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Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.
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Very interested in volunteering but confused how to sign up
joela wrote: Joshua J. Frost wrote: We still need volunteers. Most of our volunteers are signing up for Tier 2, which means we have Tier 1 volunteer slots still available. We'd love to have you GM for us, DeadDM! Rooms still available? Yup.
Joshua J. Frost wrote: We still need volunteers. Most of our volunteers are signing up for Tier 2, which means we have Tier 1 volunteer slots still available. We'd love to have you GM for us, DeadDM! Rooms still available?
We still need volunteers. Most of our volunteers are signing up for Tier 2, which means we have Tier 1 volunteer slots still available. We'd love to have you GM for us, DeadDM!