We haven't had gaming money for a couple years due to my husband being unemployed and then underemployed. But about a month ago, my daughter asked us to teach her to play with us. We had the D&D Beginner Box from way back at the beginning of 3.0 when I was teaching my little sister to play and we were going to just take the materials from that and convert it to Pathfinder. And then we saw the BB at a game store while we were out last weekend. It was a no-brainer to save ourselves the conversion work. And when we opened the thing, it was so impressive. I don't know how many of you ever got a D&D Beginner Box, but it was lame compared to this one. So I love the materials in it and after a couple game sessions, my daughter (who is 6) has been doing a good job of getting the hang of things and learning her way around the character sheets. I had actually come to the Paizo site today to look for PDFs of the beautiful character sheets from the box when I saw the follow-up adventures available here as PDFs. I'm getting all the free stuff they've got and I'll wade through it to keep us going. But, at the end of the day, my daughter is only 6. Even if she gets a character to 5th level or 10th level or beyond, her capacity to understand all of the Core Rules is limited. So expansions on the Beginner Box would be of great interest to us. And particularly a Sandpoint Box with more adventures there. When I showed her the maps in the little GM book, she was really excited to finish in the dungeon and go explore the town. And while I can roll with that, having 20ish years of experience under my belt, I also really like the structure of planned adventures and such. Plus, we plan to try to buy some of the Pawn Boxes because we are so impressed with the pawns from the Beginner Box. So if there were pawns of various Sandpoint NPCs, that would be awesome.
Basically, as a parent teaching a young child how to play, any support for BB rules is going to be welcome. And box sets really speak to the cash-strapped cheapskate in me. So I definitely want to add my support for this idea in here.