Morgor's page

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Along the same line... Wizards can have multiple spellbooks.

Can Witches have multiple Familiars? For instance I currently have a 9th level Witch with a Pseudodragon Familiar that I adventure with. Could I also have say a cat that stays at home while I am out with my spell repertoire there as well? It states that Familiars can teach other familiars but does not state that we are limited to one. I'd just like to get some opinions on this. Not saying that I'm going to be 'that person with 29 cats'. I'd just like to have a backup should my main spell storing device get eaten or whatnot.

Is this a low level, mid or high level campaign, does the sword have a purpose, special ability(s), or intelligence. Does the sword have a history/lore? Did any specific race or races forge the sword, if so, possibly naming as you would appropriately of that race <ie. elven>. Was this sword passed down through the family or found on the corpse of a_random_mob?

When making specific weapons/items for longer campaigns I like to ask myself many of those questions and put some real thought into it. Many people here have offered great suggestions for names for your sword. The final touches are up to you and how far you want to get yourself and said paladin into this. The sky is the limit. The more you put into the experience, the more your players will get out of it.

Try a name like 'Ever Vigilant', just an opinion...