Sir Rekkart Cole

MrWakka's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 54 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade

I am in the process of planning an online AD&D 2E campaign that takes place during 1222 DR in the Vast, and I am seeking two additional players to join.

Why AD&D 2E?

I read the 5e handbook and felt nostalgiac for 2e. Since I knew no one was going to be running one near me, and it would likely be hard to find one online, I decided to run one myself. 2e like any version of D&D isn't perfect, but i like it and it's quirks, and in particular the power level that seemed to be prevalent with it in the games I've played. Magic items aren't quite as common, and not only was it likely your stats would be around average, it was fine if they were. a 13 intelligence mage could be perfectly viable for example. Rose tinted glasses? Perhaps, but if your in the mood how about we find out through adventure?

The Setting

Since the idea came about more as a feeling of nostalgia than any plan, I decided to effectively throw a dart at the realms and see where it stuck. The Sword Coast has too long been where I played my games, with a singular Halruaa campaign exception, and didn't want to retread old stomping grounds. The Vast came up, and so I started reading some of the history and getting some ideas for a campaign. So I wanted it to be the Vast that was in greater threat from orcs and the like so decided to set it in 1222, the year Raven's Bluff was started south of the ruins of Sarbreen. It should be noted this date places it prior to the time of troubles.

Raven's Bluff with its relationship with old Sarbreen seemed ripe for use, so thats where I decided the game would start. This isn't the city later used during the Living City, it is just barely started and pirates, orcs, and potentially worse could still fall upon it and snuff it out before it even truly begins. For whatever reason the players desire, they have found themselves in this fledgling settlement, and in the employ of a small dwarven family operating a trading coster looking to take advantage of the new port, along with perhaps other, more hidden, plans as well.

The Campaign

The campaign is one with a on-going story, but one that is something of a slow burn, mixed in with time between 'main' story beats for the characters to use their own initiative. That can be seeking out local treasures, fighting pirates, being pirates, defending small towns from orc hordes, etc, as you wish. While I do not wish to reveal much of the expected story, partly because I want it revealed in game, and partly because I am still working on it, expect it to play with notable events in the realms.

The Characters

Characters are rolled 3d6 in order, though not superstrict, if you are looking to play a specific kit or class we might reroll or adjust things a bit to make it work. Most kits should be fine, just let me know so I can give it a look over. Current party is two fighter/mages, one an elf, and the other either an elf or half-elf I believe. As such i'd prefer a non-mage, non-elf candidate for the two remaining spots. This is expected to be a good campaign, and while I won't prohibit an evil PC (unless by that point there is a paladin in the group.), I would ask that when you create him you find a way to make sure he will function and work with the group.

If you are interested, please PM me and I will get back to you ASAP.

Silver Crusade

Me and my group are hosting a game day in Springdale, just outside of Pittsburgh on May the 24th. 10:00 am - 11:00 pm.

Entry is free, and we plan to have a selection of table top games, such as Smash Up, and Lords of Waterdeep, as well as RPGs such as Dresden Files, Dungeon Crawl Classics, and Universal Battles.

If you are interested in playing, or running a game, check us out on our google+ page:

If our initial event goes well we hope to do more in the future.

Silver Crusade

I am planning on running an weekly online WotR campaign using Raidcall for voice & for a virtual tabletop, as well as a campaign page over on

Currently I am looking at Wednesday or Sunday evenings, sometime between 6pm-10pm est to start, and it being a 4 hour or longer block. More specific times to be determined as I get people signed up and see what works best for the group. Start date to be determined when we have the players and schedule worked out.

Character creation rules are listed over on the OP page here: Character Creation

If you would be interested in taking part, post here or send me a pm. I would note that one potential player is new to tabletop games, so some patience is likely to be required.

Silver Crusade -archetypes/white-haired-witch

So I was thinking of rolling a character using the above archetype, and I am curious about the White Hair ability, specifically:

"In addition, whenever the hair strikes a foe, the witch can attempt to grapple that foe with her hair as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity, using her Intelligence modifier in place of her Strength modifier when making the combat maneuver check. When a white-haired witch grapples a foe in this way, she does not gain the grappled condition."

Would casting a spell that required a touch attack count as striking a foe? If so that makes this a potentially interesting avenue, especially since I rarely use touch based spells.

Silver Crusade

Wasn't sure If I should ask here, or on the compatible products forum. The latter seemed mostly just for specific product announcement and discussions, so hope this ones OK.

Recently picked up the New Paths Compendium, and I am tempted to play a White Necromancer with the Grave-Bound archetype. I intend it to be a Dhampir, with a vampire companion who is my characters brother. Either way that is the route I intend to go because I like the RP opportunities there, however upon looking at the actual stats, I am not seeing how this guy is supposed to be used.

With a 1/2 BAB, 7 total skill ranks at 19+, 14HD at 19+, and really no stand out abilities save at 20, which is limited by that point, what role would he really take up?

Anyway, I like the flavor, but thought maybe I am missing something obvious, and that the kind people that populate Advice might have some suggestions or recommendations.

Silver Crusade

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Recently a debate started between the would be owner of such a cloak who is a monk, and the DM, on if he could use it on a turn when he successfully used evasion.

The description for the Cloak of Fiery Vanishing says "Once per day, when subject to an effect that deals fire damage, the wearer can spend an immediate action while obscured by the flames to become invisible, leaving behind an illusory pile of ashes and bones, as if he had been slain by the fire effect. "

Essentially, would a monk who evades the fireball be considered subject to the effect of the spell and be allowed to use the cloak or not? Anyone able to offer any clarity to the subject?

Silver Crusade

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So I am looking to develop a take on the Modron, unfortunately the traits available in the advanced race guide do not really match the 3.5 version (Dragon 354) that well. It used the living construct race trait, and the half construct doesn't match up in the least.

So here is what I came up with, and I am curious to get feedback, and if anyone agrees/disagrees with my RP value for it. I should also note the campaign that it will be used in also uses some 3.5 content, such as some spells.

Racial Type: Outsider (Lawful, Sentient Construct)

Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain. (8rp)

Representing the living construct immunities from 3.5. Duergar immunities covers some of these and clocks in at 4rp, this is more extensive so I felt it should be more obviously. Not sure if double is enough, but it seemed reasonable.

Does not need to eat, drink, or sleep. Though may do so in order to gain benefits. A Modron must still meditate for 8 hours to regain spells. (6rp)

Looking at the half construct race, I ultimately came to pricing this in at 6rp.

Spell Vulnerabilty: As a Modron they are subject to spells that affect living creatures and constructs, such as Disable Construct and Harm. (-2rp)

More 3.5 stuff. The ability to be hit by spells directed against constructs seemed worth 2pts, using the elemental vulnerability trait as example.

Healing Vulnerabilty: spells from the healing subschool and sypernatural abilities that cure hitpoint and/or ability damage are only 50% effective. (-2rp)

See above

Spell Weakness: Spells that effect armor, such as heat metal, or chill metal, damage the target regardless of the armor being worn. Likewise he is affected by other spells that target a creature as if he were wearing metal armor, should that have an effect, regardless of the material of the clothing or armor he wears. Spells that affect objects only cannot be used on the subject. (-1rp)

Not as strong a weakness in my mind, so only 1pt.

Revive and Resurrection: A Modron cannot be revived or resurrected, but may be affected by Revive Outsider, and Wish. (-1rp)

The greater difficulty in being revived seemed worth a point, and I again drew from the half construct race to price it.

Dark Vision (0rp), from outsider.

Outsiders get dark vision, while not in the 3.5 modron, I went back and forth on it until I finally decided it should have it.

Ability Bonuses

Ability Bonuses: +2 con, +2 int, -4 Cha. (-1rp)

Fairly close to 3.5, no dex penalty, but made up for with much weaker charisma. Went this route since there is not a -2, -2, +2, +2 option in the ARG.

Other Bonuses/Penalties

Racial Perception Bonus: +2 racial bonus to perception (2rp)

Modrons are noted often for their ability to notice things.

Illusion Resistance: Modrons logical minds are able to more keenly discern illusions. Modrons gain +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells and effects (1rp)

Standard trait in the ARG

Modron Shell: A modron has a resistance of 5 to Acid, Cold, and Fire, and a +2 to their natural armor. (6rp)

1rp per elemental resistance, +2rp for the natural armor and 1rp to improve it. Modrons in 3.5 and planescape as having resistances and armor increase.

Born of Order: -2 to all charisma checks against chaotic creatures. (-1rp)

Penalty from 3.5

Cubed: Cannot wear normal armor, all such equipment must be fitted for the creature. Doesn’t increase cost of purchased gear, but means found armor will need to be adapted before use. (0rp)

Didn't seem worth a point itself

Surprise Vulnerability: Remains flat-footed for an extra round following a surprise round. (-1rp)

from 3.5 and planescape, didn't seem worth 2pts, but worth at least 1pt.

The end total is 14

Thoughts, think I over or undervalued?

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

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Generally speaking I am a big fan of what I have read about what GW is doing with the MMO. However, recently I read one of the blog entries that makes me concerned about the way magic is going to be handled.

Three Headed Hydra Blog post wrote:
If a character has a spellbook equipped, it can go into one of these slots; activating the spellbook turns all weapon slots into spell slots determined by the spellbook. Wizards will have to find and equip different spellbooks to get access to different spells, with some books being more valuable or rare than others.

Does this mean that if I were to play a arcane caster, I couldn't select my own spells? Rather I am going to be stuck with preconfigured spellbooks?

This more or less is a dealbreaker for me in playing a mage. One of the things I love about tabletop games over MMO's, and one of the reasons I enjoy playing a caster in DDO and not WoW, is the spell selection. I like playing a wizard over a sorceror because I like the versatility in spell selection. If I am going to be forced to use the Spellbook of Noobium, and have say, Color Spray; Magic Missile, and Sleep; or instead use the Spellbook of the Novice with Ray of Enfeeblement, Mage Armor; and True Strike, I don't think I could play a mage in this game.

Which isn't to say I still don't look forward to it, but as someone who almost exclusively plays full casters in pnp, this seems highly disappointing. MMO's have almost never gotten casters right, making them into glass cannons instead of the amazingly versatile classes they can be. I don't know that is what will happen here, but it screams of cookie cutter casters with minimal spell customization; an odd note for what is otherwise looking to be a very promising and open sandbox game.

Silver Crusade

Expedition into the West

To whom it may concern, a local adventuring group is seeking support of an arcanist, capable in the ways of magic and knowledgeable in its use and practices.

We would offer such a individual equal shares in our findings in return for their services.


I am currently running a online pathfinder game in a custom setting, we currently have a Cleric, Druid, Barbarian, Rogue and Inquisitor. Recently our arcane player, a necromancer, has been unable to play due to scheduling conflicts. As a result we are looking for one person to join us in that role.

We use pathfinder, with some limited allowances if a player wants/needs a third party resources, which I allow or deny on a case by case basis. Otherwise anything first party is generally allowed, but only the core classes are presently allowed. Races allowed include Humans, Anumus (With different lore/appearance), Kobolds, Kitsune, and Tengu. Most traditional races are either very rare, hidden, or do not exist in the setting.

The campaign is itself very much a sandbox, the players free to pursue whatever their interests are. I require a list of goals for each character, which I then use to try and give some various incentives and plotlines, which are optional if the players prefer to pursue some other crazy scheme.

Currently the party is level 8, and in terms of alignment the party has some evil, some neutral, and a good player, and any are welcome so long as they are able to work with the group, and it should be clear there is no pvp allowed.

Lastly we meet sunday nights online at 7:00pm-7:30pm est, and use maptools for battles, some limited rp, and then skype for voice chat and additional rp. You must be willing to use voice chat to play.

If you are interested, please post a character concept below. Feel free to ask any questions, and i'll respond as quickly as possible.

Silver Crusade

So I am developing a character for a new pathfinder game I will be playing in, and the concept of the spellslinger always appealed to me, but the limited spell selection that could be fired through a gun always seemed a big drawback.

The DM is allowing me to take some 3.5 classes, and I am thinking unseen seer, spellwarp sniper, then the pf arcane trickster to round things out giving a nice bit of sneak attack damage and bonuses to rays.

While this opens up a lot more options via spellwarp for rays, im thinking Words of Power is the way to really go, my DM is ok with me using it but I wanted to toss it out and see if I am missing any obvious flaws here.

In theory I could make a much larger array of utility ray spells tnis way, including enchantment, which would then benefit from a much increased save DC.

Any thoughts? And with words of power in play what would be the best way to go about opposition school selection.

Silver Crusade

One of my players characters died, and decided for his next one he wanted to try his hand at a Qedeshot from the "Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era" 3.5 book.

The class itself could be summarized as a divine bard of sorts. This had no issues until he started using one particular spell, cramps.

The spell is a close ranged 3rd level spell which causes the target to take 1d10+10 damage per round and unable to act unless they make a fort save, and then they only take half damage. Regardless, it also prevents the casting of spells for the duration, save or not. It lasts 1 round per level.

Maybe you guys will have a differing opinion, but this seems a bit strong to me, able to essentially shut down casters completely for a fight, and he is more than able to memorize enough castings to shut down more than the number of casters I typically have in a encounter.

The class doesn't get a lot of offensive spells, mostly heals and buffs, so I am reluctant to simply ban the spell, and am I hoping someone might help me find a fair way to make it more balanced for use in pathfinder.

I am thinking of potentially a second save, perhaps will, in order to cast while under this effect, any thoughts?

Silver Crusade

Can an Arcane Blast be "shot" as if it were a spell through the spellslingers gun?

Arcane Blast per the d20pfsrd:

My initial thought is no, but I wanted to double check.

Silver Crusade

So in the current campaign my group is playing i am a lawful neutral cleric. I know there is the book of vile darkness and exalted deeds, but is there any supplements for 3.5 edition focusing of extreme law types, planes, champions, etc?

Silver Crusade

I am thinking on possibly allowing my players to take over a area of land and essentially be lords of it.

However i was hoping to find some help in regards in how to manage this, the players tend to enjoy having some depth to it and i expect it to be a long term thing.

Any books/game supplements that anyone can think of that has anything useful on this subject? (Running a D&D 3.5 Forgotten Realms campaign, but anything that has a good base i can convert if need be.)

Hopefully this was the right forum for this, wasn't sure.