Volshyenek Ornelos

Mordecai's page

405 posts. Alias of Set.


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Former vampire blood ‘donor,’ now cleric of Urgathoa, serving his own hunger.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Woo! Mordecai didn't get eaten!

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Next Swim check, attempting to get out of the water, in the direction away from the giant swimming mouth... 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Mordecai attempts to keep panic from seizing control of him as he struggles to reach shore.

While he can apparently swim with his Armor Check Penalty 0 Darkwood shield, it strains credulity that he could also do so while keeping his Morningstar in hand, so he drops it, valuing his life slightly more than an 8 gp. weapon. :)

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Ah, my bad. I lost track of that!

AoO 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
B/P damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

He then attempts to swim to the shore of the island, or, if there's a convenient dark elven corpse, shove it between him and the hungry fishie. (Given his swim check above, he probably fails to get very far...)

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Still no weapon in hand, so no AoO. All this channeling, and a shield to hold. Gonna have to invest in a spiked gauntlet...

Mordecai does his best to remain calm and get out of the water as quickly as possible. If he's not in a good position to do so, he tries to push one of the dark elven corpses in the direction of whatever is lurking in these waters, in hopes that it is motivated to take a bite of that easy meal, instead.

Yeah, Mordecai's not above pushing a corpse to a hungry monster to distract it!

Climb or Swim check, the roll is the same either way. 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Sadly, no AoO, as Mordecai has a shield and a free hand equipped, and since he doesn't have martial weapon proficiency, he can't shield bash proficiently.

Mordecai draws one last time upon the fleeting traces of the Pallid Princess' alien hunger, as he pulls his Morningstar from his belt.

last channel energy, all drow, and the fish, if possible, DC 16 will save for half 3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4) = 12

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai attempts to remain calm and pull himself up out of the water.

What possesses these northern savages to live so close to the cold stinking treacherous sea? Give me warm sun and clean sand, any day!

climb DC 5, if he makes it, he will also channel energy with his standard action, wishing to cause harm not merely to these foul elves, but their black-finned toothsome pet, as well. 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

channel energy, Will DC 16 halves 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1) = 11

As another wave of dark energy pours from him and the sound of unseen carrion flies grows around him, Mordecai growls, "I serve the Eternal Hunger. I will *not* be eaten!"

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Ooh, Reflex save. My kryptonite! 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

"Oh hells," Mordecai says under his breath as the sodden wood gives way beneath him and he plunges shoulder-deep in the brackish water, with only a fortunate last minute death-grip on the edge of the pier saving him from dropping entirely below the surface.

Two channels left, I believe. Mordecai did always wonder what it would be like to channel negative energy from inside somethings' stomach. Perhaps this will be his big chance...

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Right behind Tyrrol.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai feels the darkness tearing from his body like a river of ice, and feels suspended, as if trembling on the precipice of a great hungry void, pulling the lives of his foes past him to be devoured by oblivion. The sensation causes him to laugh involuntarily as he continues to channel the power of the Pallid Princess.

"Death is my gift to you all!" he cries out, as the negative energy continues to wash over the room, swirling past his allies like a river around stones, to only draw vitality from their elven foes.

More channel energy, DC 16 Will save for half, affects all in 30 ft. but himself, Lecian, Lothan and Tyrrol. 3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 5) = 15

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai sees Tyrrol before him, and suspects that his immediate impulse will be to charge the blighted elves before him, and so he waits for that to happen, before moving up behind him and unleashing his dark lady's 'blessing.'

Delay action until Tyrrol goes. If Tyrrol moves foreward, Mordecai follows, moving to right behind him, before unleashing negative energy. If Tyrrols action is *not* to advance, Mordecai brushes past him and advances to K4, which should place all of the drow within 30 ft. for channeling purposes. Will DC 16 for half. Excluding Tyrrol, Lecian and Lothan, as usual.

3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) = 14

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6
Tyrrol Radanavich wrote:
Mordecai, isn't the damage bonus on spiritual weapon +1 per three levels, so shouldn't that be +2, not +1?

Indeed it is, thanks for pointing that out. I forgot to adjust it after leveling up to six! The dark elf struck would have taken four more points from last rounds' critical hit, and another point or two from previous rounds hit(s).

I still can't believe I got a scythe crit! Woot! x4 multiplier! :)

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

If no enemy is within sword's length of him, Mordecai will rise to his feet, offering Lecian a curt nod of thanks, and attempt to get his bearings. If foes remain within ten paces of his position, he will call upon the Pallid Princess once again to strike the life from their blighted bodies.

move action to stand, standard action to channel 3d6 negative energy, Will DC 16 for half. 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 2) = 7

If none are within range, he will step forward until some are, but has no time for further action.

Is the spiritual weapon poofed because of the SR 14 roll? If not, it will continue attacking its target.

spiritual scythe attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
force damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
miss chance, if applicable, low roll is bad 1d100 ⇒ 87

confirming possible crit 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
extra damage if crit is confirmed! 3d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 6, 1) + 3 = 15

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Spell Resistance check for scythe 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Fort save 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

And Mordecai decides that this is a great moment for a nap...

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai will follow Tyrrol, to the limits of his movement, and then channel, if any seem within line of effect and 30 ft. range. If not, he'll use a double move to try and get up the ladder.

He's seen the kind of crap that lives in the water around here. Swamp barracudas. Reefclaws. Bunyips. Wading is *not* an option. :)

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai continues to move forward as best he can, trusting to his skills at navigating in the lightless hallways of his former mistress to help him keep his footing.

When he feels that he is within ten paces of as many of these blighted elves as possible, he unleashes the dark sacrament of his goddess upon them. "Death be upon you, dogs!"

channeled negative energy, excluding Tyrrol, Lothan and Lecian via Selective Channeling, Will DC 16 for half 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5) = 10

Somewhere in the confusion, the spectral scythe he has conjured continues it's attack.

spiritual scythe attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
force damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
miss chance, if applicable, low roll is bad 1d100 ⇒ 58

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Fort save 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

"I suppose we are going to have to fight them on their terms, instead of wait them out." Mordecai says, some of Tyrrol's fatalism rubbing off on him.

He calls up another scythe of dark energy, and directs it to attack the nearest dark elf, stepping into the room, shield raised.

spiritual scythe attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
force damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
miss chance, if applicable, 1-50 misses if they are totally obscured by darkness 1d100 ⇒ 3

Mordecai has Blind-Fight, so his movement is unhindered by darkness or blindness, although it is of zero use for ranged combat, so it doesn't reduce his miss chance if he can't see his target, or allow him to not count as flat-footed against ranged attackers.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

My bad on the pocketwatch. But Tyroll has an ioun torch, and Lothan and Mordecai both have continual flame items, so we've probably got all the light we need. Instead Mordecai will cast guidance on Lothan, so that his first attack roll, save, skill or ability check in the next minute will have a +1.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

"Hold the doorway, make them come to us, do not let them dictate our actions." Mordecai says quietly.

He is unsure if it will have any effect on the darkness they have generated, but he calls forth light on Tyrrol's pocketwatch.

cast light cantrip, Mordecai also has a continual flame amulet as a second light source

Ideally, I would have shut the door and let their spells wear off, but we've already drunk potions and cast spells, so that plan's out. :)

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Initiative, for when it's needed 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

"Let them come to us, that may strike them down as they enter this chamber one by one." Mordecai says.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Initiative 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Surprise round
Mordecai sees the two drow and mutters, "More of these diseased elves. Pale Lady take you!" as he channels negative energy to bring them harm.

Negative energy damage. Selective Channel to avoid harming Lecian, Lothan or Tyrrol. Will DC 16 for half damage. 3d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 1) = 10

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai, seeming to notice the wounds he has taken for the first time, stopping to cast a spell upon himself before asking belatedly, "Do any others suffer injury and require healing?"

cure serious wounds on self 3d8 + 6 ⇒ (5, 2, 5) + 6 = 18

Afterwards, looking at the items that Lecian and himself have identified, Mordecai will scoop up the items, except for the leather armor, and look to Lecian, "Can you make use of this wand? If not, we'll sell it and divide it's value later, along with the rest of this swag."

"The armor is masterwork, but I don't feel like lugging it out of here. If someone of stronger stuff than myself wishes to, that would be excellent."

Party treasure

wand of produce flame (24 charges), +1 spear, masterwork dagger, two silver bracelets worth 50 gp each, silver ring worth 100 gp

Mordecai will holster his morningstar and hold the magical spear in one hand as they proceed.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai shows naught but irritation at the raking claws of the demon, and his spiritual scythe continues to attack the creature.

spiritual scythe attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
miss chance, 1-20% misses 1d100 ⇒ 68
force damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

He steps from the creature, and sends his morningstar to the attack, carried on spectral hands not his own.

hand of the acolyte powered morningstar attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
miss chance, 1-20% misses 1d100 ⇒ 61
non-magical b/p damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai is startled by the beast that has leapt upon Lecian, and makes sure to keep a step between himself and the brute as he calls upon the black scythe of Urgathoa to reap this creature down.

5 ft. step if necessary to be out of AoO range of the beast on Lecian, and cast spiritual weapon to attack it.

spiritual scythe attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
miss chance, 1-20% misses 1d100 ⇒ 79
force damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
Initiative 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Once Lecian is prepared, Mordecai nods and says, "Let's investigate, but be wary of any surprises our mystery guest has left behind to hinder pursuit..."

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

"See, if we'd brought a Paladin along, we would have been in for a pointless fight, and this poor woman would still be cursed to this place, returning a few days after he moved on." Mordecai says smugly, before turning to see examine the area for anything worth liberating.

and he casts detect magic

Take 10 on Perception for a 22, if possible, if not... 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Knowledge (religion) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

"As I understand it, yes, but the state of undeath is generally a state of defying the rules about such things, so it's not always that cut and dried..." Mordecai whispers back.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Thank goodness someone knows what's going on! Mordecai is all 'What? Huh?' :)

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai mutters an incantation softly, to attune his eyes to the glow of magic detect magic and attempts to peer into the cave around the ghostly woman.

seeing if it looks like there are any other entrances or exits, or mounds of treasure or items that glow with magic auras

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

"Tell us of this Yaris, kind lady, that we may seek him out for you..." he says in an earnest tone.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

Two 13s. How auspicious!

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

"The language is unknown to me as well, I leave it to your arcane scholarship." Mordecai says to Lecian, as he winces at the racket Tyrrol is making.

"It may be more conducive to study to move back a bit..." he adds, grabbing the strangely hued elf by the boot and dragging him back across the room, so that he is not so close to Tyrrols arcing flail.

He then thanks the goddess for stealing the life of this creature, and begs her indulgence to open his eyes to the glow of the arcane as he begins to search the dark elves bodies for swag.

detect magic

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai steps forward to behind where Lothan has entered the darkness, and calls upon Urgathoa. "As lights flicker and dim, so let life's flame gutter and die." The sound of buzzing carrion flies and the stench of rotting flesh fills the air as he grips his unholy symbol in a hand that grows pale and withered.

Channel negative energy to damage all living creatures within 30 ft. of his current location, selective channeling to exclude Tyrrol, Lecian and Lothan. Will save DC 16 for half damage. 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5) = 13

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

"I speak Goblin, so I'm fluent in gibberish." Mordecai mutters back. "That's not gibberish..."

Mordecai casts a light spell on Lothan's blade, and then steps forward after Tyrrol, his own continual flame locket ablaze upon his breast.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Initiative, Dex 12 for tie-breaking 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

"I have light," Mordecai says softly, so that his voice does not carry, gesturing at the glowing pendent around his neck. "Although Lecian's arcane light would also be welcome, so that we are never reliant on a single light source."

continual flame locket

He reaches forward to Lothan, intoning a soft word, and uses his wand to stitch up some of his most recent injury.

wand of cure light wounds on Lothan 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

If the corridor is 5 ft. wide, we might as well stick to Tyrrol, Lothan, Mordecai and Lecian in single file. If it's 10 ft. wide, Tyrrol and Lothan can take up the front, while Mordecai and Lecian cower in the back. Er, I mean, 'lead from the rear,' of course. :)

Mordecai pulls out and opens his copper and blood agate locket of continual flame, as a light source.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

My, we are a perceptive bunch...

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Well, not Mordecai, obviously, he's still trying to figure out how dead he'd be if he'd fallen...

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai looks less amused than he normally does by Tyrrol's fatalism, but nods, "Agreed."

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai flails about, attempting to regain his balance, muttering a blasphemous Osirioni profanity.

Reflex save 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

He closes his eyes for a moment in reflection, as his heart hammers in his chest. 'Beloved goddess, thank you for reminding me that I am ever but a single step away from your white kingdom.'

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai calls upon Urgathoa's grace, once again.

guidance for all he can reach (self, Lecian, Lothan), +1 to their climb check.

"Would you be so kind as to give me a hand over, Lothan? I am quite unused to this sort of excursion..."

Hoping for an Aid Other check!

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Not that it will help...

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai will follow, refreshing his incantations periodically, and keeping an eye behind to watch for Lecian.

Guidance refresh, if needed. +1 to next check within 1 minute.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

"This seems a nigh-impossible route by which a man struggling with purloined paymaster's chest full of precious skymetal would travel..." Mordecai observes quietly, keeping his voice low, in case there are unseen eavesdroppers behind them. "Perhaps he lowered the stolen materials to some hiding place below this ledge?"

Perception check, peering over the edge. 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Mordecai offers the blessing, such as it is, of the Pallid Princess to those who brave the edge.

guidance, +1 to a single save, ability check, skill check or attack roll within 1 minute

"Some sort of rope, if anyone has one, might be a good idea..." he offers.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Are we still rolling for hit points? If so; 1d8 ⇒ 6

Ooh, an above average roll! Four more levels of sixes and I'll be up to average hit points.

My dice are really, really encouraging Mordecai's plan on becoming undead someday...

Also, done.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6
SD DM wrote:

Akron nods. "I can probably hold this place down while you search. Leave me Kuva and Samaritha and I'm sure we can keep the boys in line."


Akron pays strict attention while Mordecai shows him how to tend for Clegg.

The only thing Mordecai shows him, once the other men are gone, is how to keep Clegg unconscious without killing him. Him waking up would be... inconvenient. :)

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6
Tyrrol Radanavich wrote:
"Perhaps we should see where he has been going?"

Mordecai concurs, "Agreed."

It would be good to know where all the skymetal has gone, after all... he thinks.

"Perhaps Akron should remain here to keep an eye on Clegg's condition and make sure that he does not suffer a setback? I can give you some basic healer's instruction on how to keep him from slipping away." Mordecai offers, suppressing the urge to grin.

(AC 19, hp 33 of 37) Human Cleric (Urgathoa) 6

Sorry for delay in posting, busy week!

Mordecai looks put out at having to talk to the filthy rabble, but puts on a somber face and cleans Clegg's wounds, talking care to get some of the unconscious man's blood on his hands and breastplate.

He steps from the tent, where the various thugs and ne'er do wells are no doubt gathering to discuss what little they can comprehend of their future.

"Gentlemen," he begins, trying not to make the word sound like mockery, "Clegg is stable, and I believe that the power of the goddess can prevent his transformation into a mindless beast."

"But for now, he is in no condition to lead this expedition. As he may recover shortly, it might be best to stick to whatever chain of command he has established, rather than run amok, and risk his wrath when he recovers, although that choice remains yours to make. I intend to do all in my power to keep him alive, as it would be in my own best interests to have one of the most powerful men in Riddleport look upon me favorably."

Mordecai pauses, before asking of the assembled men, "I would ask of you, it seems that Clegg was lured from this camp and beset upon by hostile forces. Did anyone among you see him depart earlier this evening, and was he with anyone, or behaving suspiciously, as if coerced or enchanted?"

Mordecai has come to suspect that the missing skymetal left with Clegg on his mysterious excursion, and wishes to subtly interrogate the men in the camp as to whether they saw him leave, and whether or not he was carrying something that might have held the missing skymetal, although he obviously won't ask that specific question, as he doesn't want to tip the men off that the skymetal they have been promised has gone missing...

Diplomacy check, +11 for a 21 if he can Take 10. Otherwise... 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

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