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![]() I ordered these back in August, then shortly thereafter they became ‘unavailable.’ Now I see they are available for ordering again, but the pending status has not changed. Are these actually in my sidecart, although not showing there? Or can I expect them to ship soon? I’m not trying to rush you.....just curious as to what is happening. Thanks! ![]()
![]() I received my July order, #4348275, so everything is good there. Here's my dilemma: The order was split into two shipments. Shipment A was my subscription Flip-Mat, Arcane Library. Shipment B had my subscription Pathfinder AP (Ironfang #6), a module I ordered separately, and two more flip-mats, also order separately. ALL of the items were in my sidecart, as requested, and I expected them to be in one shipment, along with the AP book. Why was the order split? Why did the flip-mat subscription item go out two days earlier then the rest? Why was I charged shipping on BOTH shipments, when they should have gone together? Do I have something set up incorrectly? Can we fix that ahead of the biggie in August? Enquiring Minds Want to Know! Thanks ![]()
![]() I ordered, and received this box through amazon.com. The set is supposed to include 20 medium bases, and 5 large bases. Inside the box was 10 large bases, and NO medium bases. This pawn set is about 90% medium creatures, so I do need the bases for them. Is it possible for you to send me some medium bases? I am an AP subscriber, so you can just add it to my next shipment. Or, am I just out of luck? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Thinking about buying ACG, but have some questions so I know what I will need: 1. Will an adventure path ACG box, say, Skull & Shackles, contain everything necessary for 4 people to play? Or must I add additional decks, or items? 2. Are class decks useable in any of the ACG games? As-is? Or mixed in? 3. Would a ROTR deck be useable in a S&S game? Or are they AP-specific? 4. I have all the cards from the Iconic Heroes mini sets. Can they be used by any player in any game? Thanks, everyone! ![]()
![]() Another player wants to play my 6th-Level game starting tomorrow. The pre-written module is set up for 4 players. How do I adjust the module for another player? Do I up the bad guys and monsters hit points? Levels? Attack numbers? All of the above? What are the best/simplest/easiest ways to prepare? Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() I am somewhat new to DMing, and am running a pre-written module inspired homebrew game. We play once a week. It seems that if we are to start at 2:00pm, that we never really get going until about 2:45. Players arriving, getting their gear ready, talking, eating, someone always being late, etc. holds up the start to the session. As DM, it is frustrating, and I try to find a lull in the action to set the tone, and begin play. How do you more experienced DMs let the players know that it's Go Time? And how do you ease from real life conversations into Pathfinder-mode? EDIT: Note that the game is hosted at the home of one of the players. |