Chuffy Lickwound

Mr Mayhem 1800's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (105 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


5 people marked this as a favorite.
keftiu wrote:
I cannot wait to play an Exemplar as a magical girl.

I absolutely LOVE this idea

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For all the people that, rightfully, feel this isn’t for them, I’ll add that this will be HUGE for my group of friends. Not all of them are particularly tech savvy and we use D&D Beyond for our 5e games. Path builder is great and I’ve paid for the upgrade for it but if I’m able to share my books with everyone, it’ll make it that much comfortable and familiar feeling when we switch over to PF2e soon. I get that double paying isn’t ideal but for me, the benefits are worth it.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

There’s not much that could make me feel better about supporting this company. Knowing that the people that make my games will be able to put themselves in a better living situation fills me with warm, fuzzy feelings. Thank you Paizo management for doing the right thing.

It looks like the shipping defaulted to my old address on this order. Is there a way to get that re-routed as it still looks like it hasn’t left the facility when I track it? And is there a way to remove the old address so that doesn’t happen in the future?

DM Grey wrote:

Hello everyone,

I would be happy to run another group through the Beginner Box adventure. I'm about to leave the office, and will have the new recruitment thread up tonight or tomorrow.

This will be a Play-By-Post game. Meaning that it will be conducted here on the paizo forum via messageboard posts. I will explain more of what this means in the recruitment thread.

Also, we will be using the simplified rules presented in the Beginner Box. If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything, I would highly recommend using one of the pregenerated characters presented in the beginner box.

That being said, hello and welcome!

I'd be interested as well, depending on the timing. I really can't play til after 8:30 on weekdays and probably not every day. I understand if that doesn't work, I wouldn't want to make the game a slog for everyone else that's playing.

I've never played a tabletop before though I've been interested for years.