
Muad-dib's page

19 posts. Alias of Radavel.


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A post from a time ago and a game's past:

With a swirl of her shimmering, great sable cloak of glistening feathers and looking, almost as if for the first time, back and around at those gathered around her at the grave-site. She turns her head and again offers a bow of respect to good Father Grimburrow before raising her head, taking a deep breath and...

"My past is one of some privilege." Arabeth gentle adjusts the unique black cloak adoring her shoulders. Though all of her items, from boots, to clothes, to armor show an equal amount of moneys spent on quality.

"My life safe and sequestered within the loving confines of a monastery devoted to the Goddess." She looks to Kendra smiling,

"I was not fortunate enough to know my parents." And Kednra might realize Arabeth's smile is on of support and admiration, not envy at Kendra's fortune,

"However, the Priestess and Priests of the temple were and always are as close as kin to me." Arabeth's eyes turn to look both over the crowd and back into her past.

"It was I attended the daily duties that are those of faith, that the good Professor came seeking assistance for one of his endeavors." Arabeth shakes her head, "I do not know of all the intrigue and such that brought Master Lorrimor and myself together...But offer aid my clergy did, with myself as the one to whom said responsibility lay." Arabeth's eyes lower to those gathered.

"I was younger then. With no knowledge of the world at large beyond the cloister's walls. To say that the good Professor was more my guardian than the protector from the Church would be the honest truth of the matter." Arabeth smile turns rueful,

"The good Professor was a font of knowledge and education. Something which we continued and maintained after the business which had brought us together was resolved." Arabeth's features draw closer, her pain rising but not over flowing,

"I count it amongst my many blessings to have had such a wonderful teacher and mentor..." Her voice catches, "I am truly saddened by the loss of such an open, honest and wonderful friend..." Arabeth blinks, as if suddenly finding the light too bright as she nods, indicating that she is finished.

By way of some small back story and character development. *Bows*

Here is an Aasimar cleric who's focus is on healing generated for a previous Carrion Crown game which is no more.

Able to put a 'healing' aura around other characters and keeping them reasonably healthy.

From pen and paper experience the build is also kind of reliant on healing potions and such as well. Since at higher levels damage out put of monsters etc becomes... intense.

Thanks for thoughts and feed back. *Bows*

Edit: here is a linky to Arabeth's former game so that others can peruse her short adventuring career. Secrets, Shadows, and Whispers

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Much happy turkey day to every one. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Sorry, home from a 12 our day in 40' (C) heat. Really tired and washed out. Will try and add a post after recovering with sleep.

Wishing very one all the very best.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Still keeping the candle burning.

As always, hoping every thing is going as well as can be for every one.

Much cheers to all.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Adding a post, just to keep a candle burning int the thread.

Hoping every thing is going aw well as can be for every one.

Much cheers to all.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

No worries DM Kana. That you're still with us is enough. (^_^)

Hope your schedule etc is at least fun/exciting/etc.

For those things that aren't? *Hug* The I, for one, wish you all the best and would have you know that our patience and understanding in what Real Life can throw at a person does come first and can take its toll.

Wishing every one all the very best.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Arabeth chooses her 'roosting' place and settles down to wait.

Fly:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Perception:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Acrobatics:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15(To land)

Stealth:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Very much cheers and best wishes to all! (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

*Nods That sounds correct. Arabeth would prefer to enter the cemetery unseen. Probably by simply flying high and then landing upon the largest, closest available surface. Thence settling herself down, furling her wings etc and... waiting. (With all her gear ready to stand and make a quite impressive entrance.

Hopefully making a display that appears something like this to any that would attempt to harm/violate the late Professor's place of internment.

Again, wishing ever one all the very best. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1
DM Kana wrote:
Between my health and work it has been a little crazy for me. Traveled last week and ended up with some sort of allergy/cold mess that cost my my voice for a few days. I'll try to get something up soon, tonight just involved dealing with some real-life matters. I just... need to get this thing called sleep first.

*Puts comforting hand on DM Kana's knee* "If you haven't got your health.... You haven't got anything...."

*Wonders if Dm Kana has a wedding to plan and a wife And Guilder to frame for it?*

Wishing you all the best and hoping for your health etc to be good. Been ill myself a few days ago, so indeed please feel better soon.


”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Hope your studies are going well. :)

Much cheers to all.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Adding post.



Much cheers and best wishes to all.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

So.. while looking though DeviantART I came across an illustration what quite suits what Arabeth plans should people be trying to make trouble in the coming game evening/night

Be afraid

Very much wishing every one all the very best.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Just a hello.

Hoping things in Real Life are going well for every one.

Much cheers to all.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Arabeth blinks and shakes her head... she looks some what confused by something. Initially she does her best to calm her horse and the animals around her.

Ride Check:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

"Um... " She begins hesitantly, "If those were the van of something, we had best be very much on our guard. Does any one know where the missing one might be." She glances around, still worried about an invisible, sneaky little attacker hiding some where....

"Well... real fiends! I'd heard about them in temple-home but actually to see such creatures!" Arabeth mutters to herself.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

*Hugz* Having just shaken a mild, cruddy feeling I've had for a week or so now, I empathize with you.

Relax... take things for it and get better.

Wishing you and yours (And every one) all the very best.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Arabeth relaxes, smiling... obviously glad that her revelation has been met with calm emotions... and not screaming and fleeing... Her pinions shift with soft susurration as she slowly relaxes and 'fold's them into a comfortable position behind her back.

"As... you can see... the robe I've bought will need some... holes?" She suggests quietly, though smiling.

"I hope I can finally put my appearance to some better use than as a show piece for my temple."

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Arabeth nods at Master Longfoot's question. She even indicates the fabric draped awaiting the alterations as the men take off their coats and heavier garments, ready to settle in for the evening.

Arabeth does her best to both help with things in regards to the serving of dinner, though also trying to 'Not get in the way' either.

Diplomacy:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Which she manages passingly well, though something seems to be troubling her slightly. Arabeth seems strangely nervous about... something.

Once dinner has been taken care of and cleaned away she shares the companionship of the group as they settle around the fireplace.

Still choosing to be seated 'away' or more towards the 'edges' of said gathering, Arabeth listens and waits as people chat, compare and contrast all the things they've seen, heard and done over the day. Happy to add her own comments about her encounters.

As the time moves on she waits as the others begin to explain/expand upon their thoughts for the coming evening's endeavors. She chooses a slight lull in the conversation to stand and move to the center of the room, looking to her left and right initially as if to measure something. After a moment she looks to her companions gathered around her and she smiles, though there is a raise of colour in her cheeks as some emotions play across her features. She takes a deep breath before she begins.

"My friends..." And she looks to see people's reactions to her comment, though quickly hurrying on, "The day we've spent together, getting to know one another a little at least... I feel...empowered by our meeting and sharing." Arabeth looks to the fabric and clothing she's bought.

"As I explained before, about how my time within the temple was rather cloistered?" And again there's a pause, perhaps Arabeth is gathering her thoughts. Perhaps calming feelings and emotions. "I would seek your aid in helping adjust the cloaks and gowns to better fit so that the evening's tasks can be better undertaken." With this, she reaches to the clasps which hold the great feathered cloak -The item of dress with out which Arabeth has not been with the entire time during the days travails- and removes the metal disks and chains.

For a moment, the cloak rustles. The weight beginning to shift the heavy looking material from the woman's shoulders as gravity takes the fabric and begins to drag it towards the floor.

Except the cloak's motion changes. The movement becoming that of unfurling rather than falling. The great feathered expanse shifting and stretching. Extending and reaching until Arabeth stands revealed. not as a woman seeking protection withing the enfolding embrace of some garment of fashion.

But as the display of 'Other' as her shimmering sable wings extend to their full reach (Not sure what the wingspan of an Aasimar is, but given the ratio of most large birds? The wingspan of a six foot woman should be impressive) and she stands silent and nervous, awaiting her companions reaction to the revelation of her secret.

Also, sorry for the rather long post. But the end of a long night shift and inspiration created quite the creative fugue. (^_^)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just letting the DM know that it will be another 12 or so hours before I can upload a more 'specific' version of Arabeth suitable to their campaigns specifications. (^_^)

Much cheers to all.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Quick demonstration of "Arabeth' an Aasimar "Oracle of life" healer.

Plume-kith Aasimar.

Will make adjustments/new character etc when time is permitting.

Much cheers and best wishes to all. (^_^)

Edit: Because the DM's title heading makes me feel like sharing something that I find similarly inspirational. Learning to fly...

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Arabeth finishes her first serve of tea coming to her feet and moving to help Kendra with the dinner arraignments.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

=== With the ladies ===

Arabeth helps distribute the tea (And hopefully biscuits) to all before settling herself down.

The dusk haired woman doesn't seem to mind the cold as she accepts a spot not near the fire, happy to let others bask in the warmth from the crackling logs.

Arabeth, as well, sips contentedly at her tea. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

=== With the girls ===

Arabeth comes to her feet, remembering her manners, and assists Kendra with things.


”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

==== With the girls ====

Arabeth perks up at Kendra's question. "Oh! indeed!" She replies brightly. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Arabeth nods to Gwen's arrival. Though only wearing a light gown Arabeth does not sit near the fireplace. Though, again, it is quite probably the properties of the great ebony-feathered cloak still drawn about her shoulders which allows her to be ward against the Ustalavian night's chill. Arabeth even offers a smile to Gwen's cat which is perched regally upon the other woman's shoulders. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Arabeth smiles and laughs softly, carried away by both the moment and Odessa turning things around in that she is the one moving them to the main rooms again.

(If the pair scamper past Guinevere, Arabeth will smile and wave.)

Once back at the sitting room Arabeth will araing the robes she's purchased, while chatting with Odessa (And any one else who joins them)

"Thank you for your aid." She says "Though.. I fear that I shall await every one's gathering before explaining fully the... nature... of certain aspects of in regards to the alterations of the material..." And some aspect of what Arabeth has to say brings more colour to her cheeks. Though of embarrassment or some other emotion is unclear.

Eventually, after puttering about some more, Arabeth sits demurely and makes herself comfortable as they await the return of the others and the call to the evening's dinner.


”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

He say 'One and one and one is three'. Got to be good lookin' cause he's so hard to see...:
Arabeth smiles in reply to Odessa's words, her own hands slowly and gently reaching out to the other woman's -Much as with the grace and care as if approaching a frightened/wounded bird-

"Ah... it's my first time away from the cloister as well." Arabeth admits quietly in reply and a slight shiver of pleasure, guilty or otherwise, passes through her frame. Being revealed through their co-joined palms.

"We shall explore this amazing, big wide world together, no?" Arabeth asks, "Seeing and learning all that there is to offer!" She declares... Then more colour rises in Arabeth's cheeks.

"Actually...This is something I need to approach every one with. My time administering to the faithful has left me... some what unprepared in dealing with...certain things..." And now it is Arabeth who looks away abashed and possibly afraid or ashamed.

"The supplies I've bought? For tonight's sojourn? I fear I will need aid in adjusting them to fit..." And Arabeth looks to Odessa for help.


”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1


Looking forwards to eventuating with every one.

lets get the party started!

Now, what ever was it we were chatting about? (^_~)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Continues to talk quietly with Odessa.

Am hoping a PM will gain a response. (^_^)

Much cheers to all.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1


I feel it is I who should be thanking you for your time and effort thus far.

Having a seeming random, six week roster myself? I can understand the trials and tribulations Real Life throws in one's way.

I am more than happy to accept option 1.

I, too, am finding the characters and interactions wonderful and much fun.

So... there's a stretch where not a lot of DM posting can happen? I'm sure characters can come up with amusing ways to fill in such time. (^_~)

Wishing yourself and every one else all the very best. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Hello. (^_^)

Wishing every one all the very best. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

There's no place like home, Professor Plum


Sorry? ....She a Cleric of the party? Good for what ails you?

Upon the door opening, Arabeth smiles in response to Miss Tullemoon.

"Oh... I am sorry."

Perception:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

"It's....I do apologize for possibly prying... But you seemed... a little 'Out of sorts' there for a bit." Arabeth frowns slightly,

"Might I be able to offer some small help?' She asks sincerely.

Indeed, sorry for possibly jumping a gun. I suppose it's my own over active sympathies kicking in. Though, since there are but the pair of us catching up in the game/posting stakes... I thought it might be fun to continue with have the character's converse? Wishing you and yours all the very best. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

There's No Place like home in the Conservatory:

Perception:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Sense Motive:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Hearing Odessa's words...though feeling something might be 'Out of place'... Arabeth follows Odessa to her room. Politely waiting outside for a brief moment before politely knocking upon the portal.

"Um... hello?"

Wow! Those were interesting dice results

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

There's no place like home. P.S.:
Completely forgot the plan! Arabeth will also bring down the robes/material she's bought and seek both needle and thread and hopefully people with the skills to make quick, simple adjustments to said item to make a 'Cowled robe' for her night's planned vigil.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

There's no place like home:
Arabeth nods and smiles, happy to have brightened poor Kendra's mood. Even if for the moment.

She helps lift and carry the bought items to the kitchen and pantry but is clearly confused as to what happens to most food stuffs after that.

Having helped as much as she currently can, she excuses herself and makes her way first to the room in which she's staying then to the 'ladies room' where she gives herself a quick clean up after having flounced around town all day and changes into her night-gown.

Padding back down to the main room on bare feet. herself not seeming concerned with the night's growing chill. But then the ubiquitous, great black feathered cape is still adorning her shoulders which she settles tight about herself as she makes herself comfortable in one of the chairs.

"Well...there was so much to see and do..." She tries to begin/open a conversation with whom ever is in the living room with herself.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

At work

Character is happyvto be returning to the manse for the evening.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Not to worries DM Kana.

You rest up and get better.

Hope your trip was fun.

Best wishes to all.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

As always, wishing DM Kana and every one all the very best.

Hoping Real Life lets go long enough for people to have/take a breather etc.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

As always, wishing DM Kana and every one all the very best.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

As always, wishing you the very best DM Kana.

Same for every one else.

Much cheers to all.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

No real need for a spoiler.

Arabeth chats gaily to her friends as they wend their way home. Commenting on the things they've seen, the choices for what they've bought. The friendliness of the people (Especially the wonderful Blacksmith) etc.


”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1


”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

*Bows* I do apologize for my haste.

Wishing every one all the very best for however life is finding/treating them.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

House? (>_>)

Much cheers and best wishes to all. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Girl's day out:
Ah! *Nods* good-O! (^_^)

Indeed, returning to the hos with our bounty of plunder!

Much cheers to all

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Glad everything is going well for you and yours DM Kana.

Wishing every one all the very best.

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Girl's day out:
Arabeth smiles happily in reply to the forge-mistress...though there is obviously a 'squeee' of delight tying to explode from the dark haired lass. Walking back to the house after the stop by the butchers (Arabeth would buy something so that all might have a good repast come the evening) Arabeth does her best to carry as much of her own purchases as possible (though I think it's a stretch, bulk/weight limit wise)

Also, not sure about the comment 'Behind the house'? Is Kendra talking about feeding the dog? The parties egress?

Much cheers to all. Best wishes!

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Hoping everything is going well for DM Kana and every one else. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1

Wishing every one the very best. (^_^)

”Disguise DC 12”:
Female Aasimar, Init +3,Perc +3, HP 10 (Wounds ),Speed 30' Fly 20'(Poor),AC 13,Touch 13,Flat-F 10,F +2 R +3 W +4,Bab +0, Oracle Lvl 1


Good to hear at least that all is well, if busy, with yourself.

Wishing you and yours and every one else all the very best. (^_^)

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