
Mrfunnel's page

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Andrew Riebe wrote:
Wandering Wastrel wrote:

Hugely approve of this, for all sorts of reasons - but one minor suggestion: change it to "A burst of fire explodes, dealing 6d6 fire damage to creatures in the area, depending on their basic Reflex saves saving throw (Reflex)"

If you're going to call it a 'basic saving throw' then you should call it a 'basic saving throw'.

I like this, but think it might be best to put it into the statblock itself:

Evocation, Fire
Casting [[A]] Somatic Casting, [[A]] Verbal Casting
Range 500 feet; Area 20-foot burst; Saving Throw [Basic] Reflex

A burst of fire explodes, dealing 6d6 fire damage to creatures in the area.

All of the YES.

Xenocrat wrote:
Yes, there are many, many, many examples of abilities that add duplicate types of components. It's possible for a Wizard to cast a three somatic component spell (use a somatic metamagic, use Eschew Materials, cast a Somatic/Material spell like Invisibility).

Thanks, I didn't even think of comparing the meta magic / wizard casting.

Hey Rooneg

So there's some interesting wording in the rulebook but I decided to flip through to see what you mean.

Usually, such spells require a melee touch attack or a ranged touch attack. In both cases, make an attack roll and compare the result to the target’s TAC. Your proficiency modifier for a spell’s attack roll is the same as your proficiency modifier with spell rolls.

So I think the only confusing thing here in terms of spell mod or DEX mod was the fact that you had a prior example from the pre-gens. A mistake maybe? I think if you don't consider DEX an option, its fairly clear.

Might be easier if they referred to the roll you make with spells not as ranged / melee touch attacks, but as Spell Attack vs TAC (since I don't think your mod is going to change based on range anyway)

Might be worth looking into...

Hey Team,

EDIT: Realized this should probably be in classes, sorry!

TLDR Before you start: Can a type of spell casting action be used more than once?

I was running a player through building their sorcerer and an interesting question popped up that I haven't been able to find a definitive answer to within the book anywhere.

On p128 where the sorcerer's spell casting is detailed, the book states

'Because you’re a sorcerer, you can usually replace Material Casting actions with Somatic Casting actions, so you usually don’t need spell components'

and on p129

'If you’re a sorcerer Casting a Spell from the spell list that matches your bloodline, you can draw on the magic within your blood to replace any Material Casting actions that require material components with Somatic Casting actions. You can’t replace a Material Casting action that requires a spell focus.*

Am I correct in understanding that there are no 'limits' to repeating actions within a spell cast in this event? The best example I can give for my question is Magic Missile.
You can add actions to increase the power of the spell, being somatic and material casting actions. This means that instead of V,S,M casting actions in a round, the sorcerer can actually us V,S,S instead?