Mr Tummy-ness's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


My GM has 4 stars but he lost his pw to this site. He said people don't listen to him when he posts on his new account without stars.

I'm noob here but is that what this post is about?

Boon? I totally dont own that book. I'll goo look at right now.

My bloodline is Maestro !

I'm moving soon anyways.

PFS is not too hard. No way. Too easy is my opinin.

He's 5th level.

I have star envy. I want a 30' line of star motes. Does that take a lot of GM?

my character is a Wildblooded Sorcerer and while in the past few games he adventrue with friend. Friend has Vrotex or Void or Dark Tapestry. Does this neat thing with a 30' high line of star motes.

My sorcerer loves the line of motes. He wants motes. I feel I can change and get those motes right? I mean he is magic afterall.

Magic man!

my character is allowed to change right?