Sir Rekkart Cole

MrWakka's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 54 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade

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In some ways Tar-Baphons greatest enemies may not be the 'good guys', but the villains, or at least that is potentially how i'd play it.

Arazni as already mentioned has more than enough cause to want to see him crushed, and the devil ruled Cheliax isn't going to stand by and just let a massive undead rival form on their doorstep. Neither Asmodeus nor Tar-Baphon strike me as the sharing type. Has the potential for some very interesting groups who hate each other working towards a common goal. Knights of Ozem working with the Harlot Queen, Cheliax and Andoran forces standing together against the undead horde. As far as the world wound, i'd imagine he would ignore it. The crusaders there are too busy to split their attention unless forced to, and as long as they are fighting demons it is siphoning off forces that would otherwise be fighting him.

So if it were me as Tar-Baphon, here is how i'd see things play out:

1: Tar-Baphon gets free, immediately nukes Vigil. At his level he doesn't need allies or a horde to help do it and no one there is going to have the power to stop him, and having undead would simply alert others as to the true cause. If possible try to throw suspicion elsewhere, but at the very least leave it a mystery, don't announce his presence and take precautions to ensure divination is unlikely to reveal the truth. Sure, hes going to be top of the suspect list, but if no undead hordes stir, or anything else people suspect would come with him happens, they aren't going to be sure.

This will throw his most dedicated opposition into disarray.

2: Leave Ustalav, leave a trusted servant in charge of quietly rallying his forces and keeping them hidden so they can spill out across the land when he needs them. Set up a new base, and set about fortifying it while moving to step 3.

3: Gain influence and spread chaos. Razmir might be an ally given his desire for immortality that mirrors in some way Tar-Baphons own, but it would likely be easier to kill and replace him with a puppet. Have said puppet start a war of expansion into the river kingdoms, it will weaken those realms and provide ample corpses for his own use later, and if it succeeds, all the better. Galt is so chaotic he could likely start a new faction there and with subtle hand gain control of it as well, and no one will pay it much notice because, well its is Galt after all. Once he has control of Galt have it join in the wars of the river kingdoms, using Graltons actions in Galt as a pretext. Getting the orcs of Belkzen bent to his will would also be beneficial, and if not and word of orcs dying by the hundred from some unseen menace gets out, is anyone going to care all that much?

At some point someone will have already started to piece things together, but if he works well to misdirect things he could by this point have a large swath of the inner sea under his control. The war in the river kingdoms would slow reinforcements to the crusaders in Mendev, he could have his forces in Ustalav spill forth into Lastwall, and use his agents to cause as much chaos as possible among their ranks as he does, all while still not directly revealing himself. If a bunch of forces arrive to bolster lastwall, then he can go about taking all those lovely dead people in Galt, Razmiran, and the River Kingdoms and put them to use either opening an additional front no one was expecting, or cross the lake to hit those in last wall from an unexpected direction. He can either have the orcs join in, or the dead orcs, as the case may be, or keep them as a surprise reserve.

From a GM perspective i'd probably just have his forces attack everywhere at once. This creates a world war type scenario with a front that spans nearly all the way across the continent, with an easy excuse for massive early gains thanks to the speed, size, and unexpected nature of it all.

Silver Crusade

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Plenty of artists you could likely find online on places like deviantart who will do commissions. You could also browse their gallery to see if you like their style before hand.

Silver Crusade

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Recently a debate started between the would be owner of such a cloak who is a monk, and the DM, on if he could use it on a turn when he successfully used evasion.

The description for the Cloak of Fiery Vanishing says "Once per day, when subject to an effect that deals fire damage, the wearer can spend an immediate action while obscured by the flames to become invisible, leaving behind an illusory pile of ashes and bones, as if he had been slain by the fire effect. "

Essentially, would a monk who evades the fireball be considered subject to the effect of the spell and be allowed to use the cloak or not? Anyone able to offer any clarity to the subject?

Silver Crusade

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So I am looking to develop a take on the Modron, unfortunately the traits available in the advanced race guide do not really match the 3.5 version (Dragon 354) that well. It used the living construct race trait, and the half construct doesn't match up in the least.

So here is what I came up with, and I am curious to get feedback, and if anyone agrees/disagrees with my RP value for it. I should also note the campaign that it will be used in also uses some 3.5 content, such as some spells.

Racial Type: Outsider (Lawful, Sentient Construct)

Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain. (8rp)

Representing the living construct immunities from 3.5. Duergar immunities covers some of these and clocks in at 4rp, this is more extensive so I felt it should be more obviously. Not sure if double is enough, but it seemed reasonable.

Does not need to eat, drink, or sleep. Though may do so in order to gain benefits. A Modron must still meditate for 8 hours to regain spells. (6rp)

Looking at the half construct race, I ultimately came to pricing this in at 6rp.

Spell Vulnerabilty: As a Modron they are subject to spells that affect living creatures and constructs, such as Disable Construct and Harm. (-2rp)

More 3.5 stuff. The ability to be hit by spells directed against constructs seemed worth 2pts, using the elemental vulnerability trait as example.

Healing Vulnerabilty: spells from the healing subschool and sypernatural abilities that cure hitpoint and/or ability damage are only 50% effective. (-2rp)

See above

Spell Weakness: Spells that effect armor, such as heat metal, or chill metal, damage the target regardless of the armor being worn. Likewise he is affected by other spells that target a creature as if he were wearing metal armor, should that have an effect, regardless of the material of the clothing or armor he wears. Spells that affect objects only cannot be used on the subject. (-1rp)

Not as strong a weakness in my mind, so only 1pt.

Revive and Resurrection: A Modron cannot be revived or resurrected, but may be affected by Revive Outsider, and Wish. (-1rp)

The greater difficulty in being revived seemed worth a point, and I again drew from the half construct race to price it.

Dark Vision (0rp), from outsider.

Outsiders get dark vision, while not in the 3.5 modron, I went back and forth on it until I finally decided it should have it.

Ability Bonuses

Ability Bonuses: +2 con, +2 int, -4 Cha. (-1rp)

Fairly close to 3.5, no dex penalty, but made up for with much weaker charisma. Went this route since there is not a -2, -2, +2, +2 option in the ARG.

Other Bonuses/Penalties

Racial Perception Bonus: +2 racial bonus to perception (2rp)

Modrons are noted often for their ability to notice things.

Illusion Resistance: Modrons logical minds are able to more keenly discern illusions. Modrons gain +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells and effects (1rp)

Standard trait in the ARG

Modron Shell: A modron has a resistance of 5 to Acid, Cold, and Fire, and a +2 to their natural armor. (6rp)

1rp per elemental resistance, +2rp for the natural armor and 1rp to improve it. Modrons in 3.5 and planescape as having resistances and armor increase.

Born of Order: -2 to all charisma checks against chaotic creatures. (-1rp)

Penalty from 3.5

Cubed: Cannot wear normal armor, all such equipment must be fitted for the creature. Doesn’t increase cost of purchased gear, but means found armor will need to be adapted before use. (0rp)

Didn't seem worth a point itself

Surprise Vulnerability: Remains flat-footed for an extra round following a surprise round. (-1rp)

from 3.5 and planescape, didn't seem worth 2pts, but worth at least 1pt.

The end total is 14

Thoughts, think I over or undervalued?

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

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Generally speaking I am a big fan of what I have read about what GW is doing with the MMO. However, recently I read one of the blog entries that makes me concerned about the way magic is going to be handled.

Three Headed Hydra Blog post wrote:
If a character has a spellbook equipped, it can go into one of these slots; activating the spellbook turns all weapon slots into spell slots determined by the spellbook. Wizards will have to find and equip different spellbooks to get access to different spells, with some books being more valuable or rare than others.

Does this mean that if I were to play a arcane caster, I couldn't select my own spells? Rather I am going to be stuck with preconfigured spellbooks?

This more or less is a dealbreaker for me in playing a mage. One of the things I love about tabletop games over MMO's, and one of the reasons I enjoy playing a caster in DDO and not WoW, is the spell selection. I like playing a wizard over a sorceror because I like the versatility in spell selection. If I am going to be forced to use the Spellbook of Noobium, and have say, Color Spray; Magic Missile, and Sleep; or instead use the Spellbook of the Novice with Ray of Enfeeblement, Mage Armor; and True Strike, I don't think I could play a mage in this game.

Which isn't to say I still don't look forward to it, but as someone who almost exclusively plays full casters in pnp, this seems highly disappointing. MMO's have almost never gotten casters right, making them into glass cannons instead of the amazingly versatile classes they can be. I don't know that is what will happen here, but it screams of cookie cutter casters with minimal spell customization; an odd note for what is otherwise looking to be a very promising and open sandbox game.