Primal Companion Hunter

Morph147 Korundo's page

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Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Milani

STart of turn

perception 12 check
Perception 12: 1d8 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 2 = 13 Success

change power feat to 6 card hand size

Move to Location #3: Theater of Corruption

reload Leryn to examine the top 2 cards of the location
Theater of Corruption Card 1: Geyser
Theater of Corruption Card 2: Alkali Flask

keep same order

First explore
Encounter geyser
Divine: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 Success, Acquire Geyser

End of turn
Reset hand display leyrn end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Achaekek, Belt of Physical Might, Polar Bear, Aspect of the Bear, Geyser,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 14 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: +1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


acquire theater #1
examine theater #2

Korundo Deck Handler

out of turn updates
wisdom 11 check, reveal aspect of the wolf to add 1d4 and animal
Wisdom 11: 1d8 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (8) + 3 + (4) = 15 Success

summon random monster 2
Pirate Captain - change power feat to +1d10.
bya recharge a card, recharge blessing of Gorum

for combat reveal aspect of the wolf to use survival+1d10 and animal and melee traits, add 1d4 for animal trait
Combat 12+6: 1d8 + 5 + 1d10 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (2) + (3) = 14 Use power to recharge aspect of the wolf to add its trait level 4 to the check to make it an 18 which is a success

take 2 structural damage, discard arboreal armor and pteranodon


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Achaekek,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 17 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: +1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

out of turn updates
At the end of Radovans turn, will play Seek Quarry on Teleportation chamber

Teleportation Chamber Card 3: Lady Nightshade
Teleportation Chamber Card 4: Siren Caller
Teleportation Chamber Card 5: Wall of Blades
Teleportation Chamber Card 6: Vengeful Storm
Teleportation Chamber Card 7: Sandara Quinn

put Lady Nightshade on top of deck and shuffle the rest

recover Seek Quarry. reveal Pteranodon to add animal and 1d4 to the check
Divine 15: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 6 + (1) = 8 Fail. discard

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn

perception 12, reveal pteranodon to add 1d4
Perception 12: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + 5 + (4) = 11 Fail
what haappens: 1d6 ⇒ 5

dealt 1 mental damage that can not be reduced. - discard Blessing of Gozerh

teleportation chamber triggers
RAndom character K,A,R: 1d3 ⇒ 3 move Radovan to Random location: 1d5 ⇒ 5 Teleportation chamber

change power feat to 6 card hand size

Move over to Theater of Corruption

Use leryn to examine the top 2 cards
Theater of Corruption Card 1 (Storm): Storm
Theater of Corruption Card 2: Tsunami

switch order.

First explore
encounter Theater of Corruption Card 2: Tsunami
Reveal Pteranodon to add 1d4
Divine 15: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 6 + (1) = 10 Will spend a hero point to reroll - 4 left
Divine 15: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 6 + (2) = 9 [ooc]Fail. Banish

End of turn
reset hand display Leryn, end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Achaekek, Arboreal Armor, Pteranodon, Aspect of the Wolf, Blessing of Gorum,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 15 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Teleportation order: 3, random(4-7)
Radovan moved to teleportation chamber
Korundo moved to Theater
switch order of theater 1+2
Theater of corruption #2 banished

Korundo Deck Handler

out of turn update
Encounter Cherish marine, change power feat to +1d10

Reveal Pteranodon to use survival+1d10+1d4+animal+melee
recharge sabertoothed tiger to add 1d6 to the check

Combat 21: 1d8 + 5 + 1d10 + 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (9) + (3) + (3) = 26 Success.

Draw a card from Renewal - seek quarry


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Seek Quarry, Arboreal Armor, Pteranodon, Blessing of Gozerh,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 18 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:+1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn
Perception check, reveal saber-toothed tiger to add animal and 1d4
Perception 12: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (3) = 13 Success.

Move to Theater of corruption

place leryn on top of deck to examine top 2 cards
Theater of Corruption Card 1: Storm
Theater of Corruption Card 2: Avimar Sorrinash

Flip order

discard animal call to draw Leryn and display. shuffle deck

first explore
encounter Theater of Corruption Card 2: Avimar Sorrinash.

Attempt survival, reveal saber-toothed tiger to add 1d4 and animal
Survival 8: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (4) = 10 Success.

Charisma check. reveal saber-toothed tiger to add 1d4 and animal
Charisma 11: 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + (4) = 5 Fail. Banish Avimar Sorrinahs

play major cure on korundo to heal
Heal : 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Heal discards

End of turn
recover major cure, reveal saber-toothed to add animal and 1d4
Divine 10: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 6 + (3) = 16 Success.


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Saber-toothed Tiger, Arboreal Armor, Pteranodon, Svingli's Eye, Blessing of Gozerh,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 17 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:+1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Move to theater
Acquire Theater #2
examine Theater #1

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Geryon

Start of turn
Leryn examines the top of the location deck
Pinnacle Atoll Card 1: Symbol of Insanity

Korundo changes power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blah

Scenario effect, will attempt preception, reveal aspect of the bear to add 1d4
Perception 12: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (1) = 7 Fail
which effect: 1d6 ⇒ 5 Dealt 1 mental damage that can not be reduced. discard aspect of the wolf.

Will play out Seek quarry to examine the top 5 cards of the location
Pinnacle Atoll Card 1: Symbol of Insanity
Pinnacle Atoll Card 2: Bakekujira
Pinnacle Atoll Card 3: Topaz of Strength
Pinnacle Atoll Card 4: Wereshark Pirate
Pinnacle Atoll Card 5: Sandbar

will set aside wereshark pirate and then shuffle other cards and place on bottom with wereshark pirate on top.
New order for Pinnacle Atoll 4,6-10,rand(1,2,3,5)

Note: I am a bit nervous on my end to take on the wereshark pirate since I want to make sure this one sticks to avoid the added henchmen so for now will leave

Move to Gozerh Flow

First explore
Encounter Gozreh's Flow Card 1: Spiny Eurypterid

Korundo will change power feat to +1d10.

Reveal Aspect of the Bear to use survival+1d10+animal+melee. +1d4 from animal. recharge giant raven to add 1d6
Combat 18: 1d8 + 5 + 1d10 + 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 5 + (5) + (1) + (3) = 16 Using Korundo power, recharge aspect of the bear to add 2 to make it 18 and a success. must reroll the dice

Combat 18: 1d8 + 5 + 1d10 + 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 5 + (5) + (1) + (3) = 21 Success. Banish. since was combat had melee trait, take 1d4 combat damage
Combat damage : 1d4 ⇒ 3 Recharge arboreal armor to reduce to 0

Place Leryn on top of deck to examien next two cards
Gozreh's Flow Card 2: Voidlord Akinaru
Gozreh's Flow Card 3: Becalmed

Keep the same order

End of turn
recover seek quarry
Divine 15: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 Fail

reset hand, display leryn, end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Saber-toothed Tiger, Animal Call, Major Cure, Blessing of Gozerh,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 16 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:+1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Pinnicle atoll been examined, top card is 4:henchman with 1,2,3,5 known and recharged in random.
Pinnicle atoll order: 4,6,7,8,9,10,random(1,2,3,5)
Kornundo move to Gozerh Flow
Banish Gozerh Flow #1
Examine Gozerh flow 2,3 kept order

Korundo Deck Handler

Loot Svigli's Eye in, set aside compass
cohort Leryn

starting location:Pinnicle Atoll

starting hand +2 cards from scenario reward

Korundo wrote:

Hand: Seek Quarry, Aspect of the Bear, Arboreal Armor, Major Cure, Blessing of Gozerh, Giant Raven, Aspect of the Wolf,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 15 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:+1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

hero point total = 5

reward draw an ally 6

monkey out, Polar Bear in.

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

start of turn
Korundo choose same power (+1d10)

after the move step, Korundo will discard pteranodon to move to Fort Hazard and explore encountering Fort Hazard Card 2: Sentinel Devil.

bury bottom of deck to avoid increasing diffculty. - bury arboreal Armor

For combat, reveal Hippopotamus to use survival+1d10+animal and melee for combat. +1d4 for animal. discard blessing of gozerh to bless. no attack or ranged attack so discard boots of teleportation.
Combat 20: 1d8 + 5 + 1d10 + 1d4 + 1d8 ⇒ (2) + 5 + (1) + (1) + (8) = 17 Fail, use hero point to reroll - 5 left
Combat 20: 1d8 + 5 + 1d10 + 1d4 + 1d8 ⇒ (3) + 5 + (4) + (2) + (6) = 20 [ooc]Success. upon defeat, bury discard to close location.

after closing location Discard the top : 1d4 ⇒ 1 Blessings from the blessing deck

End of turn
Reset hand end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Gozerh, Call Animal, Monkey, Hippopotamus, Aspect of the Bear,

Displayed: Leryn, Besmara's Bones, Jolly Roger,
Deck: 13 Discard: 0 Buried: 8
Notes: power feat:+1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Banish sea devil at sea fort
close sea fort
discard top of blessing deck

Korundo Deck Handler

Out of turn updates
will discard elk to evade Draugr captain on Amli's turn
draw a card from renewal - Animal Call

Then during Amli's turn will play animal call to draw my Hippopotamus

Start of turn
leryn examines the top card of the deck to find henchman.
Korundo changes power feat to +1d10

start of turn to location effect - we all encounter Draugr Captain

BYA - recharge all cards but 1 and draw back up. will recharge Svingli's Eye, Speed, Blessing of Achaeke and Aspect of the Wolf. Draws Blessing of Gozerh, Blessing of Milani, Arboreal Armor, and Pteranodon.

Will choose to fail against the Draugr Captain and then recharge the Arboreal Armor to reduce damage to 0.

After Amli and Radovon does their checks, Korundo runs all 3 over to Sea fort to patch up their wounds before going back to fort hazard.

End turn

Korundo wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Gozerh, Blessing of Milani, Boots of Teleportation, Hippopotamus, Pteranodon,

Displayed: Leryn, Besmara's Bones, Jolly Roger,
Deck: 17 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:+1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Erastil

Start of turn
leryn examines the top of the location: Torture Pit Card 2: Norgorber Cultist

for location effect, recharge blessing of Milani use survival in place of fortitude. Reveal elk to add animal and 1d4
Fort 10: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 5 + (4) = 16 Success

change power feat to 6 card hand size

Move to Fort Hazard

Play Major cure on Amli to Heal : 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 cards and 1 card from myself. my card is Besmaran Priest

First explore
Encounter Fort Hazard Card 3: Besmara's Bones. Attempt survival. reveal Elk for +1d4 and animal. Reveal Audessa Reyquio to add 1
Survival 8: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (1) + 1 = 12 Success. Acquire and display next to ship

Second Explore
discard Audessa Reyquio to explore again. Encounter Fort Hazard Card 4: Jolly Roger. attempt survival. reveal elk for animal and 1d4
Survival 8: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 5 + (3) = 15 Success. Acquire and display.

place Leryn on top of deck to examine top 2 cards
Fort Hazard Card 5: Marine
Fort Hazard Card 6: Spiny Eurypterid

Will let Amli put them in the order they want

End of turn
Recover Major Cure, reveal elk to add 1d4 and animal
Divine 10: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 6 + (2) = 15

reset hand end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Svingli's Eye, Speed, Blessing of Achaekek, Elk, Aspect of the Wolf,

Displayed: Leryn, Besmara's Bones, Jolly Roger,
Deck: 19 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:use survival in place of blah
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


examine Torture pit #2
move fort hazard
Heal Amli 4 cards
acquire Fort Hazard Card 3: Besmara's Bones and display next to our ship.
acquire Fort hazard Card 4: Jolly roger and display.
Examine Fort Hazard 5 & 6 with order to be determined by Amli

Speed is avaliable if someone needs it

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn
Change power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blah.

Do location effect, attempt fortitude, recharge Blessing of Besmara to use survival.
Fort 6: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 success

Move to Torture Pit

First explore
Encounter Torture Pit Card 1: Speed. Will attempt divine
Divine 6: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 Success

End of turn
end of turn location effect, attempt fortitude, recharge speed to use survival. reveal Audessa Reyquio to add 1 to the check. reveal Elk to add animal and 1d4 to the check
Fort 10: 1d8 + 5 + 1 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 1 + (4) = 16 Success.

reset hand, end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Audessa Reyquio, Major Cure, Blessing of Achaekek, Elk, Blessing of Milani,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 19 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Move Torture Pit
Acquire torture Pit #1

Note: Major Cure in my hand if someone needs healing.

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Besmara

Start of turn
start of turn leryn examines the top card of murderhole

change power feat to 6 card hand size

Move to Sea Caves

first explore
encounter Sea Caves Card 1: Besmaran Priest. will attempt divine. +1 audessa reyquio
Divine 6: 1d8 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 1 = 8 Acquire

second explore
encounter Sea Caves Card 2: Blessing of Besmara
will attempt divine
Divine 5: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 Acquire

reload Leryn to examine the top 2 cards of the location
Sea Caves Card 3: Drowning Spikes Trap
Sea Caves Card 4: Voidlord Akinaru

place Voidlord Akinaru on top.

recharge Headband of the wolf to examine again. Voidlord Akinaru and place on top.

End of turn
reset hand display leryn end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Audessa Reyquio, Blessing of Achaekek, Elk, Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Milani,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 18 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Move to sea caves
acquire sea caves 1
acquire sea caves 2
examine sea caves 3,4 and place 4 on top

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Asmodeus

Start of turn
draw a card from Amli renewal. - Arboreal Armor

Will recharge Arboreal Armor, Aspect of the Wolf, and saber toothed tiger to draw ally from box - Random Ally #1 Audessa Reyquio

Leryn examine top of deck - Sea Fort Card 1: Blood Hag

play seek quarry on Murderhole. examine top 5 cards

Murder Hole Card 1: Pirate Guard
Murder Hole Card 2: Werecrocodile
Murder Hole Card 3: Drowning Devil -henchman
Murder Hole Card 4: Gargoyle Sniper
Murder Hole Card 5: Corlan

set aside Drowning Devil and shuffle other 4 cards and recharge them then place Drowning Devil on top.

Move to Sea Caves

Place Leryn on top of deck to examine the top two cards
Sea Caves Card 1: Darkforest Anemone
Sea Caves Card 2: Will-o'-Wisp

keep same order

First explore
Encounter Darkforest Anemone.

Change power feat to 6 card hand size

will reveal Giant Raven to use survival+1d6+ animal and melee. animal adds 1d4. Reveal Audessa Reyquio to add 1.
Combat 16: 1d8 + 5 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (2) + (2) + 1 = 14 Using power, recharge giant raven to add 4 to make an 18 and defeat

Recharge Boots of Teleportation to move to Murderhole.

end of turn
recover Seek quarry. Divine 15: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 Fail. discard

reset hand, display leryn end turn.


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Audessa Reyquio, Headband of the Wolf, Blessing of Achaekek, Elk, Blessing of Milani,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 17 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:recharge a card to use survival in place of blah.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Acquire Random Ally #1 Audessa Reyquio
examine Sea fort Cart #1
murder hole order - #3, random(6-10}, random(1,2,4,5)
banish sea caves#1,
examine sea caves #2

Moved to Murderhole

Korundo Deck Handler

starting location: sea fort

assuming that we are not anchored and on a ship then using loot Svingli's eye and setting aside compass

taking the +2 card hand size to begin the game.


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Aspect of the Wolf, Giant Raven, Blessing of Achaekek, Seek Quarry, Saber-toothed Tiger, Blessing of Milani, Boots of Teleportation,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 15 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:recharge a card to use survival in place of blah.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

gain a hero point

Blessing 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 185 Blessing of Milani in

Korundo Deck Handler

out of turn updates

recover wall of blades. reveal pteranodon to add animal and 1d4 to the check
Divine 13: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 6 + (2) = 12 Fail. discard

Hour is Blessing of Besmara

start of turn
change power feat to 6 card hand size

move to Location #2: Lucrehold

First explore
Encounter Lucrehold Card 1: Adamantine Trident +3. will attempt melee. reveal saber-toothed tiger to add animla and 1d4 to the check

Melee 13: 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (2) = 8 Fail. Banish

Place Leryn on top of location deck to look at the top 2 cards
Lucrehold Card 2: Spyglass
Lucrehold Card 3: Mercenary

will keep the same order.
Second explore
discard saber-toothed tiger to explore again. discarding pteranodon due to scenario.
encounter Lucrehold Card 2: Spyglass

Wisdom 4: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Success. acquire

discard spyglass to examine the top 2 cards

Lucrehold Card 3: Mercenary
Lucrehold Card 4: Wizard's Hook

Will allow Amli to decide the order of what he wants to encounter but my assumption is flip 4 and 3.

End turn
Reset hand, display leryn end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Achaekek, Major Cure, Headband of the Wolf, Seaborne Trident +1, Forest Quarterstaff,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 12 Discard: 11 Buried: 1
Notes: power feat:recharge a card to use survival in place of blah.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


banish Lucihold #1
acquire Lucihold #2

examine lucihold #3,#4 - will allow akai to decide order

Korundo Deck Handler

out of turn updates
at the end of Radovans turn, recharge boots of teleportation to move to Shrine to Norgorber.

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn
Korundo changes power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blah.

Move to torture pit.

Reload Leryn to examine top 2 cards
Torture Pit Card 2: Wall of Blades
Torture Pit Card 3: Keen Falcata +1
Keep same order

First explore
encounter Torture Pit Card 2: Wall of Blades
Will reveal saber-toothed tiger to add animal and +1d4 to the check.
Divine 11: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 6 + (3) = 15 Success. Acquire. '

second explore
Discard Blessing of Gorum to explore again, discarding arboreal Armor due to scenario effect. Encounter Torture Pit Card 3: Keen Falcata +1. reveal saber-toothed tiger to add animal and +1d4 to the check.
Melee 11: 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (1) = 12 Success. Acquire

end of turn
Location effect - fortitude 10, will recharge Keen Falcata +1 to use survial in its place. reveal saber-tooted tiger to add animal and 1d4. Reveal Seaborne trident +1 to add 1d4 to the check.
Survival Fortitude 10: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 5 + (3) + (2) = 13 Success.

reset hand. Display Leryn, end turn

Moved to Torture pit
acquire torture pit 2,3
Wall of blades available

Korundo Deck Handler

Out of turn updates
Korundo will discard ederleigh baines for mistake on his turn and draw seek quarry to replace it at the end of the turn.

Korundo recharges compass from burst of glory

bury Eel skin armor to reduce force damage to 0.

discard blessing of Hshurha to structural damage.

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

change power to 6 card hand size.

Move to fort hazard

reload leryn to examine the top 2 cards:
Fort Hazard Card 1: Werecrocodile
Fort Hazard Card 2: Seaborne Trident +1
Flip order

First explore
encounter Fort Hazard Card 2: Seaborne Trident +1. use melee. reveal saber-tooted tiger to add animal and 1d4 to the check

Melee 11: 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (2) = 11 Success. Aquire

play seek quarry to examine the top 5 cards of the location
Fort Hazard Card 1: Werecrocodile
Fort Hazard Card 3: Paralictor Valeria Asperixus
Fort Hazard Card 4: Bottled Lightning
Fort Hazard Card 5: Giffer Tibbs
Fort Hazard Card 6: Lorelei

place Paralictor Valeria Asperixus aside, shuffle rest of cards and put on bottom of location and Paralictor Valeria Asperixus on top of location.

End of turn
Recover Seek quarry. reveal saber-toothed tiger to add 1d4
Divine 15: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 6 + (3) = 12 Fail. discard

reset hand. display leryn end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Boots of Teleportation, Arboreal Armor, Blessing of Gorum, Seaborne Trident +1, Saber-toothed Tiger,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 15 Discard: 5 Buried: 1
Notes: power feat:6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Move to Fort Hazard
acquire Fort Hazard Card 2

seek quarry placed Paralictor Valeria Asperixus on top of deck and shuffled 1,4,5,6 and placed on bottom. So order of fort hazard should be 3,7, random(1,4,5,6)

Korundo Deck Handler

Continuing turn

change power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blah
Amli plays burst of glory and divine fortune.

First explore
encounter Shrine to Norgorber Card 1: Giant Spyglass Octopus

change power feat to +1d10.

BYA each character at your location must succeed at a Strength or Dexterity 12 check or take 1d4+1 Combat damage.
Will attempt strength. reveal saber-toothed tiger to add animal and 1d4 to the check. divine fortune adds 1d6 replace 1d10 with 1d4 due to scenario

Strength 12: 1d4 + 5 + 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (4) + (6) = 16 Success

First check, Will reveal saber-toothed Tiger to use survival+1d10+1d4 for combat. +2d6 from Amli stuff. Replace 1d10 with a 1d4
Combat 18: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (2) + (2) + (4, 3) = 17 Use Hero point to reroll. down to 6.
Combat 18: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 5 + (4) + (2) + (5, 1) = 25 Success.

second combat. Will reveal saber-toothed Tiger to use survival+1d10+1d4 for combat. +2d6 from Amli stuff. Replace 1d10 with a 1d4.
Combat 18: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 5 + (4) + (2) + (1, 6) = 20 Success. banish

reload Leryn to examine the top 2 cards of the deck.
Shrine to Norgorber Card 2: Blasting Pistol +2
Shrine to Norgorber Card 3: Cannon Golem

Keep same order
Second explore
will discard compass to explore
encounter Shrine to Norgorber Card 2: Blasting Pistol +2
Dex 13: 1d6 ⇒ 5 I purposely failed this to be able to draw Leryn back and set up Amli to fight the henchmen

End of turn
reset hand. display Leryn. End turn.

Banish Shrine #1, #2.

Akai needs to do the BYA check.

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Sivanah

Start of turn
random character is dealt force damage
K, A: 1d2 ⇒ 2 Amli is hit with Force damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3 force damage

Leryn examines the top of the location to find Shrine to Norgorber Card 1: Giant Spyglass Octopus

[ooc]Pausing turn to discuss strategy with Amli on how to proceed

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn
Leryn examines the top of the lcoation deck to find Shrine to Norgorber Card 1: Blessing of Hshurha

Location effect - Random character K A: 1d2 ⇒ 1 Korundo takes
Force damage : 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1 discard goblin buckler gun

change power feat to 6 cards hand size

first explore
Encounter Shrine to Norgorber Card 1: Blessing of Hshurha
Divine 5: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Success

Reload Leryn to examine the top two cards of the deck
Shrine to Norgorber Card 2: Flaming Longbow +2
Shrine to Norgorber Card 3: Blessing of Sivanah

flip order.

End of turn
Reset hand end turn display leryn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Ederleigh Baines, Compass, Blessing of Hshurha, Eel Skin Armor, Saber-toothed Tiger,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 18 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: 6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Acquire Shrine #1
examien and flip order on shirne #2 and 3

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn
Change power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blah.

use Leryn to examine the top card of the location Lucrehold Card 2: Lookout Duty.

reveal my pirate for location effect

Move to Location #3: Shrine to Norgorber.

Place Leryn on top of my deck to examine the top two cards.
Shrine to Norgorber Card 1 (Norgorber Cultist): Norgorber Cultist
Shrine to Norgorber Card 2: Ambush

Place Ambush on top.

First explore
Encounter Ambush. attempt Perception, recharge Belt of physical might to use survival to power. replace 1d8 with a 1d4 Use Amli's blessing of abadar to add 2 die.

Survival 9+7: 1d8 + 5 + 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 5 + (4) + (4) = 20 success. Banish Ambush. Willchoose not to explore again

End of turn
reset hand, display leryn end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Ederleigh Baines, Compass, Goblin Buckler Gun, Eel Skin Armor,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 19 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge a card to use survival in place of blah.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


move to lucihold
examine Lucrehold Card 2: Lookout Duty
examine Shrine to Norgorber Card 1 (Norgorber Cultist): Norgorber Cultist
banish shrine of Norgorber Card 2 - ambush

Used Amli blessing of abadar

Korundo Deck Handler

Out of turn updates
encounter Chelish Marine.

change power to +1d10

will reveal hippo to use survival+1d10+animal and melee traits. +1d4 from power. Discard blessing of gozerh to bless the check. replace the 1d10 with a 1d4.

Survival 21: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 1d8 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (2) + (2) + (3) = 16 Using power, recharge the hippo to add 5 to the check to make a 21 and succeed


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Ederleigh Baines, Goblin Buckler Gun, Eel Skin Armor, Belt of Physical Might,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 19 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:+1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Erastil

start of turn

change power feat to 6 card hand size.

Leryn examines top of location - Lucrehold Card 1 (Goblin Buckler Gun): Goblin Buckler Gun

reveal Ederleigh Baines for location effect

Use scenario effect to examine the top cards of Fort Hazard
Fort Hazard Card 2: Werecrocodile
Fort Hazard Card 3: Crawling Cyclops Hands

Accounting for the fact that Amli has Divine, I will flip the order

[b]First explore
Encounter Lucrehold Card 1 (Goblin Buckler Gun): Goblin Buckler Gun
First check - dex - reveal Hippopotamus to add animal and 1d4 to check, reveal belt of physical might to add 2.

Dex 9: 1d6 + 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + (4) + 2 = 9

for second check - con - reveal Hippopotamus to add animal and 1d4 to check, reveal belt of physical might to add 2.
Con 9: 1d10 + 1 + 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 1 + (4) + 2 = 15 Success. Acquire

End turn
Reset hand, End turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Ederleigh Baines, Blessing of Gozerh, Goblin Buckler Gun, Eel Skin Armor, Belt of Physical Might, Hippopotamus,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 18 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: 6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Examine Fort Hazard #2, #3 - flip order

acquire Luciehold #1

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Kelizandri

Start of turn
start of turn effect location - no pirate Damage : 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2 display aspect of the bear to reduce the combat damage to 0.

Use scenerio effect to examine the top 2 cards of Shrine to Norgorber
Shrine to Norgorber Card 1: Coral Golem
Shrine to Norgorber Card 2: Norgorber Cultist

Use Leryn to examine the top card of Lucrehold -
Lucrehold Card 1: Goblin Buckler Gun

change power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blah.

Move over to Location #4: Torture Pit

First explore
Encounter Torture Pit Card 3: Eel Skin Armor
will attempt fortitude. Recharge Monkey to use survival instead. Reveal Hippopotamus to use add 1d4

Fortitude Survival 9: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (4) = 15 Success.

Recharge Headband of the wolf to examine the top card
Torture Pit Card 2: Pirate Sniper

recharge compass to move to Lucehold and look at the top card of the deck. Lucrehold Card 1: Goblin Buckler Gun

reload Leryn to examine the top 2 cards -
Lucrehold Card 1: Goblin Buckler Gun
Lucrehold Card 2: Chelish Marine

keep the same order

Use call animal calling out Leryn to draw leryn, reshuffle deck and display

End turn
Recover Call animal - reveal Hippopotamus to add animal and 1d4 to the check
Divine 6: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (8) + 6 + (1) = 15 Success

reset hand, end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Ederleigh Baines, Blessing of Gozerh, Eel Skin Armor, Belt of Physical Might, Hippopotamus,

Displayed: Leryn, Aspect of the Bear,
Deck: 17 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge card to use survival in place of blah.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

Starting hand -- I thought I had posted this but guess not.

starting cohort: Leryn

+2 cards from reward


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Headband of the Wolf, Compass, Call Animal, Aspect of the Bear, Monkey, Belt of Physical Might, Hippopotamus,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 15 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge card to use survival in place of blah.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

Hero point saved

No card upgrade

Loot: Will keep using Svilgil's eye if we are on a ship.

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Besmara

Start of turn
Korundo keep same power feat.

Move to fog bank

First explore
Encounter Fog Bank Card 2: Gargoyle Sniper

Must do a perception bya check. +1d4 from revealing Hippopotamus.
Perception 12: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 5 + (2) = 10 Fail

ranged combat damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3 recharge Arboreal Armor to reduce it to 0.

For combat, reveal Forest of Quarterstaff to use melee+1d6+3. discard to add another 1d6+3 reveal Hippopotamus to power to add animal and 1d4. Reveal Hippopotmaus to use its ability to add 1d10 to the check. +4 to diffulty because no magic trait

Combat 18+4: 1d10 + 5 + 1d6 + 3 + 1d6 + 3 + 1d4 + 1d10 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (1) + 3 + (6) + 3 + (3) + (8) = 30 [ooc]Success. Banish Gargoyle Sniper. [ooc]

End turn
Discard Boots of teleportation. reset hadn. end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Major Cure, Blessing of Achaekek, Pteranodon, Hippopotamus, Blessing of Gorum,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 11 Discard: 6 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge card to use survival in place of blah.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn
keep same power feat

Leryn will examine the top of the location. Fog Bank Card 2: Brinebones - Villian. Fog is reshuffled.

Recharge Blessing of gozerh to move to Onigumo to move it and Korundo to Rocky Cliff.

Place Leryn on top of deck to examine the top two cards.

Rocky Cliff Card 1: Dweller in the Deeps
Rocky Cliff Card 2: Hurricane Winds

place hurricane winds on top.

Will encounter Hurricane Winds. Will attempt survival. Will use Radovans blessing of the gods to add a die. Reveal aspect of the wolf to add animal and 1d4 to the check.
Survival 13: 1d8 + 5 + 1d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (1) + (3) = 14 [/dice]Success. Banish Hurricane Winds. Attempt to close. Banish Aspect of the Wolf to close the location. [/ooc]


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Boots of Teleportation, Forest Quarterstaff, Hippopotamus, Arboreal Armor,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 14 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge card to use survival in place of blah.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Banish Rocky Cliff Card #2 and close Rocky Cliff.
Onigumo is at Rocky Cliff

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Asmodeus

Start of turn
Leryn examines the top of the location. Fog Bank Card 1: Albatross Soup this causes fog to reshuffle.

Korundo keeps same power feat

First explore
Encounter Random card : 1d7 ⇒ 4 Fog Bank Card 4: Assassination Attempt - Each character must summon and encounter a buccanner henchman


The difficulty to defeat is increased by the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any. If the check to defeat has the Swashbuckling trait, the difficulty is increased by twice the adventure deck number instead.

If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

For combat. Reveal Forest Quarterstaff to use Melee+1d6+3. Reveal Hippopotamous to add 1d10. reveal aspect of the wolf to add animal and 1d4 to the check.

Combat 8+6: 1d10 + 5 + 1d6 + 3 + 1d10 + 1d4 ⇒ (10) + 5 + (1) + 3 + (4) + (3) = 26 Success. banish assassination attempt

Amli and Radovan both need to encounter the Buccanner as well

After I act encounter Buccanner.

For combat. Reveal Forest Quarterstaff to use Melee+1d6+3. Reveal Hippopotamous to add 1d10. reveal aspect of the wolf to add animal and 1d4 to the check.

Combat 8+6: 1d10 + 5 + 1d6 + 3 + 1d10 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (6) + 3 + (1) + (2) = 22 Success. banish assassination attempt Success

End turn
Reset hand end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Aspect of the Wolf, Forest Quarterstaff, Blessing of Gozerh, Hippopotamus, Arboreal Armor,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 14 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge card to use survival in place of blah.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Fog shuffled.
banish fog #4

Amli and radovan need to encounter a buccaneer

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Zogmugot

Start of turn
Leryn examine top of location deck. Rocky Cliff Card 3: Flaming Longbow +2

Korundo change power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blah.

Move over to Fog Bank

First explore
Encounter Fog Bank Card 1: Ambush. Attempt perception. reveal aspect of the wolf to add animal and 1d4 to the check. discard blessing of the ancients to add a die.

Perception 9+6: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 + 1d8 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (3) + (5) = 19 Success. Banish. Will choose not to explore again

End turn

reset hand end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Aspect of the Wolf, Forest Quarterstaff, Blessing of Gozerh, Hippopotamus, Arboreal Armor,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 14 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge card to use survival in place of blah.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn

change power feat to 6 card hand size.
start of turn anchor check : 1d6 ⇒ 5

Move to Tempest Cay. discard anchor

recharge Saber-toothed Tiger to power Omigano to move it and myself to Windward Isle

recharge compass to move to Rocky Cliff. Then examine top card Rocky Cliff Card 1: Sea Hag

end turn
Reset hand. end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Aspect of the Wolf, Forest Quarterstaff, Blessing of Gozerh, Hippopotamus, Blessing of the Ancients, Arboreal Armor,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 14 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: +1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Omigano is at Windward isle

Kourndo moved to Location #4: Rocky Cliff

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn
Keep same power feat

Move to Tempest Cay

recharge Belt of Physical Might to move Onigumo to Coastline and move with it and examine the top card Coastline Card 2: Lightning Elemental.

First explore
Encounter Lightning Elemental. change power feat to +1d10. Reveal Aspect of the Wolf to use Survival+1d10+animal and melee traits. Animal trait adds 1d4 from power. Use Svingli's eye to add 1d8+2 to the check
Combat 17: 1d8 + 5 + 1d10 + 1d4 + 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 + (4) + (2) + (2) + 2 = 18 Success. Banish. Attempt to close.

Perception 6: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 Success. Coastline Closed. Radovan and Korundo may recharge a card with pirate or swashbuckling from discard

Recharge Monkey to move Onigumo to Location #2: Tempest Cay and move with it and examine the top card Tempest Cay Card 3: Large Chest

End turn
recover Svigli's Eye. reveal aspect of the wolf to add animal and 1d4
Survival 9: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 5 + (2) = 13 Recover

reset hand end turn.


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Aspect of the Wolf, Saber-toothed Tiger, Compass, Hippopotamus, Arboreal Armor,

Displayed: Leryn, ac Anchor,
Deck: 15 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: +1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


banish henchman and close coastline.

current location = tempest clay

Omiguno is at tempest clay.

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn
Location effect - examine top card Rocky Cliff Card 1: Sea Hag

change power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blah

Korundo moves to Windward isle - location effect allows him to draw a card.

Will play Seek Quarry on Windward Isle to examine the top five cards of the location, set aside any henchman or villian, shuffle the rest of the examine to put on bottom and henchman or villian on top.
Windward Isle Card 1: Werecrocodile
Windward Isle Card 2: Besmaran Priest
Windward Isle Card 3: Mercenary
Windward Isle Card 4: Ruby of Charisma
Windward Isle Card 5: Pirate Hunting

shuffle these and put on bottom

Place Leryn on top of deck to examine next two cards
Windward Isle Card 6: Anchor
Windward Isle Card 7: Navigator Musket +1

keep same order

Play call animal calling up Leryn and display.

First explore
Encounter Anchor. Use survival. Reveal Elk to add animal and 1d4
Survival 8: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (2) = 11 success. Display Anchor

Second explore
Discard Elk to explore again. Encounter Windward Isle Card 7: Navigator Musket +1. Will attempt dex. reveal aspect of the wolf to add animal +1d4. Reveal Belt of Physical might to add 2 to a dex check
Dex 9: 1d6 + 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + (2) + 2 = 8 Fail. Banish

Recharge Headband of the wolf to examine the top card of the location.
Windward Isle Card 8: Invigorating Kukri +1

End turn
Recover Call Animal - Divine 6: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Success
Recover Seek Quarry - attempt divine. Reveal Aspect of the Wolf to add animal +1d4 Divine 15: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 6 + (3) = 12 Fail. discard

reset hand. end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Aspect of the Wolf, Monkey, Belt of Physical Might, Arboreal Armor, Svingli's Eye,

Displayed: Leryn, ac Anchor,
Deck: 15 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge a card to use blah in place of survival
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Move - Windward Isle
Examine - Windward Isle Cards #1-5 and are shuffled and at bottom of location.
Acquired - windward Isle #6
Banish - Windward Isle #7
examine - Windward Isle #8

Korundo Deck Handler

Loot: Svingli's Eye in, Animal Call set aside

+2 starting hand

Starting location Rocky Cliff.


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Aspect of the Wolf, Headband of the Wolf, Belt of Physical Might, Seek Quarry, Call Animal,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 17 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat:
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler


Exp 6.5>6.6

Hero point save - 7 left

Item 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 886 Belt of Physical Might in, Dire Collar out If someone else needs it more then take it because this is not urgent to do for me

Korundo Deck Handler

Forgot movement check

fail movement check auto - only one open location,
Recharge random card: 1d3 ⇒ 2 recharge giant raven.

updated hand after everything else:


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Arboreal Armor, Major Cure, Blessing of the Ancients, Elk, Blessing of Achaekek, Compass,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 13 Discard: 8 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: 6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn
change power feat to 6 card hand size

move to Lucrehold

Reset hand

Korundo wrote:

Hand: Arboreal Armor, Major Cure, Giant Raven, Elk, Blessing of Achaekek, Compass,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 13 Discard: 8 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: 6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

BYA kundia check.
Change power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blah. Recharge Monkey to use survival in place of acrobatics. reveal Elk to add animal +1d4. +1d6 from divine fortune.
Survival 13: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 5 + (4) + (1) = 18 Success.


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Arboreal Armor, Giant Raven, Elk,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 16 Discard: 8 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: +1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

hour is Blessing of Kelizandri

Start of turn
keep power feat the same

Move to Location #4: Shrine to Norgorber

Scenario effect: Reveal aspect of the wolf to add 1d4. Wisdom 9: 1d8 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (1) = 5 Fail. Move to a random open location and recharge a card

random open location: 1d2 ⇒ 1 Move to Shirne of Norgorber
Random card: 1d2 ⇒ 1 recharge Humanbane Gladius+2

place Leryn on top of the deck to examine the top 2 cards
Shrine to Norgorber Card 1: Shark-Eating Crab
Shrine to Norgorber Card 2: Blessing of Gorum

Place Blessing of Gorum on top.

First explore
Encounter Shrine to Norgorber Card 2: Blessing of Gorum.
Divine 5: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 Success.

Second explore
Discard Blessing of Gorum to explore again. Encounter Shrine to Norgorber Card 1: Shark-Eating Crab

using power, change power feat to +1d10.

reveal aspect of the wolf to use survivial+1d10+1d4 and animal trait
Combat 18: 1d8 + 5 + 1d10 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 5 + (4) + (3) = 19 Success. Must reroll again.
Combat 18: 1d8 + 5 + 1d10 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (1) + (1) = 8 Fail, use a hero point to reroll. 6 left.
Combat 18: 1d8 + 5 + 1d10 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (1) + (4) = 11 [ooc]Fail, so will use a power to recharge Aspect of the wolf to add 4 to the check to make it a 15. I still fail but no cards in hand so no damage taken.[/dice]

End turn
Reset hand, display Leryn, end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Arboreal Armor, Monkey, Giant Raven, Elk,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 15 Discard: 8 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: +1d10
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Move Shrine of Norberger
acquire = shrine #2
shuffle = shrine 1, 3-8

Korundo Deck Handler

out of turn update

draw a card - Svingli's Eye.

Change power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blah. for acrobatics check, recharge boots of teleportation to use survival. Reveal aspect of the wolf to add animal and 1d4.
Acrobatics survival 13: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (2) = 11 Fail

discard random card random card : 1d3 ⇒ 3 discard Svingli's Eye
move to random location Random location: 1d5 ⇒ 1 Move to Location #1: Ruined Amphitheater.


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Humanbane Gladius +2, Aspect of the Wolf,

Displayed: Leryn, Aspect of the Bear,
Deck: 16 Discard: 7 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge a card to use survival in place of blah
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

Out of turn updates
Play Seek Quarry on theater of corruption to examine the top 5 cards
Theater of Corruption Card 2: Sapphire Jellyfish
Theater of Corruption Card 3: Crimson Cogward
Theater of Corruption Card 4: Blessing of the Gods
Theater of Corruption Card 5: Kurida - villian
Theater of Corruption Card 6: Daughter of Imerta - henchman

Will pull out Kurida and set aside, shuffle the rest and put them on bottom and place Kurida on top.

reveal crystal of healing hands to heal Heal : 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 cards. (did this in deck handler)

Reveal Aspect of the wolf to add animal +1d4 to all the below checks
Recover Crystal of Healing hands Divine 15: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 6 + (3) = 12 success
Recover Seek Quarry Divine 11: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 6 + (3) = 16 Success


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Humanbane Gladius +2, Aspect of the Wolf, Boots of Teleportation,

Displayed: Leryn, Aspect of the Bear,
Deck: 16 Discard: 6 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: 6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Theater of corruption card order - #5 (villian),7-9, (2,3,4,6 - shuffled)

Korundo Deck Handler

out of turn update

Encounter Barroom Brawl. Attempt Melee. Reveal Elk to add animal and 1d4 to the check
Melee 5+6: 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (3) = 9 Fail. Use hero point to reroll. 6 left
Melee 5+6: 1d10 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (2) = 8 Fail. Display Aspect of the Bear to reduce combat damage by 3 discard rest of hand for damage

Hour is Blessing of the Gods [/ooc]

[b]Start of turn
Change power feat to 6 card hand size.

Move to Location #2: Theater of Corruption
end of move step Wisdom check Wisdom 9: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 Success

Place leryn on top of deck to look at the top 2 cards.
Theater of Corruption Card 1: Humanbane Gladius +2
Theater of Corruption Card 2: Sapphire Jellyfish

Keep the order the same.

First explore
encounter Corruption Card 1: Humanbane Gladius +2
Melee 11: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 Success. Acquire

End turn
recover aspect of the bear. Divine 8: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 Recover

reset hand display leryn end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Humanbane Gladius +2, Aspect of the Wolf, Boots of Teleportation, Seek Quarry, Crystal of Healing Hands,

Displayed: Leryn, Aspect of the Bear,
Deck: 12 Discard: 9 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: 6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Acquire Theater #1
Examine Theater #2

Korundo Deck Handler

Out of turn update
Recharge Headband of the Wolf to use survival in place of acrobatics.Reveal Elk to add animal and 1d4 from power

Survival 13: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (1) = 7 [ooc]Fail. Move to random location and discard a random card.
Random location: 1d5 ⇒ 2 Move to Location #2: Theater of Corruption.
Random card : 1d4 ⇒ 2 discard Elk Skin Armor"

Korundo wrote:

Hand: Elk, Aspect of the Bear, Pteranodon,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 16 Discard: 7 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: survival in place of blank
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of the Gods

Start of turn
Change power feat to recharge a card to use survival in place of blank.

start of turn location effect. no pirate card so take Combat damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1 reveal Arboreal armor to reduce combat damage by 1 so 0 damage.

Leryn will examine the top card of location Lucrehold Card 1: Pirate Hunting.

stay at Lucihold I can not defeat villian with what is currently in my hand, nor close this location, but maybe I can bleed this location a bit to give a higher probability that if villian comes here we can defeat her quickly.

have to do a wisdom 9 check. reveal aspect of the bear to add animal and 1d4 to the check. Wisdom 9: 1d8 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (2) = 9 Success

First explore
Encounter Lucrehold Card 1: Pirate Hunting. 5 ships we have not seized yet
random ship 5: 1d5 ⇒ 1 encounter Kraken. will attempt survival. reveal aspect of the bear to add animal and 1d4 to the check

Survival 8: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 5 + (1) = 10 Success. I dont think I get to seize this ship so will just roll for plunder and banish pirate hunting
Plunder : 1d6 ⇒ 3 add a armor to the plunder pile

Second explore
recharge blessing of the ancients to examine the top of the location. examine Lucrehold Card 2: Eel Skin Armor. Will choose to encounter and attempt fortitude. recharge pearl of magic to use survival in place of fortitude. +1d4 for revealing aspect of the bear and adding animal trait.

Fortitude Survival 9: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 5 + (2) = 14 Success. Acquire Eel Skin Armor

End turn
recharge Arboreal armor before reseting hand. then reset and end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Elk, Eel Skin Armor, Headband of the Wolf, Aspect of the Bear, Pteranodon,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 14 Discard: 6 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: survival in place of blank
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Banish Lucrehold #1
acquire Lucrehold #2

Korundo Deck Handler

OUT of turn updates
autofail the BYA dex check from Kruida.
which card : 1d4 ⇒ 2 - discard Animal call.

discard blessing of Gorum

Korundo will move with Amli to Theater of Corruption since we are on a ship.

Hour is Blessing of Erastil

Start of turn
Leryn examines the top card of the location. Theater of Corruption Card 1: Pearl of Magic.

Korundo keeps power feat as 6 card hand size

does not move but scenario effect triggers. +1d4 Aspect of the bear and animal trait reveal
Wisdom 9: 1d8 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (3) = 10 Success

First explore
encounter Theater of Corruption Card 1: Pearl of Magic. attempt Divine. reveal aspect of the bear to add animal and 1d4 to the check.
Divine 10: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 6 + (1) = 12 Success. Acquire.

Place Leryn on top of deck to examine next two cards
Theater of Corruption Card 2: Galvo
Theater of Corruption Card 3: World Wave

Keep the same order.

recharge compass to move to Lucrehold and examine the top card of the location

Lucrehold Card 1: Blessing of Hshurha

End turn
reset hand, display leryn. end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Blessing of the Ancients, Pearl of Magic, Arboreal Armor, Aspect of the bear, Blessing of Achaekek,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 13 Discard: 7 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: 6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo final location for the turn is Lucrehold

acquire Theater of Corruption Card 1

examine Theater of Corruption Card #2 and 3
examine Lucrehold #1

Korundo Deck Handler

Hour is Blessing of Hshurha

Start of turn
leryn reveals the top of the location deck - Windward Isle Card 3: Arronax Endymion

change power feat to 6 card hand size.

sceinaro effect - reveal aspect of the bear to add animal and 1d4 to the check.
Wisdom 9: 1d8 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 3 + (3) = 11 Success

First explore
encoutner Windward Isle Card 3: Arronax Endymion. reveal aspect of the bear to add animal and 1d4 to the check.
Charisma 13: 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + (2) = 6 Fail. Banish.

place leryn on top of deck to examine next two cards.
Windward Isle Card 4: Kurida - villain
Windward Isle Card 5: Blasting Pistol +2

place villian on top.

End turn
reset hand, display leryn end turn


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Blessing of the Ancients, Animal Call, Compass, Aspect of the bear, Blessing of Gorum,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 14 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: 6 card hand size
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


banish windward isle #3

Korundo Deck Handler

will recharge a card to use fortitude in place of survival - recharge monkey. reveal aspect of the bear to add animal and 1d4 to the check. Play Svingli's eye to add 1d4+2 to the check.

Fortitude 7+6: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 + 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 + (3) + (4) + 2 = 19 success

recover Svingli's eye - reveal aspect of the bear to add animal and 1d4 to the check.
Survival 9: 1d8 + 5 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 5 + (3) = 11 recharge it


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Aspect of the bear,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 18 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge card to use survival in place of blah
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


Korundo Deck Handler

out of turn update
Play call animal to get Aspect of the bear to my hand.

play Major cure on Korundo,
Heal : 1d4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 = 4 heal 4 random cards. elk, compass, blessing of the ancients, and Crystal of Healing hands

recover major cure. reveal monkey to add animal and 1d4

Divine 10: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 6 + (1) = 10 Success.

Call animal 6: 1d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 6 + (4) = 17 Success.


Korundo wrote:

Hand: Monkey, Svingli's Eye, Aspect of the bear,

Displayed: Leryn,
Deck: 16 Discard: 5 Buried: 0
Notes: power feat: recharge card to use survival in place of blah
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:
Strength: d10 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3 □ +4
Melee: Strength+2
Dexterity: d6 □ +1 □ +2
Constitution: d10 ◼️ +1 □ +2 □ +3
Intelligence: d4 □ +1
Wisdom: d8 ◼️ +1 ◼️ +2 ◼️ +3
Divine: Wisdom+3
Survival: Wisdom+2
Charisma: d4 □ +1 □ +2

Favored Card: Ally or Spell
Hand Size: 4 ◼️5 □6□7
Proficient with: Light Armors □Heavy Armors Weapons
Role Card: Primal Master
At the start (◼️ or when you encounter a bane) of your turn, you may choose an unchecked power feat on this card; it must be one you could gain when gaining a power feat. You may use that feat until you choose a different one.
For your combat check, you may reveal a card that has the Animal trait to use your Survival skill + 1d6(□1d10) and add the Animal and Melee traits. (◼️After the roll, you may additionally recharge that card to add its adventure deck number)(□or discard it to reroll the dice and take the new result).
◼️Add 1d4 to your check that invokes the Animal Triat
◼️You may recharge a card (◼️ or reveal a card that has the Animal trait) to add the Animal trait to your check.
◼️When you attempt an Acrobatics, Fortitude, Perception, or Stealth check, you may discard (□ or recharge) a card to use your Survival skill instead of the listed skill
□ At the end of your turn, you may discard a card to draw a card that has the Animal trait from your discard pile (□ or to exchange your displayed Hunter Class Deck corhort for another Hunter Class Deck cohort from the box).


Traits: Animal
Display this card. While displayed, you gain the skill Perception: Wisdom+2.
While displayed, at the start of your turn, you may examine the top card of your location deck.
While displayed you may put this card on top of your deck to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck; if you have a role card, you may put them back in any order.


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