
Ms. Raital Latral's page

9 posts (14 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


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Once we get the wiki and administrative stuff handled and clean everything up, we'll likely begin to accept applications.

We may end up advertising the game on, but I'm sure when things finish and it becomes open to the public, the first thing Ashiel will do is post the application page here :P

Tels wrote:
Aliizsa Sylvari wrote:
(Yes, we started dating on 4/20 :P It was also Easter. It was also the day he bought me Diablo III. It was also the day all of ->this<- happened!)
I would advise you not looking at the list. Most of the things remembered seem to be people dying, sometimes in large quantities.


It's also the death of Bram Stoker :o Huh. *huge vampire fanatic*

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Today is mine and Ara's 1-year-dating anniversary. You've been invited to the crumpets and tea party where we wear dapper clothing, fancy hats with monocles, and boisterously laugh while mocking console-gamers, 4e/5e playing peasants, and people that think fighters/monks/rogues are good.

1) What do you wear?
2) Is it sexy? How sexy? ;3
3) What do you bring for the pot luck?
4) Does this bodice make me look fat?
5) What did you get us for our anniversary?
6) Is it sexy?
7) What spells did you prepare today?
8) "Moves like Jagger" starts playing on the phonograph; how do you move?
9) Now it's ->this<-
10) Suddenly it's October 24th, 2009!!

BONUS QUESTION!!1!!JKLjdas#H@K!8937#*($&!67923!!!
11) Do you believe in ghosts?

12) I like this song. Seriously.

^^ Not a Question ^^

(Yes, we started dating on 4/20 :P It was also Easter. It was also the day he bought me Diablo III. It was also the day all of ->this<- happened!)

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@Aratrok - I'm winning the favorites game :33333
5 posts, 7 favorites. I'm awesome. Deal with it :33333

@Ash - When are you and Ara gonna get serious about Alvena Publishing? Seriously. :| There's a lot of untapped potential.

6 posts, 8 favorites >w>

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Get better hot dog packs, we got one last week that came with 12.

WAT!? D: NO WAY DX Hax. :<

I can't get moar Dx I am but le poor collage student, and unlike certain individuals I know. I don't have disposable income. I can only afford the hot-doggies my mommy and daddy bring home ;A;

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Question #4: This one is for Aratrok!

Why do hot dogs come in packs of 8, but hot dog buns come in packs of 12? :|

Question #5: Back to Ash.

What are your thoughts, hopes, and dreams of the upcoming (or is it out already? >_> I don't follow this stuff) Pathfinder Unleashed/Unchained/Unwhatever? You know what I mean :| The new "super special awesome unique snowflake lets make monks/fighters/rogues not suck so much but they'll probably still be pretty bad--also woo new systems for all!" book.

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Question #3: On a scale of 1 to yes, how worried are you now that I've actually made a Whaizo account and know where you post? Ufufufufu~

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For example, I played in Aratrok's Reign of Winter game and he had to fix countless errors and re-work several of the encounters because really obvious things weren't even taken into account.

MUAHAHAHAH! I figured it out. Ignore Question #1! And by figured it out I mean I was told in Skype.

But seriously :I RoW was really painful. Seriously, why could they not have their maps be consistently oriented. In that one dungeon there were oodles of maps, and each one was rotated a different direction on the physical page, with the cardinal directions also inconsistently rotated as well, so trying to use them as actually useful in game maps was impossible ;_____________; Whaizo you do this to us? T~T

Question #2!

When are we playing next? >3> (Don't ignore this one, or I -will- find you.)

EDIT: Thanks both of you for answering Question #1 :D But Aratrok already beat you both to it. MUAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAAA

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Question #1: How do I quote text?