Cold Rider

Morkarius's page

5 posts. Alias of Dan strother.

I'm looking for some more detailed background info on everyone's favorite evil mount such as food (souls?), general behavior outside of combat, etc. Anyone know of any source for this? I would prefer Pathfinder of course, but I'll take 3.5 or anything else I can get....

I'm finally going to get to be a player again! Yay for me! That being said, I'm considered using the leadership feat to attract a monster cohort, and I have several candidates at the moment. My question here is two fold: 1. Aside from just using the chart in the beastiary as a guide, is there any real formula for determining the necessary leadership score for attracting a monster? 2. Just to clarify, the ECL for a monster cohort is equal to its CR correct? Thanks alot everyone, this is pretty fresh territory for the whole group, apparently even though most of em have been playing since 2nd Ed, no one has ever used the Leadership feat........

Any takers on this?

I searched around for this but found nothing, so I apologize if it has been addressed before.

Our resident wizard just got his wish spell, yay for him, so this is really the first time that i have looked at the Pathfinder version of the spell. I notice that it no longer mentions anything about being able to create items, magical or otherwise. So my question is can the spell still be used to wish for items, magical or not, and if so, what are the current limitations for using it as such? Thanks alot guys.

An old friend has recently joined our campaign and he brought with him an unusual weapon. It has two enchantments from the Tome of Secrets book, which I allowed. The problem is that one of these enchantments causes double damage on any roll of 16 or higher and the other increases the crit range by 2 and the crit multiplier by 1. He put these on a bastard sword, which adds up to a 17-20 X3 weapon that deals double dmg on any roll over 16. He argues that this double damage multiplier stacks with the X3 crit, which basically puts him hitting for about 150-180 dmg on a crit (hes a barbarian). Nothing in that particular book states that such damage doesn't stack, so is there anything in the core rules that would prevent this? As is, this thing is far too broken, but he actually built a very nice background for the weapon itself, so I would hate to just disjunction it, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello all, Im a fairly new GM so Im still working my way through some of the more confusing rules. Tonight's session involved a relatively non-violent confrontation with a powerful sentient undead. One of the PCs attempted an intimidate check against the creature, which I allowed to be on the side of caution, but I honestly wasn't sure if it was possible. Undead are immune to all mind altering and fear based effects, so does intimidate count as either in this instance? Thanks alot for the help.