MrCaptainPants's page

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Wow, thank you for all the responses, folks. I appreciate you all taking the time to reply.

After I posted the question, I saw on the Paizo website that they once sold a PC pawn collection that is now out of print, but they still sell the PDF version for $9.99. I picked that up, and then just started thinking that if Im printing out character art, I could just as easily use any art I can find on the internet (strictly for home use, of course; I'm not advocating for art piracy!).

I didn't know Hero Forge sold standees, so I'll have to look into that!

Again, thanks so much for everyone's replies and suggestions! I appreciate all of you!

I love the Monster Core pawns, but does anyone have any recommendations for pawns to represent Player Characters?

I know the NPC Core pawn box will be released soon, but I'm not sure if many of those will be suitable for representing adventurers.

If you use pawns at your table, what do your players use to represent their characters on the table?

Thanks in advance!