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Moroboshi's page

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James Jacobs (Creative Director):
If you wield two weapons, the weapon in your off hand adds half your Strength bonus unless you have the Double Slice feat.[/] See the rules for light and one-handed weapons on page 141 of the Core Rulebook.

All (normal ;) )Character have 2 hand, main and off if you attack with the off hand you add only 0.5 bonus STR. no doubt JJ is not me or my comrades.

i've the answer i've asked to JJ:

Moroboshi wrote:

Hi, i've read FAQ, but i've yet a small problem. If i wielding 2 weapon (withh or without TWF feats) do i apply my full str bonus or only half of it with the second one?

Example: Fighter +6+1 with Longsword and a torch. reading faq, if he has TWF feat he can strike with any combination of them at +6+1 if he make only 2 attacks, but if he want use 3 attack he must declare it and take proper malus. This fighter strike with the longsword +6 (adding full STR damage bonus), but the second one? He can add full STR bonus also if he strike with weapon in the secon hand (or off hand)?

James Jacobs (Creative Director):
If you wield two weapons, the weapon in your off hand adds half your Strength bonus unless you have the Double Slice feat. See the rules for light and one-handed weapons on page 141 of the Core Rulebook.

yes, descripton after Hight and Weight

Hi, i've read FAQ, but i've yet a small problem. If i wielding 2 weapon (withh or without TWF feats) do i apply my full str bonus or only half of it with the second one?
Example: Fighter +6+1 with Longsword and a torch. reading faq, if he has TWF feat he can strike with any combination of them at +6+1 if he make only 2 attacks, but if he want use 3 attack he must declare it and take proper malus. This fighter strike with the longsword +6 (adding full STR damage bonus), but the second one? He can add full STR bonus also if he strike with weapon in the secon hand (or off hand)?

I haven't found it in Pathfinder CRB, but in D&D 3.5 player manual (similar to Pathfinder) on page 109 (Italian) you can read: A palyer can be Right or left-handed.
Also in CRB i've not read if i must breathe...

Stynkk wrote:

Off-handed Attacks *don't exist* outside of TWF. You can't make an off-handed attack without using TWF, it's just a normal attack *even if you use two weapons* - as Sean shows you in the FAQ.

Why? the first TWF feat don't give us nothing it only reduce penalties: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with

two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand
lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6.

if you wields two weapon you can strike with –6 –10 malus, with TWF penalties are only reduced

Stynkk wrote:
Moroboshi wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Reading this is clear to me that Off Hand STR malus is always active. You could have TWF or not, but if you strike an opponent with a second weapon in the same round you make an attack with a first weapon the second one is always off hand
I like James, he makes great contributions to the community, but SKR's FAQ sure seems to be incontradiction with this idea.

I don't believe it. Here we aren't talking about TWF, but only about Off Hand STR malus and FAQ don' tell us nothing, but hey if you are a Fighter with STR 30 it make a lot of difference adding +10 or +5 to damage and hey, you make an attack eith lonsword and a mace? ok also if don't have TWF, one of this is an off hand. FAQ alway speak about Character with TWF feats

James Jacobs (Creative Director):
:.... The ONLY time an attack is considered an off-hand attack is when you make an attack with a second weapon in the same round you make an attack with a first weapon.

Reading this is clear to me that Off Hand STR malus is always active. You could have TWF or not, but if you strike an opponent with a second weapon in the same round you make an attack with a first weapon the second one is always off hand

Grick wrote:

He then says "The ONLY time an attack is considered an off-hand attack is when you make an attack with a second weapon in the same round you make an attack with a first weapon."

But as that implies you're always TWF if you use a weapon in each hand, it could be argued that post-FAQ it only applies when TWF.

Thus, some people say you only have an off-hand if you're TWF.
So I think it's most reasonable to only deal with off-hand if you're TWF, and for iteratives treat them all as separate attacks.

First of all, hi to all. In the Example the Fighter has +6+1 (2 attack). If he wields 2 weapon also if he don't have TWF feat, wath if he strike with a lomg sword (+6) and with a light mace (+1)? sure reading faq he can do it, but he can add his full strenght to the second attack? FAQ don't tell us nothing to Off Hand STR malus but is reasonable to me believe that a weapon is always primary and the other is secondary.