand, the barrier is undefeated; a character at your location is dealt 1d4+1 Combat damage."
Is it "a random character at your location" or "a character of your choice at your location" that is dealt 1d4+1 Combat Damage?
In any event, I find it odd that I could choose to add a Weapon to my hand but possibly have another player suffer the damage... Even strangier if I can deliberately choose someone else... That's just nasty for the victim: he suffers damage (and 1d4+1 can be a great deal of it) for a boon he did not even acquire, all while it's not even his turn... Enjoy the game, and enjoy your next turn!
I would have tought that if you choose to "give in" to the temptation you, and only you, should be suffer the consequences...
The Temptation of Lucre have you decide whether or not you take an item. If you take one, it says "every other player discards a card from her deck". I dont have the card in front of me, but I'm 100% sure about "a card from her deck" and I just don't get it... Is it a typo where "her" stands for "their", and even if so, shouldn't it be "discards a card from the top of their deck"?
Last Spring, I bought the second Adventure Deck of the Skull and Shackles Base Set (Raiders of the Fever Sea) at a retailer near my place. It's only last Sunday that my friends and I made it far enough in the adventure to open Adventure deck #2. To our suprise, the Adventure Deck had two wrappings of the same cards (the one without the new adventures, villains, henchmen, etc.). I figured this was a packaging mistake...
So now I'm stuck with an Advenutre deck which lacks half of its cards. I sent an email to earlier this week, but still haven't received an answer. I also went to the retailer where I initially bought the Adventure deck, but without the invoice they can't replace the product... I have no clue where I did put that invoice IF I kept it...
What should I do now?