I was Tier 1 on the ACG side so I can only comment on that, and most of my feedback was added to the post-Con meeting that was held in the room. I only have two points that I'd like to reiterate again for emphasis. The first is a dedicated ACG musterer. With 4 seasons offered and multiple tiers within 3 of those seasons and multiple levels of scenario progress within each tier it was a mess at times getting people where they needed to be. Someone solely dedicated to finding out what people needed and grouping them together would save pulling GMs to do that rather than get people started on their games, especially since the ACG has a hard time stop for session.
And secondly, shifting more towards allowing GMs for the card game to be allowed to sit with a table and help them with the game. I felt REALLY bad when I had to set up and oversee multiple tables and end up basically asking an experienced player to teach the game to the newcomers and run it while the GMs bounced from table to table or tried to get tables mustered.
If I was paying to come to a convention and paying for an event, I would not be happy with defaulting to teaching and running the game myself. I could stay home and do that for free. Thankfully, the players were very understanding but it's still not cool to do that to them.
Oh, and I guess thirdly, schedule a larger number of GMs the morning after the Friday night special if the ACG will tie in again, and especially if we will need to the reset boxes because people and cards have been shuffled about from table to table. Alternately, setting aside 5 or so dedicated untouched boxes for the morning which gives us time to reset more of the other boxes would also work.
Oh, lastly, not sure if it was brought up but we had A LOT of people coming and asking to play Season of the Shackles and Season of the Righteous and I think the demand was way under estimated. We were running out of Chronicle sheets by the second day. I think some of the suggested changes Kevin took back for ACG should help with this, but something to keep in mind.
I know this was the first time ACG went this big at Gencon and I'm all psyched to see it growing and expanding. I had a great time getting new people into the game and especially seeing people try out the new Goblin decks. I'm down to sign up as a Tier 1 again for the ACG next year, but with at least one more base set coming out for next Gencon these problems will only get even worse if we don't look for solutions now.
Sorry for the long wall of text. :)