Morien's page

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MrSin wrote:
Morien wrote:
nighttree wrote:

If one ability is your only motivation to take an archytype...then the archytype is kind of a fail in my book.

But what are you giving up for it? Fiendish Sorcery.

Wait, why are you giving up fiendish sorcery?

My bad, forgot that was for the prehensile tail.

nighttree wrote:

If one ability is your only motivation to take an archytype...then the archytype is kind of a fail in my book.

But what are you giving up for it? Fiendish Sorcery. And if you are being a Magus, then this ability is worthless. And what do you get out of it? A weapon that no one can stop you from getting. It stacks with your other abilities. Perhaps being both a bladebound and a fiend flayer is overkill, but I always like backup plans....

You've been summoned to a meeting and are told to come unarmed. They know you are a magus, so you are disarmed and travel over a mile. You expected a trap and it manifests. You suddenly have a weapon. You broke no rules or your word. You did come unarmed, but they proved false. Ace in the hole.

ryric wrote:

We've always played it as a dwarf with Steel Soul gets:

+4 saves vs. spells/spell-like abilities
+2 saves vs. poison

I guess you could interpret it differently but I don't think RAI is to penalize a character for taking a feat.

That is the way I interpret it. Unfortunately, my GM does not always see it the same and won't change RAW for RAI unless it has been "officially" changed. It has been a while since this thread first reared itself, so thought there might be an official FAQ on it, but I can't find it.

So, I should assume it has not been officially interpreted one way or the other?

Movin wrote:

So here's my interpretation on this one.

far as i see.
1. increases bonus VS Spells/SLAS by a +2.
2. replaces the normal bonus from dwarfs Hardy trait.

It replaces the normal bonuses from the SLa/spells section, you don't lose the hardy trait.
Instead the modified hardy trait becomes +4 vs SLa's/spells and +2 vs poisons.

Old thread, but I can't find anything official on this one.

Does the Steel Soul feat give an additional +2 to Spells and spell-like abilities AND keep the hardy's +2 save vs. poison.


does it replace the entire Hardy racial trait.

In the former case, the feat adds +2 to a specific pair of things: spells and spell-like abilities. No bonus to anything else. Similar to other feats that add +2 (e.g., Acrobatic, Animal Affinity, Spell penetration).

In the latter, it equals out to a net 0. You give up your saves with Poison to get a further +2 bonus on spells and spell-like abilities.

Rerednaw wrote:

And it takes 2 pools points to summon this weapon. And that's only if you have dropped your con by 2 or more that day. And this ability cannot be used before 3rd because you have to select it as a magus arcana.

Now at 5th level getting access to lawful/axiomatic/unholy is nice...unfortunately you don't get access to something I would prefer...holy. For the few of us that like to play good heroes.

As for the ability to bypass outsider damage reduction, it too is another magus arcana. So you are 5th level before you can:
1) summon the weapon (2 con damage, 2 pool points)
2) bypass DR (1 pool point)

So you've damaged yourself and taken a big dent in your available pool. Now again, these are taking the archetype doesn't actually hurt you.

So sounds like a viable option. Especially if you are going melee-nova and then stack your base magus arcane pool buff on top of the fiendblade.

I will admit I am new to this class as well but trying a tiefling bladebound fiend flayer. I see this as a complete backup to getting seperated from my blade and using this to summon a new weapon. My GM likes to do devious things like dimension door, and other nasty traps that puts our group without all of our items. Plus, the ability to bypass an outsider's DR is by itself awesome. I won't be able to summon my blade until I am much higher and even then, only up to 1 mile away.

I apologize if this has been asked before. I just can't find it.

According to the posts, the DEX build Magus is one of the better builds. It depends on Weapon Finesse, Dervish Dance feats to be combined with the Scimitar.

I am confused as Weapon Finesses specifically states, "Light" weapons. Scimitar is NOT a light weapon according to Core rulebook. Has this been changed by errata anywhere?

Thanks in advance.

Nevermind, found in Bestiary, page 308, Paizo's definition:

A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one head, or a human-like torso, arms, and a head.

Since I have a head, and 2 arms, and have declared it to be similar to a Lillend, I think I am covered.

Thanks to all.

Regarding Eidolons and Enlarge Person spell

I understand that you can cast this spell on the Eidolon as Share Spells allow it to be done. BUT!!!, it does not say anything about the Form. The spell, Enlarge Person, says it is cast on a Humanoid, and if the Eidolon is biped, there is no doubt.

I have a serpentile form. My GM says it cannot be cast as the Eidolon is not biped. Is he right? Must I research the spell, Enlarge Monster/Enlarge Sepentile Form/Enlarge Quad Form to enlarge those eidolons that are not biped?

I need a reference point to a ruling, preferably 'offical' PAIZO

Many thanks in advance,


Pardon me if this has been asked before, but

Can a Eildon read tomes that increase stats?