
Morqadayn's page

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How about just using the world, its creatures and mythology and create a whole new story for your characters. For example, the Star Wars galaxy and Middle Earth have a plethora of adventures, heroes and villains and Mid-world can as well. Besides chances are good that the people that come into your campaign have read the series several times themselves and following in the all too familiar footsteps of the main character(s) wouldn't be that much fun for them.

The heroes may have their own reason for traveling to the Tower, from simply getting home to their world or stopping what may unravel the entire multiverse. Perhaps they were drawn in by a version of "It," searching for a mysterious "Talisman" while desperately staying one step ahead of an ominous "Mist." Or maybe they are locals, born of Mid World, opposing a new menace, or simply eking out a living in an increasingly hostile environment.

I admit, I've only read the first three books, but from that I know that it can be the start of an unusual and exciting campaign. Just take some elements from the stories, create some of your own that feel right for the setting and you can have the beginnings of an epic saga you can call yours.

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An interesting, though somewhat obvious, twist would be to have several tribes with different views and agendas. One clan may assist the heroes, perhaps in the hopes that this gesture can open trade between the humans and this particular band of orcs. Another tribe might secretly worship an Old One and may feign friendship with the characters, etc. The various bands may barely tolerate one another or even outright violence may suddenly erupt all around the party as the conflicting beliefs reach a boiling point.