Mogomra's page

2 posts (601 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Daniel Moyer wrote:
I don't know what a Chaos Monk is, never seen it, but my example would be a modern day 'pro-wrestler' in theme. Despite the fact that they (modern pro-wrestling ACTORS) still need some semblance of discipline to prevent themselves and co-ACTORS from getting injured. What alignment do you make a guy, who isn't acting, and beats things to death with his bare hands violently, I'm betting it's not Lawful. A good example being a 400 lb. Gorilla, not exceedingly smart, not disiciplined at all and very savage, but I guarantee you wouldn't want one on your chest beating on you. Yes, this is the kind of character I want to play at some point and 400lb. Gorilla isn't a class. (Yea, I think Carmaggedon is amazing amounts of fun too! LOL!)

You hit the nail on the head right there. The fact of the matter is that if you want to be engaging in Unarmed Combat in PRPG, the Monk Class is the way to go. But as it stands right now, its alignment requirements prevent you from implementing character concepts such as wrestlers, boxers, and drunken masters, and other neutral/chaotic characters that are experts at unarmed combat.

Sutekh the Destroyer wrote:
Everytime someone comes in to my level 10 game with a Rogue 2/Fighter 2/Assassin 4/Dreadnought 2, I had a PC in my group without an identity; a bundle of great abilities with no core narrative to motivate or challenge the character.

A character without a narrative isn't something that can be blamed on class combinations - you have to lay responsibility for that at the feet of the players themselves.

Sutekh the Destroyer wrote:
PFRPG helps me keep it plausible to have a Rogue 10. That is nice.

It is. But why should the person that wants to play a single classed Dwarven Rogue end up with 20 HP less then the person that wants to play a Halfling Rogue?