
Mourningcloud's page

Organized Play Member. 36 posts (37 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

I want to run the adventure as written, set in Greyhawk, so i only need a rules conversion to PFRPG.
Jest needs stats, especially for npcs and other encounters.

Liberty's Edge

kind of a lame question here, but i assume weapon focus requires you to specify what type of pistol. For instance Weapon Focus in double barrel pistol would not work with a standard pistol, correct?

Liberty's Edge

So I plan on playtesting a Ninja in society play. When ultimate combat comes out I find that the stats I have chosen are sub par due to changes that have been made to the class (such as ki being wisdom based rather than charisma based, or ki as a class feature coming after 4th level, when my chacter will already have switched to wizard) is it allowable to change the characters stat array to reflect the changes made to the class?

The changes mentioned woud effectively render cha a dump stat, so a major overhoul would be warranted, IMHO.

Liberty's Edge

Do both abilities- the immediate step for ac +2, and the immediate drop for ac +4, require the use of one grit point?

Based on dodge as written, and comparing it to the writing in version 1.0, I read it as saying the step for +2 to ac costs a grit point, while the second part- dropping prone for +4- merely requires the 'slinger to have a grit point remaining.


Liberty's Edge

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The spell burning gaze takes a standard action to cast, yet the spells description states that you may direct your burning gaze against a single creature as a standard action. Does this mean that you cannot direct your gaze during the round it is cast?

I know that when you cast a spell that allows you to make attacks as a standard action (such as chill touch), you can make the attack the round you cast it. However brining gaze is a somewhat different type of spell (fort save rather than attack).

So how would this work?